Page 56 - 2022-2023 Creative Writing
P. 56

Crowded street

         The honking of cars and the shouting of an ocean of people seem pretty stressful. The roadway is

         marked with a wheel imprint from vehicles as people start their day by opening businesses and
         bargaining deals. Rich colors swayed in the morning sunshine as citizens swarmed like a school of fish in

         busy streets. As time doesn't wait for anyone, everyone hurries to their school, university, college, or

         work while conversing about a mixture of topics.

          Everyone in the crowd hurries to continue about their life as they rush to work or talk loudly on the

         phone with their friends to catch up. Likewise, wholesalers and retailers are convincing customers to buy

         their products. During the afternoon is when the streets buzz with most life as any variety of people
         such as college students to average office workers pass by.

                             Although city life is lovely, all these commotions are quite nerve-racking.

          Metropolis alley is full of automobile noises that are honking, and motors as drivers rush to their

         destination. Types of colors and sizes of cars pass by as the light changes my head dizzy sometimes. The

         sound of traffic and signals can be so overwhelming that your ears hurt. Furthermore, the smoke from
         auto cars only spoils the mood, ruining the atmosphere. Besides transport, they don't do well for

         surroundings such as noise and air pollution. There are also elders feeding pigeons which got used to close

         to human contact. Stray cats and dogs living off of waste in trash is disturbing to mysophobia. It would

         be awful if there were rodents such as mice or rats because of poor hygiene.

          With crowds of hustling and bustling people going about their everyday lives, the energetic environment

         of lively streets is dynamic. But for introverts like me, such a crowded place won't do well because of
         the fear of strangers. It felt suffocating to be squished against people since if you don't move, you would

         be stepped on. Moreover, vibrant colors hurt my eyes since looking at a close object is not good. Plus all

         the conversations of different individuals tire my ears out. It is clear that even if a city street is a
         beautiful place it can be too much.

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