Page 59 - 2022-2023 Creative Writing
P. 59

The stranger in our home

   The sky here was not blue… it was a nasty red sky with huge black crows flying in a circle. For a moment, I thought

      I was dreaming. Just a while ago, we were having a nice family dinner, but now I am alone in this weird place.

        I was so excited for my birthday party; everyone was doing their own things. Mom and dad were in the kitchen
    preparing the most delicious meal. My dear friends were here to help me decorate the house. It was time; the sun

   was setting beautifully. My relatives and friends were all coming in one by one. Everyone had taken their seats and
     we were enjoying every second, until this loud knock on our door surprised us. As the birthday person, I went to

                                                                      answer the door.

      A thin, very pale looking girl was standing on our doorstep alone, holding a doll. She looked like she was lost and
     had not eaten for days. We invited her to our party and gave her food. Even after doing a lot for her, she did not

      say one word. She now looks better but mysterious. We just let her take her time and enjoy the party with us.

           That girl was a little too suspicious, but when I told my parents my thoughts, they ignored me saying I am

   overreacting. She was giving me the worst vibe. I was so focused on her. Aha! I knew it, she was putting something

         in the drink vase. I came running and pushed her, everyone was surprised and my mom was furious. I told
    everyone I saw her putting something into our drink, but no one believed me. My dad drank the juice to prove me

                                             wrong. The strange part was that dad was simply fine.

                                Now everyone is thinking I am the villain here.

          I run to my room, feeling resentful. I cried in my room, it was MY birthday, and I clearly SAW everything but

    everyone is on the girl's side side! I felt a little better, and was ready to apologize to the girl. When I went back to
        the living room, there was no one. Everyone was gone without a trace. After searching everywhere, I found

                                    nothing but that little girl’s creepy doll. I knew this is about that girl.

      I run to outside to see if their car is still here, but this was not the world I live in. Not just my family, but everyone

      was gone. The sky here is not the same. I do not know how I got here or how to go back. Was that girl a witch?
                                                            Ghost? What did she do to me?

                                  I am left feeling helpless, knowing nothing…

                                                                     11A Misheel .A
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