Page 62 - 2022-2023 Creative Writing
P. 62

Crowded Bus

     A chilly breeze from a narrow gap in the window, dissolves in the boiling, heavy, dense atmosphere.  The warm

     breath coming from all the passengers heats the air in the bus. The sound of exploding fireworks and children’s
      joyous exclamations can be heard far outside the vehicle however not even a glance can be seen through the

     fog of the windows. The bus moves forward with long pauses in between, the only thing visible in the bus is the

     roof decorated by glimmering snowflake stickers beside a Santa Claus. Not a single space to move or step can
          be found in the gapless crowd. The bus moving forward can only be felt by its roaring, worn out engines.

           I am supported from every side like a warm embrace from my

                                             grandparents after a long time.

      For a moment, I am a baby again in a cradle, whimpering due to the discomfort and demanding a huge stretch

     to release my numb body. The uneasy feeling of nausea began to grow in my stomach, ready to burst out if I do
        not get a full breath of fresh air. The deafening sound coming from phones and the sharp scent of perfume,

                                                         hitting my head like a baseball bat.

     Most passengers have frustrated and uneasy looks on their faces waiting impatiently to exit the bus. The crowd

     consists of various types of people, varying ages from kindergarten to retired. On the seat beside the back door
      there sits an old lady with her grandchildren on her lap. Both of them are staring into her phone with a cracked

      screen that has the cartoon “Pororo” playing on it. Beside them, a man in a full suit who is the ideal image of an
     office worker stands holding a plastic bag with vibrant and colorful Christmas tree ornaments falling asleep and

    standing and opening his exhausted and sleepy eyes with dark circles for a second and immediately going back

                                                                           to sleep.

       These are the images that fill my mind from my quiet seat in the


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