Page 75 - 2022-2023 Creative Writing
P. 75

Gender Equality in workplace

            Gender equality is a topic that is often discussed in workplaces. The topic can be very complex and

        sometimes difficult to understand. It is important to note that gender equality is not just about treating

        people based on their gender, but also about recognizing how their differences between men and women

        play into their work environments. The best way to begin this discussion is by first understanding why
        women and men have been treated differently in the first place and what gender equality really means.

            When we were kids, we thought we determined everything about us: our personality, strength,
        intelligence and many more things. The examples of common stereotypes that are believed by employers

        are women are more responsible to do tasks, they are suitable for being told what to do rather than

        being executive level employees and men have lower academic intelligence but higher emotional intelligence.
        Although, we should know that these are just stereotypes created by society who don't know about people

        inside their hearts. Fortunately, nowadays the traditional captive image of society on men and women is

        changing positively. At some point, it's not wrong to prefer one gender more than the other one because

        for example, it's obvious that the stronger gender will show higher work efficiency in fields which require
        physical strength.

            However, it is not always true and hiring practices should be based on qualifications and experience of

        the candidates, not gender. The most important thing is that both men and women should have equal job
        opportunities, equal chances to achieve higher positions within an organization in every work field and get

        the same amount of promotions and salary. Most of the time the only reason why one gender has more

        success in a specific work field than the other gender is because that one gender is often hired for being
        socially considered as 'suitable' for that job and the other one is often refused because they are 'not

        suitable'. According to these ideas employers should stop having a bias towards one gender instead of

        giving the same chances.

          To sum up, It’s not wrong to consider the gender for hiring or applying for jobs but it is also essential

            to understand both genders are equal and have the same rights as each other even though they might

                                                     have different roles and image in society.

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