Page 43 - good and useful man 2022 cover page
P. 43

working  anyway.  They  believed  that  God  would  provide  the
                                money, and He did!
                                     People around the world began to give money. A judge from
                                the  United  States  heard  of  what  God  was  doing  in  Japan.  He
                                wrote  a  letter  to  Charles  that  said,  “I  am  so  excited  about  the
                                work  you are doing in the villages, telling people about Jesus.
                                Will you visit a whole province for me? Here is $3,000 to do it!”
                                     The  workers  used  the  money  from  the  judge  to  visit  the
                                province called Saitama. One of the old priests they spoke with
                                said, “I believe that what you have told me today is the truth.
                                For the past 25  years,  I have shown thousands  of people the
                                wrong way. Now I want to lead them to Jesus, who is the Way,
                                the Truth and the Life.”
                                     When the whole province had been visited, Charles wrote to
                                the judge to let him know that the work was finished. His letter
                                explained,  “Because  you  gave  your  gift  of  money  to  God’s
                                work, approximately 1.5 million souls have heard the story of
                                Jesus. Hundreds have given their lives to Him.” The judge was
                                so  excited  about  what  God  had  done  that  he  sent  another
                                $2,000 to share Jesus in another province!
                                     In  one  town,  all  the  policemen  from  the  surrounding
                                villages  had  gathered  for  a  conference.  The  chief  officer
                                invited  the  Japanese  Christian  workers  to  speak  to  the
                                policemen.  They  sat  quietly,  listening  to  the  stories  from  the
                                Bible and what Jesus had done by dying on the cross. The chief
                                police officer said to the workers, “Would you stay and teach
                                us some more? We need to hear these things which will stop
                                our people from sinning.”
                                     Lettie said about visiting the villages, “We were at that task
                                night  and  day  for  five  years!  We  were  out  in  the  districts,
                                where  there  were  hundreds  of  people,  thousands  that  never
                                heard the name of Jesus. And it took five years and $100,000.
                                The  money  was  all  sent  in  answer  to  prayer  from  many  of
                                God’s people.”
                                     During the Great Village Campaign*, Bible college students
                                walked to many villages. People gave their lives to God. New

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