P. 2

The visionary Satyajit Ray

        (1921-1992) is India’s most

        famous director.  His visu-

        al style fused the aesthet-

        ics of European realism

        with evocative symbolic

        realism, which was based
        on classic Indian iconogra-

        phy, the aesthetic and nar-

        rative principles of rasa,

        the energies of shakti and

        shakta, the principles of

        dharma, and the practice
        of darsha dena/ darsha                             The Changing

        lena, all of which he in-

        corporated in a self-reflec-                                 World of

        tive way as the means of

        observing and recording

        the human condition in a                             Satyajit Ray:
        rapidly changing world.

        This unique amalgam of                            Reflections on

        self-expression expanded

        over four decades that cov-                         Anthropology

        er three periods of Bengali

        history, offering a fictional                          and History

        ethnography of a nation
        in transition from agricul-                           acters. They expand from

        tural, feudal societies to a                          the Indian declaration of In-

        capitalist economy.                                   dependence (1947) and the

                       His films show                         period of industrialization

        the emotional impact of                               and secularization of the

        the social, economic, and                             1950s and 1960s, to the rise

        political changes, on the                             of nationalism and Marx-
        personal lives of his char-
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