P. 4

ing polished shoes, but has                                         He is the caricature

        no etiquette manners. At                              of the lost ‘anthropologist’,

        ‘home’ nobody remembers                               a modern Odysseus return-

        or recognizes him, and he                             ing to his long-forgotten and

        is treated suspiciously even                          unrecognizable Ithaca. This

        by his own family. Following  caricature is never confirmed

        the constant                                                                 or renounced,
        interrogation                                                                but through-

        by his niece                                                                 out the film

        Anila (played                                                                the Stranger

        by Mamata                                                                    remains an am-

        Shankar),                                                                    biguous, lim-

        and her suspi-                                                               inoid persona,
        cious husband                                                                in-between the

        Sudhindra                                                                    unrecognizable

        (Deepankar                                                                   ‘home’ and the

        Dey), the un-                                                                ‘world’. Only in

        cle explains                                                                 the end of the

        his long ab-                                                                 film, he final-
        sence by por-                                                                ly rests in the

        traying his                                                                  back garden,

        outcast condition as that of                          the only space that survived

        an ‘anthropologist’. He dis-                          the rapid changes that took

        appeared for four decades                             place during his absence.

        because he wanted to sat-                             Just like a Buddha, the

        isfy his curiosity about the                          Stranger finally finds rest
        world: first, in terms of un-                         under the tree of knowledge

        derstanding what is thought  and wisdom.

        to be ‘primitive’ and ‘civi-                          This anthropological calling

        lized’; and second, to satisfy  in many ways also refers to

        his ‘wanderlust’, the urge to  the auteur himself. The four

        travel, to learn, and to ques- decades of the uncle’s ab-

        tion.                                                 sence echo the four decades
                                                              of the director’s work. For
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