P. 9
while carrying the collective education and in British and
hopes and painful disillu- American institutions.
sionment of an entire nation.
Ray’s unique In his trips inside
artistic au- and outside India, he came
thority was in contact with various intel-
the result of lectuals, including the film
his cosmo- director Jean Renoir, son
politan up- of the famous Impression-
bringing. His ist painter, and Jean Luc
family was Goddard, who was a major
relatively influence on Ray’s politi-
wealthy, with cal films in the 1970s. His
a reputation in the arts and debut ‘Apu trilogy’ (Pather
literature, going back to fif- Panchali filmed in 1955, fol-
teen generations (Banerjee lowed by Aparajito in 1956,
1996: 6, 7-9). His grandfa- and concluding with Apur
ther Upendra Kishore Ray- Sansar in 1959) acknowl-
chowdhury, and his father edged the influence of Eu-
Sukumar Ray were illus- ropean neorealist cinema
trators of children’s stories of Jean Renoir and Vittorio
in their magazine Sandesh. de Sica, using amateur ac-
From an early age, the tors, long semi-improvised
young Ray came in contact takes, a multi-vocal and
with Indian mythology, as multi-layered script shot on
well as, various different location, and using natural
forms of narration (epic light when possible, while
stories, biographies, and also introducing the cinema-
comedy). He was well-edu- tographer Subrata Mitra’s
cated, with studies in arts bouncing light: the use of
and music, as well as, a de- white sheets and mirrors to
gree in Economics from the imitate natural light (Ba-
Presidency College in Cal- nerjee 1996: 14, Ganguly
cutta, followed by further 2000: 3, among others). The