P. 12

dess, for instance in the form  public worship, songs, and

        of Uma: ‘Shiva’s gentle wife  decorations, before it is

        and the daughter of Mena-                             thrown in the Ganges at the

        ka and Himala-

        ya, who, standing

        in for the missed

        daughters of youth,
        evokes real longing’

        (McDermott 2011:

        76), and/or in the

        form of the ascend-

        ing Parvati, who

        ‘went to the moun-
        tain and laid aside

        her ornaments and

        put on garments

        made of the bark of

        trees’ (O’Flaherty

        1975: 256).
        Furthermore, Doya’s final                             end of the festivities. This

        exit is identical with the                            ethnographically abstract

        closing ceremonies of Durga/ portrayal of the rite of pas-

        Kali’s celebration, which are  sage of the persona of the

        depicted in a documenta-                              Ma, a masculine archetyp-

        ry style in the opening se-                           al symbol of Motherhood,

        quence of the film.                                   Creation and Destruction,
                                                              portrays the evolution of the

                       The opening credits  abstract faceless form of the

        of Devi begin with a close-up  symbol into a ritual mask

        of a faceless white statue of                         and then into a social perso-

        Ma, evolving into a sacred                            na becoming alive through

        mask, and finally to a statue  ritual. It echoes Mauss’s

        of Kali on a tableau, becom-                          essay on ‘the notion of the
        ing alive in a temple though  person’ and the ‘notion of
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