Page 3 - VISS Music Academy Brochure 2019-2020
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How do we enroll?
There are 2 ways to pay, both of which must be completed by Tuesday, 10 September
Option 1: Cash Payment.
Fill in the Application Form and return, with the cash payment, to The Finance Department, Gate 1.
Option 2: Electronic Transfer
Account Name: VISS
Bank Name: Sharjah Islamic Bank, Sharjah, UAE
Account Number: 0029-218899-004
IBAN: AE030410000029218899004
The student’s full name and ID number should be stated on the transfer instructions. Fill in the
Application Form, scan it along with the transfer confirmation and notification, including grade and
instrument, must be faxed to VISS accounts department, fax number 06-577-188 or e-mailed to
How do we purchase an instrument?
Students will need their own instrument to practice on at home and their own music text books. It is
strongly recommended that parents speak to the instrumental teacher first, before purchasing the
instrument so that they can assist you in finding the right size, brand, model of instrument and
Who are the instrumental teaching staff?
The Instrumental teaching staff are qualified and experienced professional musicians:
Ms. Anne Administrator
Mr. Carlos Woodwind teacher
Guitar teacher
Ms. Mariam Violin teacher
Mr. Jose Guitar teacher
Ms. Beth Piano teacher
Ms. Viktoriya Piano teacher
Mr. Ferdie Drum teacher
Mr. Jonathan Brass teacher
When will the lesson take place?
Lessons take place once a week. Each teacher has set days that they visit the school and the times
are between 8.00am and 4.00pm. Students are withdrawn from their class to attend instrumental
lessons. The lesson times change every week in a rotating timetable, to ensure that students do not
repeatedly miss the same class. You will be sent the timetable at the start of the term so that you can
plan ahead. This is common practice across the world and does not affect your child’s academic
progress. Primary School students have a 30 minute lesson and Secondary School students have a 40
minute lesson.
Victoria International School of Sharjah – Music Academy 2019 - 2020