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P. 21

                                                                                                                           Saturday 28 September 2019

            International Coffee Day

            ORANJESTAD — Every year  What does it takes to make
            on October 1st , the world  a cup of Coffee?
            comes  together  to  cel-    It  has  never  been  more
            ebrate  coffee  and  recog-  popular  and  there  have
            nize the millions of people  never  been  more  ways  to
            across  the  globe  -  from  drink  coffee;  lattes,  Frap-
            farmers,  to  roasters,  baris-  puccino’s, drip, cold brew,
            tas,  coffee  shop  owners  and  of  course  espresso  to
            and more  - who work hard  name a few. But what does
            to  create  and  serve  the  it  take  to  make  a  cup  of
            beverage we all love.        coffee? To start with, there
                                         are seven stages that form
            Since  1983  this  day  has  the coffee making process,
            been  commemorated  as  from 'bean to cup': Picking,
            International  Coffee  day  Washing,  Drying,  Grading,   issue,  as  the  prices  that  and their families.        sible for us to enjoy a nice
                                                                                                                                cup of coffee every day.
                                                                      producers  receive  today
            around  the  world  where  Roasting,  Cupping  and  of
            coffee  is  being  produced  course, Enjoying.            are  more  than  30%  below  This  is  a  good  day  to  rec-
                                                                      the average of the last ten  ognize the hard work done  No  matter  the  time  of  the
            and consumed. The first of-
            ficial date was October 1st  At  each  of  these  stages   years, threatening the live-  daily  by  the  producers  of  day  a  cup  of  coffee  is  al-
                                                                      lihoods  of  coffee  farmers  coffee.  They  make  it  pos-
            of  2015,  as  agreed  by  the  there  are  specially-trained                                                       ways welcome!! q
            International Coffee Orga-   people,  each  with  their
            nization and was launched  own  expertise,  who  play
            in  Milan.  This  day  is  also  an  important  role  in  cof-
            used to promote fair trade  fee's  production.  Coffee
            coffee and to raise aware-   impacts  so  many  people's
            ness  for  the  plight  of  the  lives, for many it is a passion
            coffee growers.              but for even more it is the
            Coffee  has  never  been  livelihood  on  which  they
            more  popular,  with  an  depend.
            estimated  3  billion  cups
            consumed  every  day,  a  Whilst this is a time for cele-
            number  which  continues  bration, leading up to and
            to  rise.  The  diverse  mix  of  during  ICD  each  year,  we
            global  celebrations  that  also need to focus on how
            take place on International  to continue to improve cof-
            Coffee Day truly showcase  fee’s  future.  At  present,  in
            coffee as one of the world’s  spite  of  growing  demand,
            most loved beverages.        coffee  faces  a  dramatic

              A little bit about the story of

              the Coffee business between
              Guajira and Aruba

              This area of the Caribbean Sea where this place is lo-
              cated known as “El Horno”, is where the Guajiro busi-
              nessman Jorge Romero Arteaga used to send coffee
              to Aruba. They use these small boats known as pira-
              guas.  This  place  close  to  the  city  of  Riohacha  was
              a heritage of the ancestors Romero, who accompa-
              nied General Jose Prudencio Padilla in the battle that
              took place at the Maracaibo Lake against Spain. As
              a gift, since they helped them win the battle, they
              were given this piece of land in the area of Cama-
              rones, where General Padilla was born. q
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