Page 14 - AHATA
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Tuesday 2 OcTOber 2018
A.T.A. invites all to enjoy Aruba’s Culinary side! October: Third edition
of ‘Eat Local Restaurant Month’
ORANJESTAD - Aruba Tourism Authority presents the ‘Eat Local Restau-
rant Month’ in October which is a concept that grew in popularity the
past years. Not only tourists love this event, also locals seem to enjoy it
very much. This is not an unfamiliar concept worldwide where big cit-
ies and countries organize a month whereas they focus on their local
A special menu is offered against a fixed and attractive price in or-
der for guests to enjoy and try different meals at different restaurants.
The ‘Eat Local Restaurant Month’ has a clear cultural tone because
guests will experience Aruba’s authentic plates and flavors that are
influenced by more than 90 nationalities in our island.
Inspection of Kitchens
This year will be the first year that all participating restaurants were
obliged to undergo a kitchen inspection. “This is for sure in the line of
what ATA wishes as we keep our quality high and hygiene is the most
important base for a good kitchen as well as the way ingredients are
handled”, says Darice Solognier, Niche Specialist for ATA. To excel in
a program, the quality must be determined and that has been done.
Focus on Local Flavor
Another condition for the restaurants to participate is that at least one
of the offered plates, appetizer, main course or dessert focusses on lo-
cal flavor. This can be with the ingredients or with the recipe, one way
or another the guests must experience a taste of coulure locale. 37 res-
taurants participate in this amazing concept which offers the guest a
lot of variation. “Besides the fact that it is fun to taste our culinary road,
the prices are very attractive like a two-course dinner for $ 15, three-
course for $30 or $40”, Solognier explains. The website
eatlocal will show you the menus so you can prepare and decide on.
The community of Aruba and its visitors are herewith invited to enjoy this
wonderful concept that will run until October 31. Invite your colleague,
friend, family along and enjoy some Dushi Aruba! q