Page 15 - AHATA
P. 15
Tuesday 2 OcTOber 2018
A Mural in the making
SAN NICOLAS — Prepara- rals of different buildings in the design of an Iguana.
tions started for the upcom- San Nicolas. Artists, Dmitrij, This was a 3D design made
ing event of Aruba Art Fair Mr. Dheo and Pariz One out of recycled materials.
2018. Artists from different have already worked to- Since than the library build-
countries are flying over to gether in the past. They are ing has been undergoing
exhibit their art on our “One now painting a mural on some renovation and is
Happy island”. the library building in San now ready and waiting to
Nicolas. Back In 2016 a mu- be transformed into a mas-
Three famous artists are ral in front of this building terpiece by these 3 artists
working very hard on mu- had been decorated with from Europe.
Dmitrij Proskin, ChemiS, of
Kazakhstan is a writer and
philanthropist, known in
Aruba, for his masterpiece
‘House of Cards’ on the
murals of Wintergarden res-
taurant in San Nicolas. Mr.
Dheo, young artist from Por-
tugal. Since young this art-
ist works of art have been
converted into spectacular
art pieces in over 40 coun-
tries. Pariz One, also from
Portugal, is a visual artist
specialized in Graffiti. He is
well-known for his painting
“What goes around”. He
is also known for his line of
sportswear filled with col-
ors and designs just as his
Aruba Art Fair will take
place on October 5, 6 and
7th, from 6 Pm till 11 PM at
the Mainstreet in San Nico-
las. For more information
visit their facebook page
Aruba Art Fair. q
Johnny Croes appointed as artistic Director for Cas di Cultura.
ORANJESTAD — The Direc- this assignation. He is more Boston. He obtained his de- of positive programs in or- to become Aruba’s house
tor of Cas di Cultura Mrs. than ready to assume his gree, cum laude. Currently der to help the youth de- of an symphony orchestra.
Vicky Arens-Tjon A Tjoe ap- position since Cas di Cul- Croes holds the position of velop themselves. This goal Croes and Cas di Cultura
pointed Croes as the artis- tura had a big influence sub-director of School of goes hand in hand with will work hard towards this
tic director for the concert in his development as mu- Music Rufo Wever, where the goal of Cas di Cultura goal. q
to commemorate Cas di sician and professional he has been teaching for
Cultura’s 60th anniversary pianist. Johnny Croes was more than 18 years.
on October 13th of 2018. born in Aruba. He gradu-
ated from the prestigious Croes also published 3
Croes is very honored with Berklee College of Music in piano books with compo-
sitions of Rufo Wever and
Padu Lampe, who are the
authors of Aruba’s Nation-
al Anthem. Croes is also a
member of the board of
directors of the Aruba Sym-
phony Festival & Academy.
Located on the hilly side of One of the main goals
Koeriboeri. Beautiful ,
3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms
3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms Croes has is to create Aru-
spacious Villa, with a ba’s own youth orchestra,
magnificent Ocean View, which is a social and cre-
Modern Open Kitchen with
Corian Countertops, large ative project. According
Living and Dining area, wide to Croes “Music creates
side Balcony, separate Guest a happy human being. It
bedroom and 4 Cars garage.
bedroom and 4 Cars garage. gives encouragement but
Fenced and with automatic
gate openers. Built up area at the same time it devel-
2552 sq. ft, Land 9240 sq. ft ops your brain”. Our society
A 1 Condition. nowadays is in deep need