P. 8

                       Tuesday 4 June 2019
            Future in doubt for Merkel's German govt after ally quits

            By GEIR MOULSON                                                                                                     become  notorious  for  in-
            BERLIN  (AP)  —  German                                                                                             fighting.  First,  a  spat  within
            Chancellor  Angela  Merkel                                                                                          Merkel's  own  bloc  over
            says she won't run for a fifth                                                                                      migration.  Then  an  argu-
            term,  but  the  departure                                                                                          ment  erupted  over  the  fu-
            of  a  top  ally  in  her  often-                                                                                   ture  of  the  domestic  spy
            cantankerous coalition has                                                                                          chief,  who  had  appeared
            raised  new  doubts  about                                                                                          to  downplay  far-right  vio-
            whether  her  government                                                                                            lence  against  migrants.
            will  even  survive  until  the                                                                                     More recently the two sides
            end  of  her  current  term  in                                                                                     have  tussled  over  Social
            2021.                                                                                                               Democratic  demands  for
            Here's a look at the political                                                                                      more generous pensions for
            turmoil  in  Germany  right                                                                                         low earners.
            now:                                                                                                                Support  for  both  coalition
            WHAT THE EUROPEAN PAR-                                                                                              partners has fallen, with the
            LIAMENT VOTE WROUGHT                                                                                                Greens  in  particular  ben-
            Merkel,  Germany's  leader                                                                                          efiting from general discon-
            since  2005,  has  run  the                                                                                         tent and a perception that
            country for most of her ten-                                                                                        the government isn't acting
            ure in a "grand coalition" of   German Chancellor Angela Merkel speaks to media prior to a special closed meeting of her   decisively  enough  to  fight
            her center-right Union bloc   Christian Democratic Union at the party's headquarters in Berlin, Germany, Sunday, June 2, 2019.   climate change.
            and  the  center-left  Social                                                                      Associated Press  ___
            Democrats.  Those  tradi-                                                                                           WHY DOES IT MATTER?
            tionally  were  Germany's  dropping  to  third  behind  leader  and  head  of  their  ernment  took  office  in  If  the  Social  Democrats
            biggest  parties  but  their  Merkel's  conservative  bloc  parliamentary  group,  pav-  March  2018,  nearly  six  decide  that  they  want  to
            support  has  eroded,  par-  and  the  environmentalist  ing the way for what could  months  after  a  national  leave  the  coalition,  that
            ticularly  that  of  the  Social  Greens for their worst post-  be  prolonged  uncertainty  election. The Social Demo-  would  likely  lead  to  an
            Democrats.                   World  War  II  performance  about the government's fu-   crats  initially  vowed  to  go  early election, which would
            On May 26, the center-left  in a nationwide vote.         ture.                        into opposition after a poor  end Merkel's nearly 14-year
            Social  Democrats  had  a  Andrea Nahles announced  ___                                election  result,  but  reluc-  reign.  Merkel's  bloc  alone
            disastrous result in the Euro-  her   resignation   Sunday  HOW DID WE GET HERE?       tantly reconsidered.         is far from having a parlia-
            pean  Parliament  election,  as  the  Social  Democrats'  Merkel's  fourth-term  gov-  The  coalition  has  since  mentary majority.q

            Trudeau: Violence against indigenous women often ignored

            TORONTO  (AP)  —  Cana-                                                                                             system  does  not  work  for
            dian  Prime  Minister  Jus-                                                                                         indigenous  people.  "They
            tin  Trudeau  said  Monday                                                                                          don't matter when they go
            the  disappearances  and                                                                                            through  that  system,"  Au-
            deaths of indigenous wom-                                                                                           dette said.
            en in Canada have too of-                                                                                           Audette  said  she  was  dis-
            ten been treated as a low                                                                                           appointed  Trudeau  didn't
            priority  or  ignored  and  he                                                                                      use  the  word  "genocide,"
            promised a national action                                                                                          and said, "I was hoping he
            plan to end the problem.                                                                                            would have that courage."
            Trudeau  was  responding                                                                                            But  chief  inquiry  commis-
            to an official inquiry report                                                                                       sioner  Marion  Buller  said
            issued  Monday  after  in-                                                                                          they  didn't  need  Trudeau
            terviews  with  2,380  family                                                                                       to use the word.
            members and experts that                                                                                            "We  often  think  of  geno-
            said the problem was so se-                                                                                         cide as the holocaust and
            rious it amounts to a "geno-                                                                                        the  killings  in  Africa  and
            cide."                                                                                                              elsewhere  and  of  course
            "Time and again, we have                                                                                            that  is  genocide,  and  of
            heard  of  their  disappear-                                                                                        course that is tragedy, but
            ance,  violence,  or  even                                                                                          that  type  of  genocide  we
            death  being  labelled  low                                                                                         have in Canada is ... death
            priority or ignored," Trudeau   Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks at the closing ceremony for the National Inquiry   by a million paper cuts for
            said. "It is absolutely unac-  into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls in Gatineau, Canada, Monday, June 3,   generations," Buller said.
            ceptable. And it must end."  2019.                                                                                  The report said police and
            A  Royal  Canadian  Mount-                                                                         Associated Press  the  justice  system  need
            ed Police report before the                                                                                         to  acknowledge  that  the
            inquiry  was  formed  found  That  study  reviewed  cas-  164 were missing and 1,017  Trudeau  said.  "But  we  will  historical  and  current  re-
            that    while   indigenous  es  from  1980  to  2013  and  murdered.                   fail you no longer."         lationship  with  Indigenous
            women  represent  about  found  1,181  First  Natons  "To  the  missing  and  mur-     Michèle  Audette,  one  of  people  has  been  largely
            4.3 percent of the total fe-  women  fell  into  the  miss-  dered  Indigenous  women  the  commissioners  of  the  defined  by  "colonialism,
            male  population,  they  ac-  ing  or  murdered  category  and  girls  of  Canada,  to  inquiry,  said  they  heard  racism, bias, discrimination,
            count for 16 percent of all  — almost double earlier es-  their  families,  and  to  survi-  from  women  and  family  and  fundamental  cultural
            female  homicide  victims.  timates.  Of  those  women,  vors — We have failed you"  members  that  the  justice  and societal differences."q
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