P. 5
U.S. NEWS Tuesday 4 June 2019
Carnival will pay $20M over pollution from its cruise ships
By CURT ANDERSON terms of probation from a
AP Legal Affairs Writer 2016 criminal conviction for
MIAMI (AP) — Carnival discharging oily waste from
Corp. reached a settle- its Princess Cruise Lines ships
ment Monday with federal and covering it up. Carni-
prosecutors in which the val paid a $40 million fine
world's largest cruise line and was put on five years'
agreed to pay a $20 million probation in that case,
penalty because its ships which affected all nine of
continued to pollute the its cruise brands that boast
oceans despite a previous more than 100 ships.
criminal conviction aimed Now Carnival has acknowl-
at curbing similar conduct. edged that in the years
Senior U.S. District Judge since its ships have commit-
Patricia Seitz approved the ted environmental crimes
agreement after Carnival such as dumping "gray
CEO Arnold Donald stood water" in prohibited places
up in open court and ad- such Alaska's Glacier Bay
mitted the company's re- National Park and know-
sponsibility for probation ingly allowing plastic to Protestors with hold a banner in opposition to Carnival Corp. outside of federal court,
violations stemming from be discharged along with Monday, June 3, 2019, in Miami.
the previous environmental food waste in the Baha- Associated Press
case. mas, which poses a severe
"The company pleads threat to marine life. violations might be met deadlines to create an im- Seitz is retiring later this year
guilty," Arnold said six times The company also admit- with prison time and crimi- proved compliance plan and is turning over the case
in a packed courtroom that ted falsifying compliance nal fines for individuals. "My and make other changes, to U.S. District Judge Ursula
include other senior Car- documents and other ad- goal is to have the defen- subject to fines of $1 million Ungaro, who jointly presid-
nival executives, including ministrative violations such dant change its behavior." per day if those deadlines ed over Monday's hearing.
company chairman and as having cleanup teams Under the settlement, Car- are not met. If a second Three people who claimed
Miami Heat owner Micky visit its ships just before nival promised there will be round of deadlines are not they were victims of Carni-
Arison. scheduled inspections. additional audits to check met, the fines could go up val's environmental viola-
"We acknowledge the Seitz at an earlier hearing for violations, a restructur- to $10 million a day. tions attended the hear-
shortcomings. I am here to- threatened to bar Carnival ing of the company's com- Other proposed changes ing. Their attorney, Knoll
day to formulate a plan to from docking at U.S. ports pliance and training pro- include a reduction by Lowney, expressed skepti-
fix them," Arnold added because of the violations grams, a better system for Carnival in the use of sin- cism that Carnival will keep
"The proof will be in the and said she might hold ex- reporting environmental vi- gle-use plastic items across its word this time.
pudding, won't it?" the ecutives individually liable olations to state and feder- its entire fleet and creation "Time and time again, Car-
judge replied. "If you all did for the probation violations. al agencies and improved of "tiger teams" meant to nival has shown its con-
not have the environment, "The concern I have is that waste management prac- make improvements in the tempt of environmental
you would have nothing to senior management has tices. ships' food and beverage laws and the rule of law,"
sell." no skin in the game," Seitz The agreement also would systems and how waste is he said.
Carnival admitted violating said, adding that future set Sept. 13 and Oct. 9 handled at sea. "Here we are again."q
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