P. 6

A6   U.S. NEWS
                       Tuesday 4 June 2019
            Judge: Federal

            wagering law

            only applies to

            sports gambling

            By MICHAEL CASEY             operations and could cost
            CONCORD,  N.H.  (AP)  —  A  the  state  more  than  $90
            federal  judge  ruled  Mon-  million a year.
            day  that  a  law  prohibiting  Data  gathered  by  The  As-
            interstate wagering applies  sociated Press shows states
            only  to  sports  gambling,  would  have  been  at  risk
            setting  aside  a  Justice  of losing $220 million in net
            Department  opinion  that  profits annually if the Justice
            some  states  feared  would  Department  had  targeted
            make  online  lottery  activi-  single tickets sold online or   In this Aug. 22, 2017 file photo signs display lottery prizes in Chicago.
            ties  including  Powerball  il-  more than $23 billion under                                                                   Associated Press
            legal and put the programs  the broadest interpretation
            they fund at risk.           that would have prohibited  Hampshire  stood  up,  took  lard, Interactive, which op-  pretation  of  the  Wire  Act,
            Judge Paul Barbadoro's rul-  all  lottery-related  activities  action,  and  won  —  all  to  erates the state's online lot-  this  ruling  has  nationwide
            ing comes in response to a  that  use  the  internet,  in-  protect  public  education  tery, said the ruling will not  impact," he said in a state-
            suit filed by the New Hamp-  cluding popular games like  in our state."                be  limited  to  New  Hamp-  ment.   "Throughout    the
            shire Lottery Commission in  Powerball.                   A  spokesman  for  the  Jus-  shire.  Michigan,  New  Jer-  country, state lotteries and
            February, which said a Jus-  "Today's  ruling  is  a  histor-  tice  Department  said  it  "is  sey  and  Pennsylvania  filed  others in the gaming indus-
            tice  Department  opinion  ic  victory  for  the  State  of  reviewing the decision and  friend-of-the  court  briefs  in  try once again can rely on
            issued last year subjects its  New  Hampshire  and  we  declines  to  comment  fur-    this case.                   the  Justice  Department's
            employees  to  prosecution,  are proud to have led this  ther at this time."           "Because  the  court  'set  2011 opinion that the Wire
            creates  uncertainty  about  effort,"  Gov.  Chris  Sununu  Matthew  D.  McGill,  who  aside'  the  Justice  Depart-  Act  is  limited  to  sports
            whether  it  should  cease  said  in  a  statement.  "New  represented  the  NeoPol-   ment's  incorrect  re-inter-  betting."q

             Businessman named in Mueller probe faces child porn charge

             By MATTHEW BARAKAT                                                                    ing  as  an  adviser  to  the  The  affidavit  states  that
             Associated Press                                                                      United  Arab  Emirates,  a  the search warrant, which
             ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) — A                                                              close  Saudi  ally  —  wired  remains under seal, was in
             Lebanese-American  busi-                                                              $2.5 million to a top Trump  connection  with  "another
             nessman  who  worked  to                                                              fundraiser,  Elliott  Broidy,  matter"  unconnected  to
             advance  Saudi  Arabia's                                                              through  a  company  in  child pornography.
             agenda  to  the  Trump  ad-                                                           Canada,  The  Associated  The  videos  described  in
             ministration  and  who  later                                                         Press  reported  last  year.  the  affidavit  show  sexual
             provided  grand  jury  testi-                                                         The goal was to persuade  contact  involving  animals,
             mony  to  special  counsel                                                            the U.S. to take a hard line  as  well  as  videos  in  which
             Robert  Mueller  about  his                                                           against  Qatar,  a  longtime  children as young as 3 are
             efforts  to  connect  a  Rus-                                                         American  ally  but  now  a  shown  enduring  painful
             sian banker to members of                                                             bitter adversary of the UAE.  abuse.
             Trump's transition team has                                                           Magistrate  Judge  Cheryl  Joshua Stueve, spokesman
             been arrested on charges     This 1998 frame from video provided by C-SPAN shows George   Pollak on Monday ordered  for the U.S. Attorney in the
             of transporting a dozen im-  Nader, president and editor of Middle East Insight.      Nader  detained  overnight  Eastern  District  of  Virginia,
             ages of child pornography                                            Associated Press   after  a  federal  prosecutor  declined  to  comment  on
             and bestiality.                                                                       argued that he was a dan-   whether  the  investigation
             Federal  prosecutors  in  the  Dmitriev, a Russian banker  A  second  meeting  oc-    ger to the community and  of  Nader  spun  off  from
             Eastern  District  of  Virginia  close to President Vladimir  curred a month later in the  a risk of flight. A bail hear-  Mueller's investigation.
             announced  that  George  Putin, to have Nader serve  Indian Ocean archipelago  ing  for  Nader  is  expected  Calls to attorneys who rep-
             Nader,  60,  was  arrested  as a conduit between him  of Seychelles and involved  to  resume  Tuesday  after-     resented  Nader  in  con-
             Monday  morning  at  John  and  members  of  Trump's  Nader,  bin  Zayed,  former  noon.                          nection with his grand jury
             F.  Kennedy  International  transition team.             Blackwater boss Erik Prince  An affidavit filed in support  testimony were not imme-
             Airport in New York.         Nader's  testimony  to  the  and Dmitriev.               of  the  child  porn  charges  diately returned Monday.
             The  charges  were  initially  grand  jury  came  after  he  According  to  the  Mueller  against Nader says investi-  Nader  pleaded  guilty  to
             filed in April 2018 but were  attended  a  December  report,  Dmitriev  expressed  gators  found  12  separate  an identical charge in Vir-
             not  made  public  until  his  2016 meeting at New York's  disappointment  to  Nad-   videos  after  his  phones  ginia  in  1991.  He  was  also
             arrest.                      Trump Tower with presiden-  er  about  the  Seychelles  were  seized  in  January  convicted  in  the  Czech
             Nader's  name  shows  up  tial  son-in-law  Jared  Kush-  meeting  because  he  did  2018 at Dulles International  Republic  by  Prague's  Mu-
             more  than  100  times  in  ner,  former  chief  strategist  not  consider  Prince  to  be  Airport  in  Virginia  in  con-  nicipal  Court  of  10  cases
             Mueller's recently released  Steve  Bannon  and  Mo-     an  influential  member  of  nection with a search war-  of  sexually  abusing  minors
             report.  The  report  de-    hammed bin Zayed, crown  the Trump team.                 rant, after he arrived on a  and  sentenced  to  a  one-
             scribes  efforts  by  and  Kirill  prince of Abu Dhabi.  In April 2017 Nader — work-  flight from Dubai.          year prison term in 2003.q
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