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              Saturday 22 September 2018

            Maldives prepares for polls seen as test for young democracy

            By    BHARATHA     MALLA-                                                                                           signal a new chapter in the
            WARACHI                                                                                                             islands’ turbulent history.
            KRISHAN FRANCIS                                                                                                     Nasheed  became  famous
            Associated Press                                                                                                    for  drawing  global  atten-
            MALE,  Maldives  (AP)  —  As                                                                                        tion to the perils of climate
            election  officials  made  fi-                                                                                      change that saw rising sea
            nal preparations for nation-                                                                                        levels  threaten  the  Mal-
            wide  elections  in  the  Mal-                                                                                      dives’  coral  reefs,  which
            dives,  the  European  Union                                                                                        rise  less  than  a  meter  (3.2
            said  it  is  not  sending  ob-                                                                                     feet) above sea level. “The
            servers because the coun-                                                                                           inundation of the Maldives
            try  has  failed  to  meet  the                                                                                     is just a generation away,”
            basic  conditions  for  moni-                                                                                       he warned.
            toring.                                                                                                             But  at  home,  Nasheed
            In  the  capital,  Male,  pink                                                                                      struggled  to  get  support
            and green campaign ban-                                                                                             from  officials  still  loyal  to
            ners  hung  in  the  streets.                                                                                       Gayoom,  and  resigned  in
            Election        commission                                                                                          2012  after  losing  military
            spokesman  Ahmed  Akram                                                                                             and  police  support  over
            said  the  country  was  fully                                                                                      the  arrest  of  a  prominent
            prepared  to  hold  a  free                                                                                         judge. He ran for the presi-
            and  fair  election  on  Sun-                                                                                       dency again in 2013 — the
            day.  But  in  neighboring  Sri                                                                                     Maldives’  second  multi-
            Lanka,  exiled  former  Mal-                                                                                        party  election  —  and  lost
            dives  President  Mohamed    People walk past a giant poster that shows Maldivian President Yameen Abdul Gayoom, right,   to  Gayoom’s  half-brother,
            Nasheed,  a  leader  of  the   and his running mate Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed, ahead of Sunday’s elections in Male, Mal-  current President Yameen.
            opposition, said Friday that   dives, Friday, Sept. 21, 2018.                                                       Since  then,  Yameen  has
            the vote could be rigged.                                                                          Associated Press  ruled with an iron fist, eras-
            A decade after Maldivians  half-brother, Maumoon Ab-      carrying  out  his  whims  by  ence,  which  he  described  ing  many  features  of  the
            took  to  the  streets  to  wel-  dul Gayoom, the Maldives’  legally amending the con-  as a land grab in the guise  young   democracy.     His
            come  democracy  to  the  former  strongman,  his  for-   stitution.                   of investments in island de-  government  subjects  jour-
            series  of  coral  atolls  in  the  mer vice president, two Su-  But  Yameen’s  supporters  velopment.              nalists  and  social  media
            Indian Ocean, voters head  preme  Court  justices,  two  counter  that  the  country’s  “We  believe  that  the  Chi-  users  to  punishing  fines  for
            to  the  ballot  box  in  what  former  defense  ministers  economy  and  institutions  nese  government  has  an  defamation.
            has become a referendum  and  scores  of  others  after  have  grown  under  him.  interest  in  maintaining  the  Its control of the courts re-
            on whether democracy will  trials criticized for a lack of  Yameen’s  campaign  slo-   authoritarian  rule  of  Presi-  sulted  in  a  much-criticized
            stay.                        due process.                 gan,  “Progress  shared,”  is  dent Yameen,” he said Fri-  trial  of  Nasheed,  who  in
            The  Maldives’  third  multi-  As  protests  culminating  in  a nod to the country’s de-  day at a news conference  2015  was  sentenced  to  13
            party  presidential  election  violent  confrontations  with  velopment.   Government  in Colombo.                  years  in  prison.  The  vice
            is being held five years after  police  and  mass  arrests  spokesman  Ibrahim  Hus-   Political  struggle  has  long  president,  Ahmed  Adeeb,
            incumbent  President  Ya-    have  grown,  opposition  sain Shihab said Yameen’s  beset the string of atolls.       was  also  arrested  in  2015
            meen  Abdul  Gayoom  be-     parties  —  many  of  them  administration  has  always  The  former  British  protec-  after what the government
            gan  consolidating  power,  Yameen’s  own  former  po-    sought  to  “maintain  the  torate  did  not  inherit  a  called  a  failed  assassina-
            rolling back press and indi-  litical  partners  —  formed  rule of law.”              full  parliamentary  system  tion  attempt  on  Yameen.
            vidual  freedoms,  asserting  an alliance in exile with the  Gross  domestic  product  of  government  like  many  Adeeb  is  currently  serving
            control  over  independent  aim of unseating him.         more  than  doubled  be-     other colonies. In 1953, the  a  33-year  prison  sentence
            governmental     institutions  Transparency    Maldives  tween  1990  and  2015,  life  812-year-old sultanate was  on terrorism and corruption
            and jailing or forcing major  spokesman    Aiman    Ra-   expectancy  at  birth  has  abolished  in  favor  of  a  re-  charges.
            political rivals into exile.  sheed  said  that  Sunday’s  increased and poverty de-   public, then restored again  A report by the Organized
            “There  is  a  need  to  reori-  vote  is  “a  referendum  on  clined, although high youth  a year later until 1968. Gay-  Crime  and  Reporting  Proj-
            ent  ourselves  and  take  authoritarianism       versus  unemployment  and  low  oom  came  to  power  in  ect  released  earlier  this
            stock  of  what  we  have  freedom.”                      participation  of  women  in  1978 through a public refer-  week  alleges  that  Adeep
            lost,” said Ahmed Tholal, a  Thorsten  Bargfrede,  head  the  workforce  persist,  ac-  endum.                      was  among  many  officials
            former member of the Hu-     of  the  political  depart-  cording to the World Bank.   Calls  for  the  recognition  including  Yameen  who  il-
            man  Rights  Commission  of  ment  at  the  EU  mission  in  Part  of  that  growth  is  due  of  political  parties  were  legally leased scores of the
            the  Maldives.  “There  is  a  Colombo,  the  capital  of  to aid and investment from  violently  suppressed  and  country’s  more  than  1,000
            need to ask ourselves if we  neighboring Sri Lanka, said  China, which is challenging  activists  jailed  during  Gay-  islands  for  tourism  devel-
            are willing to allow the hard  Friday that the group is not  India’s  long-held  position  oom’s  30-year  authoritar-  opment,  keeping  tens  of
            work  of  democratizing  the  sending  a  monitoring  mis-  as  the  dominant  outside  ian rule.                   millions of dollars in graft in
            country to go waste.”        sion because the Maldives  power  throughout  South  Gayoom finally introduced  2014-15.
            Beyond  the  postcard  im-   has not met the basic con-   Asia.  China  considers  the  democratic reforms in 2008  Yameen’s  only  contender
            age  the  Maldives  has  of  ditions.                     Maldives  a  key  cog  in  its  after  a  public  revolt  and  in Sunday’s election is long-
            luxury  resorts  and  white  He did not elaborate.        “Belt  and  Road”  project  the burning down of police  time     lawmaker    Ibrahim
            sand beaches, the 400,000  Gulbin Sultana, a research-    along ancient trade routes  stations  and  government  Mohamed  Solih,  backed
            citizens of the former British  er  on  the  Maldives  at  the  through  the  Indian  Ocean  vehicles  over  the  killing  of  by  Nasheed  who  is  now
            protectorate  have  strug-   Institute  of  Defense  Stud-  and Central Asia.          a man in government cus-     living  in  exile  in  neighbor-
            gled to maintain the dem-    ies  and  Analyses  based  in  Former  President  Nasheed  tody.                       ing Sri Lanka. Nasheed had
            ocratic  system  established  New  Delhi,  described  the  said  the  elections  could  However,  when  Gayoom  hoped  to  run  again,  but
            in 2008.                     state  of  the  country  as  a  be  the  last  chance  to  ex-  was  defeated  at  the  polls  was  disqualified  because
            Yameen has jailed two for-   “democratic  dictatorship”  tricate  his  country  from  by  pro-democracy  activ-     of  his  outstanding  prison
            mer presidents including his  in which Yameen has been  increasing  Chinese  influ-    ist  Nasheed,  it  seemed  to  sentence.q
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