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U.S. NEWS Saturday 22 September 2018
Woman stabs 5 - including
newborns - at New York nursery
By TOM HAYS a three-story, multifamily police said.
NEW YORK (AP) — A wom- townhouse in a neighbor- A butcher knife and meat
an stabbed five people — hood popular with Chinese cleaver were found at the
including three newborn immigrants in the Flushing scene.
babies — and then slashed section of Queens. Nine ba- The woman suspected in
her wrist early Friday inside bies were there during the the attack was discovered
a New York City home that attack, and the place had bleeding and unconscious
was apparently being used at least 11 cribs, the district in the basement, and after
as an unlicensed neighbor- attorney's office said. officers applied a tourni- The house were five people were stabbed overnight is seen,
hood nursery for new moth- Local elected officials said quet, she regained con- Friday, Sept. 21, 2018, in New York.
ers and their children, au- it appeared it was an un- sciousness and was taken Associated Press
thorities said. licensed facility for new to the hospital, police said.
All of the victims in the at- mothers and their babies to "We pray that all of the vic- seen outside the building's that company.
tack, which happened convalesce for a month, in tims will be fine and will sur- front door. In the afternoon, Dr. Anderson Sungmin
before 4 a.m., were hos- keeping with Chinese tradi- vive these injuries," Queens a woman emerged from Yoon, who works at a near-
pitalized but expected to tion. District Attorney Richard the house carrying a baby by community center offer-
survive. "This is every parent's worst Brown said. "We are hop- in her arms. She was driven ing counseling, came by
The 52-year-old suspect — nightmare imaginable," ing these young babies — away in a police vehicle. on Friday to offer comfort
an employee at the nurs- said state Assemblyman small and so very fragile — State records indicate that to neighbors. He said there
ery — was taken into police Ron Kim. He said it had ap- are also strong enough to a business called Mei Xin is often a stigma in the
custody and was being parently been operating overcome this horrible act Care Inc. was registered at community about seeking
treated for her wounds and for more than 10 years. of senseless violence." the address, but there was counseling for psychologi-
undergoing a psychiatric Police responding to a 911 A Pampers box could be no listed phone number for cal problems.q
examination, authorities call discovered a 3-day-
said. old girl and a 1-month-old
No immediate charges girl who had been stabbed
were filed, and police said in the abdomen, and a
the motive was under in- 20-day-old girl with cuts on
vestigation. her ear, chin and lip. The fa-
Investigators were trying to ther of one of the children
piece together what hap- and a woman who worked
pened inside the building, there were also stabbed,
California college moves
'Prospector Pete' statue
from plaza
LONG BEACH, Calif. (AP) no gold mining or panning
— California State Univer- tools.
sity, Long Beach, will move In recent years, univer-
its half-century-old "Pros- sity athletics have moved
pector Pete" statue away away from the college's
from a prominent place traditional "49er" and "Pros-
on campus because of the pector Pete" sports team
impact the 1849 gold rush and mascot names in favor
had on indigenous people. of the nickname "Beach."
A statement on the univer- The university said the stat-
sity website said the gold ue on a plaza will be retired
rush was "a time in history to a campus area dedicat-
when the indigenous peo- ed to alumni, but no further
ples of California endured details were provided.
subjugation, violence and University President Jane
threats of genocide." Close Conoley announced
According to the university, the decision in an email
the bronze statue formally Thursday after more than
named "The Forty-Niner a year of controversy over
Man" evolved from the cre- whether the statute should
ation of the original college be removed, the Long
in 1949 and founding Presi- Beach Press-Telegram re-
dent Pete Peterson's refer- ported .
ences to having "struck the The campus about 20 miles
gold of education." (32 kilometers) south of
The statue, unveiled in downtown Los Angeles was
1967, shows a rugged- once the location of an an-
looking, bearded man sit- cient village of the indige-
ting on a rock. It features nous Tongva people.q