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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 22 September 2018

            APNewsBreak: Army misses 2018 recruiting goal

            By LOLITA C. BALDOR                                                                                                 the  soldier  was  in  uniform
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  For                                                                                            and was able to talk about
            the first time since 2005, the                                                                                      his Army job while on air.
            U.S. Army missed its recruit-                                                                                       "We  reached  2.4  million
            ing  goal  this  year,  falling                                                                                     people over one hour, and
            short  by  about  6,500  sol-                                                                                       he was able to get the mes-
            diers,  despite  pouring  an                                                                                        sage out," said Muth.
            extra  $200  million  into  bo-                                                                                     The goal, he said, is to have
            nuses and approving some                                                                                            recruiters in uniform playing
            additional  waivers  for  bad                                                                                       the games in tournaments,
            conduct or health issues.                                                                                           reaching out to their target
            Army  leaders  said  they                                                                                           audience.  The  soldiers  will
            signed  up  about  70,000                                                                                           be restricted on the games
            new  active  duty  recruits                                                                                         they  will  be  able  to  play,
            in the fiscal year that ends                                                                                        and there will be oversight
            Sept.  30  —  well  below  the                                                                                      by senior officers.
            76,500  they  needed.  The                                                                                          In  addition,  he  said  the
            Army  National  Guard  and                                                                                          Army's   Golden    Knights
            Army  Reserves  also  fell  far                                                                                     parachute  demonstration
            short of their goals, by more                                                                                       team,  the  Marksmanship
            than  12,000  and  5,000  re-                                                                                       Unit and other similar teams
            spectively.  The  Navy,  Air                                                                                        that  travel  the  country  will
            Force  and  Marine  Corps,                                                                                          now be used mainly as re-
            meanwhile, all met their re-  In this June 4, 2017, file photo. nNew Army recruits take part in a swearing in ceremony before a   cruiting tools.
            cruiting goals for 2018.     baseball game between the San Diego Padres and the Colorado Rockies in San Diego.      "When  these  games  or
            The  Army's  shortfall,  said                                                                      Associated Press  these events occur, the fo-
            Maj.  Gen.  Joe  Calloway,                                                                                          cus  and  the  number  one
            was  fueled  by  the  strong  "There was hope that they  ment  needs.  At  that  time,  their  families  answer  the  priority  is  recruitment  and
            American  economy  and  would  be  able  to  do  the  the  Army  brought  in  more  phone in these digital days.    prospecting  and  getting
            increased      competition  same  thing  this  year,"  he  recruits  with  misconduct  When recruiters call a par-  leads," said Muth.
            from private sector employ-  said. "That did not pan out."  waivers,  triggering  disci-  ent or other adult, "nobody  The immersion into gaming
            ers who can pay more. But  The     recruiting   struggles  pline and other problems.   wants  to  talk  to  us,"  Muth  is reflective of a larger on-
            the failure has triggered an  come  at  the  end  of  a  tu-  The  Army  is  planning  to  said.  "If  we  do  get  ahold  line presence that recruiters
            overhaul in Army recruiting,  multuous year for the Army,  grow  to  500,000  by  2024,  of  a  potential  recruit,  they  will  use  to  find  and  reach
            including  an  increase  in  which    faced    questions  triggering increased recruit-  actually don't want to talk  recruits. Muth said they will
            recruiters,  expanded  mar-  from  Congress  over  its  ex-  ing goals. Initially the Army  to you on the phone, what  now use Facebook, Twitter,
            keting and a new effort to  panded  use  of  waivers  for  was  supposed  to  recruit  they  want  to  do  is  meet  Instagram,  Snapchat  and
            reach out to young, poten-   recruits  with  previous  mari-  80,000  this  year,  but  that  you  online  first  in  some  Twitch on their government
            tial recruits through popular  juana  use,  bad  conduct  was  cut  to  76,500  in  April,  type  of  digital  format  and  phones  to  speak  online
            online gaming.               and some health problems.  as more serving soldiers re-   then, if they agree to meet  with young people.
            "We  obviously  thought  we  The  debate  prompted  the  enlisted.                     with  you,  you  can  get  the  He said if a recruiter visits a
            would do better than that,"  Army to cut back on some  Military     recruiters   have  phone call."                 high school and a  student
            said  Calloway,  director  of  waivers and require higher  struggled to compete in a  So, Muth said Army recruit-   "likes"  the  local  recruiting
            military personnel manage-   level  officers  to  approve  growing U.S. economy, with  ing  is  moving  deeper  into  Facebook  page,  the  sol-
            ment  for  the  Army,  when  ones  involving  drug  use  low  unemployment  rates  the online world.                dier  can  follow  up  and
            asked  about  the  recruit-  and some health and con-     and  private  companies  That  will  include  sending  message the student to see
            ing  gap  in  an  Associated  duct issues.                paying more to graduating  teams  of  recruiters  into  if they are interested in the
            Press  interview.  He  said  Top Army leaders have re-    seniors. Only about 30 per-  CrossFit sports competitions  Army.
            there  were  several  thou-  peatedly said they are not  cent  of  17-  to  24-year-olds  and  popular  gaming  con-  It's too soon to tell if any of
            sand permanent legal resi-   lowering standards to meet  meet  the  physical,  mental  tests such as Ultimate Fight-  the new online maneuvers
            dents seeking to enlist, but  higher recruiting goals. But  and moral requirements for  er, Madden Football or the  are working. Muth said the
            they  did  not  get  through  they have faced skepticism  the military, and only one in  addictive  Fortnite:  Battle  first quarter of the year will
            the  screening  process  in  from  Congress,  amid  con-  eight are interested in serv-  Royale,  an  online  survival  be  critical.  "I  don't  have
            time.  And,  he  said  that  in  cerns the service would re-  ing.                     game.                        benchmarks  yet,"  he  said.
            the  last  three  years  Army  peat mistakes made during  Finding those few is a chal-  Muth said an Army recruiter  "But history will tell you if you
            recruiters  have  brought  in  the  peak  of  the  Iraq  and  lenge.                   from  Baton  Rouge,  Louisi-  talk to any recruiter, you've
            3,000-5,000  more  enlistees  Afghanistan   wars   more  Calloway  and  Maj.  Gen.  ana, who has a high rank-       got  to  come  out  strong.
            than  planned  during  the  than a decade ago when  Frank  Muth,  head  of  Army  ing  on  Ultimate  Fighter,  And  it's  the  momentum
            last three months of the fis-  it rushed to add soldiers to  Recruiting Command, said  served  as  an  emcee  at  a  you  build  that  carries  you
            cal year.                    the  ranks  to  meet  deploy-  fewer  potential  recruits  or  recent tournament. He said  through the year."q
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