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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 22 September 2018
            When will it end? Florence's floodwaters rising in Carolinas

            By MEG KINNARD and JEF-      reach  record  flood  levels
            FREY COLLINS                 late Saturday or early Sun-
            Associated Press             day. In tiny Galivants Ferry,
            GALIVANTS     FERRY,   S.C.  Audra  Mauer  said  she  lost
            (AP)  —  With  muddy  river  her  home  two  years  ago
            water  still  washing  over  when  Hurricane  Matthew
            entire  communities  on  Fri-  hit and she's losing it again
            day,  eight  days  after  Hur-  to  Florence.  No  area  im-
            ricane  Florence  slammed  provements were made af-
            into land with nearly 3 feet  ter Matthew, she said, and
            of  rain,  new  evacuation  a  frustrated  Mauer  has  no
            orders  forced  residents  to  faith any will happen now.
            flee to higher ground amid  "They didn't clean the ditch-
            a  sprawling  disaster  that's  es," she said. "Same levee.
            beginning to feel like it will  Same dams. What have we
            never end.                   been doing for two years?"
            At  least  42  people  have  About  25  miles  (40  kilome-
            died,  included  an  elder-  ters)  nearer  to  the  South
            ly  man  whose  body  was  Carolina      coast,   Kevin
            found in a submerged pick-   Tovornik  tore  out  carpet
            up truck in South Carolina,  and  removed  furniture  as
            and hundreds were forced  a  preventative  measure
            from  their  homes  as  rivers  because   he   expected
            kept swelling higher.        flooding  at  the  house  he
            Leaders  in  the  Carolinas  has  owned  for  20  years  in
            warned residents not to get  Conway,  where  the  Wac-
            complacent,  warning  ad-    camaw  River  was  still  ris-
            ditional  horrors  lie  ahead  ing.  Bridges  are  starting  to
            before  things  get  much  close because of flooding,
            better.                      he  said,  and  friends  were   The Hornets NBA basketball team packed food boxes as part of hurricane relief efforts.
            "Although  the  winds  are  struck  in  traffic  for  hours                                                                     Associated Press
            gone  and  the  rain  is  not  trying  to  cross  the  town  of
            falling,  the  water  is  still  23,000.                  "We  almost  lost  our  lives,  communities  because  the  four  areas  in  the  Atlantic
            there and the worst is still to  "This is ridiculous. This is the  I'm here to tell you we did,"  river is already running high.  for  signs  of  a  new  tropical
            come," said South Carolina  worst  I've  ever  seen,"  Tov-  said  White,  whose  family  Something  else  could  be  weather  threat.  One  was
            Gov. Henry McMaster.         ornik said.                  previously  evacuated  last  a  problem,  though.  The  off the coast of the Caroli-
            Speaking  in  Las  Vegas,  Road  travel  also  was  a  Thursday as Florence, then  National  Hurricane  Cen-        nas with a chance of drift-
            President  Donald  Trump  daunting problem in Wilm-       a  hurricane,  approached  ter  said  it  was  monitoring  ing toward land.q
            said South Carolina is in for  ington,  a  city  of  120,000  from the Atlantic.
            a "tough one" as flood wa-   people  still  mostly  cut  off  The  South  Carolina  gov-
            ters keep rising.            from the rest of North Caro-  ernor  estimated  damage
            "They got hit, but the big hit  lina. A photograph posted  from  the  flood  in  his  state
            comes days later and it will  by the state transportation  at $1.2 billion. In a letter, he
            be the biggest they've ever  agency  showed  flowing  said, the flooding will be the
            had,"  said  Trump,  who  vis-  water  and  buckled  high-  worst disaster in the state's
            ited North and South Caro-   way asphalt on one of the  modern  history.  McMaster
            lina this week.              few  passable  routes  into  asked  congressional  lead-
            While  most  peoples'  lights  the  city,  where  officials  ers to hurry federal aid.
            are  back  on  in  the  Caroli-  have  distributed  food  and  North  Carolina  Gov.  Roy
            nas and Virginia and trucks  water to residents.          Cooper  said  the  damage
            are  picking  up  mountains  With  the  Great  Pee  Dee  in  his  state  is  in  the  billions
            of storm debris, water drain-  River  receding,  state  of-  of dollars, but there was no
            ing toward the sea from in-  ficials  said  Interstate  95  in  way to make a more accu-
            land areas is sending rivers  South  Carolina  would  re-  rate  estimate  while  flood-
            over  their  banks  across  a  open after a safety check,  ing continues.
            wide region.                 but  travelers  couldn't  get  As  environmental  worries
            Rescuers  wearing  night-    very far since the highway  mount,  Duke  Energy  said
            vision  googles  used  heli-  was still closed in North Car-  a  dam  containing  a  large
            copters,  boats  and  big-   olina because of the flood-  lake  at  Wilmington  power
            wheeled  military  vehicles  ed Lumber River.             plant had been breached
            overnight   to   evacuate  Along the Cape Fear River,  by floodwaters, and it was
            about  100  people  from  a  David  and  Benetta  White  possible that coal ash from
            southeastern  North  Caro-   and their four children were  an  adjacent  dump  was
            lina  county  where  high  given short notice to evac-    flowing into the Cape Fear
            water  breached  a  levee,  uate  overnight  as  flood-   River.
            flooding a town.             waters  swept  over  their  Paige Sheehan, a Duke En-
            In  South  Carolina,  emer-  property.  By  the  time  they  ergy  spokeswoman,  said
            gency  managers  ordered  got  loaded  into  their  van,  the  company  didn't  be-
            about 3,000 people to flee  water  was  waist-high  and  lieve the breach at the L.V.
            homes  along  the  Lynches  they had to slog through a  Sutton Power Station posed
            River. The National Weather  foul-smelling soup to get to  a  significant  threat  for  in-
            Service said the river could  a neighbor's pickup.        creased flooding to nearby
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