Page 28 - AHATA_Neat
P. 28
local Thursday 9 May 2019
University of Aruba
provides insight into the
increasing aging
ORANJESTAD — Aruba is aging at a very rapid pace. By
2030, 20% of our population will be older than 65. This is
a doubling of the number of people in this age category
since 2012 and it implies that then there are only 3 work-
ing people left for every person over 65. These develop-
ments have a major impact on our healthcare and pen-
sions. To be better prepared for this, the University of Aru-
ba (UA) is going to start a new program, called "Health,
Aging and Pensions" (HAP). This program is very relevant
for professionals and managers who work for the govern-
ment, healthcare sector, human resources, trade unions,
pensions and insurers.
The program, also known as the Minor, is (optional) part
of the 4th year of the Faculty for Accounting, Finance
and Marketing (FEF) of the UA. In this minor, managers,
professionals and students will learn how different kinds
of healthcare and pension systems work, both in Aruba
as internationally. Challenges and opportunities for fu-
ture policy issues and operational management are dis-
cussed. The minor will also focus on Healthy Aging, where
the focus is on how health influences the process of ag-
ing and employment, as well as on the Personal Life Cy-
cle Management, which relates to choices that people
make during their lives with regard to education, work,
living, family, savings and the mutual influences of these
choices on the individual life cycle.
The minor starts in the week of August 26, 2019. The lec-
tures take place on Thursday evening and Friday morn-
ing and afternoon. The total minor consists of 6 courses,
spread over 2 blocks of 7 weeks. It is also possible to at-
tend only one or more courses and receive a certificate
for the completed courses. If you are interested, you are
very welcome at the information meeting on Monday,
May the 13th from 7 to 8pm in classroom 4 at the Univer-
sity of Aruba.
For more information please send email to
Send us Your who takes care of the cat, friends …
Home Greetings name it.
Video What Do You Do
The only thing you need to do is re-
cord a short (maximum 1 minute)
ORANJESTAD – Since a while Aruba video with a greeting to home from
Today has a column called Aru- Aruba and send it to email news@
ba To Me. Readers are invited to Also please write
send their favorite vacation picture your name and where you are from
along with a text starting with “Aru- as well as how long you will be stay-
ba to me is …”. The column grew ing in Aruba. We will post your video
in popularity making the editorial on the Facebook page of Aruba To-
department happy seeing this in- day!
teraction with our readers realized.
Please do note: By submitting pho-
It is wonderful to share the mo- tos, text or any other materials, you
ments of joy of our readers who give permission to The Aruba Today
are vacationing here, but we can Newspaper, Caribbean Speed Print-
also imagine that there are people ers and any of its affiliated compa-
home who stayed behind and who nies to use said materials, as well as
are being missed. names, likeness, etc. for promotional
purposes without compensation.
Aruba Today would like to give
the opportunity to you as an ap- Last but not least: check out our
preciated reader to send a live website and Facebook page! Thank
greeting to your beloved ones that you for supporting our free newspa-
stayed behind. It can be your par- per, we strive to make you a happy
ent, child, sister, brother, neighbor
reader every day again.q