Page 18 - ATA
P. 18

                                                                                                                           Monday 29 July 2019

            The honoring of the ‘29ers’ at Paradise Beach Villas

            EAGLE  BEACH  —  Recently,  were honored for their 16th
            Darline  de  Cuba  had  the  year consecutive visit
            great  pleasure  to  honor  a
            group of Loyal and friendly  The symbolic honorary title
            visitors  of  Aruba  as  Good-  is  presented  on  behalf  of
            will  Ambassadors  and  Dis-  the  Minister  of  Tourism,  as
            tinguished  Visitors  at  their  a token of appreciation to
            home away from home.         the  guests  who  visit  Aruba
                                         between     10-20-35   and
                                         more consecutive years.
            James & Terlene Todd were
            honored for their 29th year  Ms. De Cuba thanked them
            consecutive visit            for choosing Aruba as their
            Ray  &  Kathy  Jankowiak  vacation  destination  and
            were honored for their 26th  as  their  home  away  from
            year consecutive visit       home  for  so  many  years
            Helene  Sperber  was  hon-   together  with  members  of
            ored for her 20th year con-  Paradise Beach Villas.
            secutive visit
            Max  &  Lynn  Levin  were  Top  reasons  for  returning
            honored for their 30th year  provided  by  the  honorees
            consecutive visit            were:  The  warm  inviting
            Ed & Sherrill were honored  sun, the gracious treatment
            for their 22nd year consec-  from  everyone,  the  abso-
            utive visit                  lute feeling of safety every-
            Donald & Stephane Palisay  where/anytime, the unend-
            were honored for their 28th  ing selection of restaurants
            year consecutive visit       and the turtle hatching.
            Eric & Durene Elem Vaughn
                                                Continued on Page 16
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