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                                                                                                           LOCAL           Monday 29 July 2019

              Marcos at Matthew’s:

              The Story of a Praised Waiter

              EAGLE BEACH — Aruba’s hospitality busi-   “They asked me why I have a spare tire
              ness  got  a  boost  from  different  cultures  on  my  car  and  I  told  them  my  brother
              working  together.  At  Matthew’s  restau-  broke the ring. Shortly after I received a
              rant, located at the ocean front of Casa  new one from the States, they had it sent
              del  Mar  Beach  Resort,  we  meet  waiter  to me. That is overwhelming, amazing.”
              Marcos  Garcia  from  Peru.  “He  is  doing  It symbolizes the down-home feeling the
              a  fantastic  job,  recognized  by  his  col-  guests have with the staff and vice versa.
              leagues,  the  management  and  most
              important  our  guests.  Marcos  pushes  Best Memory
              through, gives his best and has love for  Marcos  finds  it  essential  that  waiters  re-
              the  job”,  says  Jonnique  Phillips-Lake,  alize  their  responsibility  in  making  the
              General Manager of Matthew’s. With his  guests’  night  unforgettable  one.  “They
              five  stars  recognitions  for  consecutive  have  one  experience  here  and  this  is
              years in TripAdvisor the company wishes  delicate.  You  may  have  enjoyed  the
              to  congratulate  Marcos  and  emphasize  best vacation ever, but if your last night is
              the importance of going the extra mile.   ruined by bad service that is what you will
                                                        remember when back home. In this busi-
              Matthew’s  restaurant  has  been  consis-  ness there is the red line you can never
              tent in its top quality since the start about  cross. People pay for the table, the view,
              twelve years ago. The unique character-   the food and the service. I want to give
              istics  of  the  establishment  are  the  deli-  them  the  best  memory.”  Just  the  other
              cious food, its outstanding location – lit-  night he had a couple that got engaged,
              erally,  within  feet  from  the  ocean,  and  and Marcos did not let that moment pass
              the elegant yet comfortable beach-chic  without  the  attention  they  deserved.  A
              design.                                   dessert with candles and bubbles made
                                                        the  love  birds  feel  extra  special.  “What
              The magical touch in this Xanadu is the  happened after was an extra surprise as
              service provided by Marcos. “I am pas-    apparently  after  leaving  the  restaurant
              sionate for service. I am completely my-  they crossed another couple in the park-
              self  here  and  love  to  interact  with  my  ing lot and they recommended me. The
              guests. To give them the best experience  couple from South Africa asked for me,
              is what I strive for.”                    but I did not know them and asked them
                                                        how they heard my name. These things
              He explains that it is fantastic to meet dif-  make my heart jump with joy.”
              ferent  cultures  which  is  mind-opening.                                            About Matthew’s
              “Another great thing at Matthew’s is that  His credo is; be yourself, never stop learn-  Matthew’s  offers  a  variety  of  activities  that  make  it
              we  have  many  guests  from  the  time-  ing, and details are the key! “It is of course   worth  visiting.  In  addition  to  full  breakfast,  lunch  and
              share  resort  Casa  del  Mar  that  come  great to be recognized by my guests, in    dinner  menus,  they  offer  all-  you-can-eat  spare  ribs
              every  year.  They  have  become  family,  TripAdvisor,  and  by  my  employer.  I  am   on  Tuesdays,  Karaoke  on  Wednesdays,  Italian  night
              we  know  each  other  and  some  even  honored  and  I  will  continue  my  journey   on Thursdays and daily happy hours 3 x times in a day
              bring  me  gifts.”  He  remembers  a  family  with the goal to gain more stars for Mat-  from  noon  –  1pm,  4-6pm  featuring  live  music  at  the
              from Arizona who saw him driving his car.  thew’s.”                                   bar (Mondays and Tuesdays) and 9-10 pm. If you are
                                                                                                    a sports fan, three flat-screen TVs at the bar are always
                                                                                                    tuned in to the most exciting events.

                                                                                                    MATTHEW’S BEACHSIDE RESTAURANT is located on the
                                                                                                    Beach at Casa del Mar Beach Resort.

                                                                                                    J.E. IrausquinBlvd. 51, Oranjestad – Tel. 297 588 7300 –
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