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                         Friday 31 May 2019

            Honduras president, others targets of DEA investigation

            Continued from Front         rested in 2018 in Miami and
                                         accused  of  scheming  for
            Hilda   Hernández,    who  years  to  bring  tons  of  co-
            helped  manage  the  fi-     caine  into  the  country.  His
            nances  of  the  president’s  trial  is  expected  to  start  in
            political party and his presi-  September.
            dential  campaign,  died  in  A spokesman for the South-
            a December 2015 helicop-     ern District of New York said
            ter  crash.  The  request  also  on Thursday the court’s re-
            named  four  members  of  sponse  to  the  application
            the wealthy and politically-  for  email  header  informa-
            connected Rosenthal fam-     tion  is  not  public  informa-
            ily.                         tion.  He  declined  to  com-
            Yani  Rosenthal,  a  former  ment further.
            national  lawmaker  and  The  document  filed  Tues-
            presidential    candidate,  day  raises  the  possibil-
            pleaded guilty in U.S. feder-  ity  that  the  DEA  has  email
            al court in 2017 for money  data  for  Honduras’  presi-
            laundering for the Cachiros  dent  and  members  of  his
            drug  trafficking  organiza-  inner circle dating to 2015.
            tion.                        Messages left for Díaz, who   A  man  throws  a  bin  at  a  torched  police  vehicle  during  a  protest  against  the  government  of
            The new court filing is part of  is  Hernández’s  de  facto   Honduras’ President Juan Orlando Hernandez, in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Thursday, May 30, 2019.
            the pre-trial motions in the  spokesman,  were  not  im-                                                                        Associated Press
            case of Hernandez’s broth-   mediately  returned.  Pa-    government has previously  Command  and  later  be-       say would lead to massive
            er  Juan  Antonio  “Tony”  checo could not be imme-       denied  allegations  against  came  President  Donald  public  sector  layoffs.  On
            Hernández,  who  was  ar-    diately  reached,  but  the   him.                        Trump’s chief of staff. Kelly  Thursday, a massive march
                                                                      Pacheco has been dogged  advocated  for  continued  led  to  clashes  with  police
                                                                      by  allegations  of  his  links  U.S. support of Hernández’s  who fired tear gas against
                                                                      to  drug  traffickers  since  at  government,  noting  their  some protesters’ rocks.
                                                                      least 2017 when a leader of  contributions to the war on  Retired  history  professor
                                                                      Honduras’  Cachiros  cartel  drugs and progress in com-   Dana  Frank,  whose  recent
                                                                      testified in another case in  batting corruption.         book  “The  Long  Honduran
                                                                      New  York  about  his  ties  to  When Hernández’s already  Night:  Resistance,  Terror,
                                                                      drug traffickers.            controversial   re-election  and the United States in the
                                                                      Pacheco had served under  was marred by irregularities  Aftermath  of  the  Coup”
                                                                      Hernández’s  predecessor,  in  late  2017,  the  U.S.  gov-  details the country’s recent
                                                                      Porfirio  “Pepe”  Lobo  Sosa,  ernment   congratulated  political  turmoil  said  the
                                  FROM 6-7PM                          as  the  government’s  chief  him  while  the  opposition  documents confirm the U.S.
                                                                      of  investigation  and  intel-  was still contesting the vote  government  has  known
                                                                      ligence.  Lobo’s  son  Fabio  count.                      about  drug  trafficking  ac-
                                                                      was sentenced to 24 years  With  Hondurans  filling  the  tivities linked to Hernández
                                                                      in  a  U.S.  prison  in  2017  for  ranks  of  several  large  mi-  for years.
                                                                      drug trafficking.            grant  caravans  during  the  “Why  have  U.S.  officials  —
                                                                      On Thursday, a DEA spokes-   past year, the U.S. has con-  from the State Department
                                                                      woman  referred  questions  tinued  to  support  Hernán-  to  the  White  House  to  the
                                                                      asked  by  The  Associated  dez  while  pressuring  his  Southern    Command      —
                                                                      Press  to  the  Southern  Dis-  government  to  stem  the  continued for years now to
                                                                      trict of New York.           immigration flow.            celebrate,  and  pour  secu-
                                                                      The  U.S.  government  has  Many  Honduran  migrants  rity funding into, a govern-
                                                                      been  a  staunch  supporter  encountered  making  the  ment  whose  very  topmost
                                                                      of  Hernández’s  govern-     journey  to  the  U.S.  bor-  officials and security figures
                                                                      ment,  pouring  millions  of  der  during  the  past  year  it has known were drug traf-
                                                                      dollars  into  security  coop-  have  referenced  govern-  fickers?”  Frank  said.  “This
                                                                      eration because  Honduras  ment  corruption  among  evidence  underscores  the
                                                                      is a key transshipment point  their  reasons  for  leav-  vast  hypocrisy  of  U.S.  poli-
                                                                      for cocaine headed to the  ing.  Thousands  of  doctors  cy,  which  backs  a  known
                                                                      U.S. from South America.     and  teachers  have  been  drug  trafficker  and  his  po-
                                                                      Hernández  had  especially  marching     through    the  lice  and  military  cronies,
                                                                      curried  favor  with  Gen.  streets  of  Honduras’  capi-  while  claiming  to  do  so  in
                                                                      John  Kelly  who  had  led  tal for three weeks against  the name of fighting crime
                                                                      the  U.S.  military’s  Southern  presidential  decrees  they  and drugs.”q
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