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                                                                                                       SPORTS Tuesday 10 sepTember 2019
            Lorenzen’s 9th-inning pinch double lifts Reds over D-Backs

            By The Associated Press                                                                                             waukee  pulled  within  two
            CINCINNATI  (AP)  —  Re-                                                                                            games of the Cubs. Staked
            lief  pitcher  Michael  Loren-                                                                                      to a 3-1 lead, Lester (12-10)
            zen  lined  a  game-ending,                                                                                         allowed  RBI  hits  to  Ryan
            pinch-hit  double  in  the                                                                                          Braun  and  Hernan  Perez
            ninth  inning  to  lift  the  Cin-                                                                                  before Austin’s fourth pinch
            cinnati  Reds  over  Arizona                                                                                        homer this season.
            Diamondbacks 4-3 Sunday                                                                                             Lester  allowed  eight  runs,
            and  stop  the  Diamond-                                                                                            seven hits and three walks
            backs’  five-game  winning                                                                                          in 5 1/3 innings.
            streak.                                                                                                             Brent  Suter  (1-0)  gave  up
            Lorenzen  became  the  first                                                                                        one hit in two scoreless in-
            Cincinnati  pitcher  with  a                                                                                        nings,  and  Josh  Hader
            walk-off  hit  since  Randy                                                                                         struck out two batters for his
            Keisler  in  May  2005.  It  was                                                                                    29th  save.  Chicago’s  Ad-
            Lorenzen’s    fifth   career                                                                                        dison  Russell  was  hit  in  the
            pinch hit and occurred four                                                                                         face  by  a  94  mph  fastball
            days  after  the  reliever  be-                                                                                     from  Adrian  Houser  in  the
            came the first player since                                                                                         third and left in the middle
            Babe Ruth in 1921 to homer,                                                                                         of  the  inning.  He  had  a
            play the outfield and earn                                                                                          bruised  nose  and  was  un-
            a  victory  on  the  mound  in                                                                                      der  evaluation  for  a  pos-
            the same game.                                                                                                      sible concussion.
            Pinch-hitter  José  Peraza   Cincinnati Reds’ Michael Lorenzen hits a game-winning RBI double off Arizona Diamondbacks   DODGERS 5, GIANTS 0
            and  Phillip  Ervin  singled   relief  pitcher  T.J.  McFarland  in  the  ninth  inning  of  a  baseball  game,  Sunday,  Sept.  8,  2019,  in   LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  Co-
            with  one  out  off  Yoan    Cincinnati.                                                                            rey Seager and Matt Beaty
            López  (2-6)  before  Loren-                                                                       Associated Press   homered off Dereck Rodri-
            zen  delivered  against  T.J.  Louis  has  won  eight  of  11  span that included nearly a  spot.  The  Mets  stayed  four  guez  (5-9)  as  Los  Angeles
            McFarland. Arizona lost for  overall.  Pittsburgh  rookie  month on the injured list be-  back of the Cubs.         (93-52)  cut  its  magic  num-
            the  second  time  in  the  13  James  Marvel  (0-1)  gave  cause of a bad back.       The game took 4 hours, 29  ber  to  clinch  the  NL  West
            games  and  remained  1½  up  two  runs  and  five  hits  Yan    Gomes      homered  minutes — a minute short of  to two. Kenta Maeda (9-8)
            games behind the Cubs for  over  five-plus  innings  in  his  twice,  and  Adam  Eaton  matching the longest nine-  gave up one hit and struck
            the second NL wild card.     first major league start.    and    Asdrúbal   Cabrera  inning game in NL history.     out  six  during  four  innings
            Eugenio  Suarez  homered  Carlos  Martinez  worked  a  each had three RBIs to help  Bryce Harper drew a bases-      of  relief,  and  four  pitchers
            twice and has 44, one be-    perfect  ninth  for  his  19th  Washington  end  a  four-  loaded  walk  as  a  pinch-  completed a four-hitter.
            hind leaders Mike Trout and  save as St. Louis finished the  game  skid.  The  Nationals  hitter, capping a three-run  Giants manager Bruce Bo-
            Pete  Alonso.  Raisel  Iglesias  season series 14-5.      are  nine  games  back  of  seventh  to  put  the  Phillies  chy  was  on  the  bench  for
            (3-11) pitched the ninth.    NATIONALS 9, BRAVES 4        the  NL  East-leading  Braves  ahead  10-6.  That  came  the last time in a game at
            CARDINALS 2, PIRATES 0       ATLANTA (AP) — Max Scher-    wbut  opened  a  three-      shortly  after  a  sensational  Dodger  Stadium.  He  fin-
            PITTSBURGH  (AP)  —  Jack  zer  (10-5)  won  for  the  first  game  lead  over  the  Cubs  catch by right fielder Sean  ished  107-108  in  the  ball-
            Flaherty  (10-7)  scattered  time  in  two  months,  Juan  for the top NL wild card.   Rodríguez preserved a slim  park and has the most vic-
            five  hits  over  eight  innings  Soto  homered  and  Wash-  Mike Soroka (11-4) gave up  lead.  Ranger  Suárez  (5-1)  tories  of  any  visiting  man-
            and struck out 10 to help St.  ington  stopped  Atlanta’s  four  runs  and  seven  hits  in  got  two  outs  for  the  win  ager there.
            Louis  widen  its  NL  Central  nine-game  winning  streak,  six innings.              and Héctor Neris closed for  PADRES 2, ROCKIES 1
            lead to 4½ games over the  the  Braves’  longest  in  five  PHILLIES 10, METS 7        his  24th  save.  Paul  Sewald  SAN DIEGO (AP) — Wil Myers
            second-place Cubs.           years.                       NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Maikel  (0-1) took the loss.          singled  off  Yency  Almonte
            Flaherty  won  for  the  sixth  Scherzer  (10-5)  allowed  Franco,  Scott  Kingery  and  BREWERS 8, CUBS 5          with one out in the 10th to
            time  in  eight  starts  and  one  run  and  two  hits  in  six  Adam Haseley homered as  MILWAUKEE  (AP)  —  Tyler  drive  in  Manny  Machado,
            dropped  his  post  All-Star  innings with nine strikeouts.  Philadelphia  overcame  a  Austin  drove  a  pinch-hit,  who  walked  against  Jesús
            break  ERA  to  0.76.  Carlos  He had not gotten a deci-  3-0 deficit and closed with-  three-run homer during the  Tinoco  (0-2).  Craig  Stam-
            Martinez worked a perfect  sion in four starts since beat-  in  two  games  of  Chicago  a  five-run  fourth  against  men  (8-7)  pitched  a  per-
            ninth  for  his  19th  save.  St.  ing Kansas City on July 6, a  for the second NL wild-card  Jon Lester (12-10), and Mil-  fect 10th for the win.q

               WNBA rescinds technical against Sky’s Ndour for ref contact

               By DOUG FEINBERG                   Video    shows   Fahy    looking  decision.  The  WNBA  also  dis-   with an official carries a minimum
               AP Basketball Writer               shocked at being touched gently  agreed.                             one-game suspension.
               NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  The  WNBA  in the side, then emphatically giv-   It  said  in  a  statement  Monday:  “We  are  very  pleased  with  the
               has  rescinded  a  technical  foul  ing Ndour a technical and ejec-  “After a league review, we have  WNBA’s  decision  to  rescind  the
               against  Chicago  forward  Astou  tion.                              determined  that  the  technical  technical foul and ejection of As-
               Ndour, who was ejected for mak-    According  to  WNBA  rules,  any  foul  against  Chicago’s  Astou  tou Ndour,” Chicago coach and
               ing contact with an official during  player  who  makes  intentional  Ndour should not have been as-    GM James Wade said.
               the  Sky’s  loss  to  Washington  on  physical  contact  with  an  official  sessed.”                   “I would like to thank all the play-
               Sunday.                            is automatically ejected from the  The  Sky  were  happy  with  the  ers  and  coaches  who  reached
               With 3:02 left in the second quar-  game.                            league’s decision. Had the ejec-   out  and  were  supportive  as  well
               ter,  Ndour,  whose  first  language  Ndour, who was born in Senegal  tion  stood,  Ndour  would  have  as  the  fans  who  spoke  out  and
               isn’t English, reached out to try to  and  has  played  for  Spain’s  na-  been forced to sit out Chicago’s  had our back — we truly appreci-
               talk to referee Kevin Fahy, gestur-  tional team, took to Twitter after  playoff  game  against  Phoenix  ate that. That is why this is the best
               ing  with  her  right  arm  and  stop-  the  game  to  say  she  disagreed  on  Wednesday  night  because  league  in  the  world.  Now  we’re
               ping him.                          with  the  call  but  respected  the  league rules dictate that contact  focused on the playoffs.”q
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