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Tuesday 10 sepTember 2019
Red Sox part ways with baseball boss Dave Dombrowski
By JIMMY GOLEN a World Series champion- the greatest Red Sox teams
AP Sports Writer ship and three consecu- ever assembled,” co-own-
BOSTON (AP) — Dave Dom- tive American League East er Tom Werner was quoted
browski built World Series titles, he has cemented as saying.
champions in Florida and what was already a Hall of “His willingness to make
Boston in a 40-year career Fame career.” bold moves helped de-
in baseball and also helped The news was first an- liver our fourth World Series
the Detroit Tigers reach the nounced after a 10-5 loss to championship in the 21st
Series twice. the Yankees while most of century.”
He’s also pretty experi- the city’s attention was fo- A veteran baseball execu-
enced at what happens cused on the New England tive who worked in front
after that. Patriots’ season-opening offices in Chicago and
The Red Sox parted ways victory over Pittsburgh and Montreal before winning
with Dombrowski shortly af- the unveiling of a sixth Su- a championship in Miami
ter midnight Monday, less per Bowl banner. and helping the Tigers
than a year after winning A statement emailed to re- win two AL pennants, the
the World Series. In three porters later Monday quot- 63-year-old Dombrowski This March 30, 2018, file photo shows Dave Dombrowski,
years as the team’s presi- ed the team’s top brass but was brought in to steady President of Baseball Operations for the Boston Red Sox, before
dent of baseball opera- said there would be “no the Red Sox front office in a baseball game between the Tampa Bay Rays and the Red Sox
tions, he took the team from formal media availability” 2015 while the team stum- in St. Petersburg, Fla.
back-to-back last-place to discuss the move less bled. Associated Press
finishes to three straight AL than a year after the team The Red Sox followed with six games and never really “I just found out, so, sur-
East titles. won the World Series. three straight AL East titles getting back into conten- prised and shocked, obvi-
That reign could end as It was nothing new to Dom- — a first in franchise history tion. While Dombrowski ously,” said Red Sox man-
soon as Monday night with browski, who has also been — and won a club-record stood pat at the trade ager Alex Cora, who was
a loss to the New York Yan- fired from the White Sox 108 games last season en deadline, with a wild-card hired by Dombrowksi be-
kees in the series finale. and Tigers. He did not im- route to their fourth World berth still in reach, the club fore the 2018 season.
“Four years ago, we were mediately respond to a Series championship since went on an eight-game los- “He gave me a chance to
faced with a critical deci- text message seeking com- 2004. ing streak. come here and be a big
sion about the direction ment. But this year’s team — with The Red Sox finished Sun- league manager. It’s one
of the franchise,” Red Sox “Dave will hold a special largely the same roster as day trailing the Yankees by of those that they just told
owner John Henry said in a place in franchise history last year’s — has gone 76- 17½ games in the AL East me, so I’m not ready to talk
statement Monday. “With as a key architect of one of 67, losing five of their first with 19 games to play. about it.”q