Page 15 - aruba-today-20190910
P. 15

                                                                                                           LOCAL Tuesday 10 sepTember 2019

             Managing unique values as economic essentials                                                                  Episode  XXXIV

                                                                                                        Continued from Page 14

                                                                                                        We emphasized the on issues such as loyal return vis-
                                                                                                        itor complaints, native Aruban`s dissatisfaction with
                                                                                                        product saturation. Loss of charm from the moment
                                                                                                        the Aruban friendliness in services and attention has
                                                                                                        been substituted by cheaper imported labor force,
                                                                                                        add to that the destruction of nature and ecosys-
                                                                                                        tems, the dramatic demographic growth and influx
                                                                                                        of migrants and illegal aliens. All this devalues the
                                                                                                        quality of service; elevates taxes, affects spending,
                                                                                                        the economy and life as a whole.

                                                                                                        Our  goal  as  a  privately  operated  cultural  aware-
                                                                                                        ness and advocators of consciousness starts every
                                                                                                        morning at our atelier, promotion, encouragement
                                                                                                        and education regarding these valuable assets to
                                                                                                        protect  as  mother  seed  for  renewal  and  reinven-
                                                                                                        tion. Get involved and participate in one our mind
                                                                                                        -opening sessions regarding the Aruba experience.
                                                                                                        Our  small  building  and  garden  stands  on  880m2
                                                                                                        piece of land at Westpunt. Here we exhibit histori-
                                                                                                        cal, as well as native Aruban inspired artworks and
                                                                                                        artifacts. Follow our guided tours conducted by its
                                                                                                        founder and curator, using art works, objects and
                                                                                                        artifacts to tell the story of Aruba. Uncover nature
                                                                                                        and island culture, through a educative and mind
                                                                                                        -opening  session  for  the  bohemian  soul,  the  ad-
                                                                                                        venturous in spirit and those interested in acquiring
                                                                                                        insular knowledge. Interact and be contaminated
                                                                                                        with a good predisposition to share our concern in
                                                  Lateral entrance                                      conserving your fragile travel destination.q
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