Page 10 - aruba-today-20190910
P. 10
Tuesday 10 sepTember 2019
UN atomic watchdog confirms Iran installing new centrifuges
By DAVID RISING wasn’t as forthcoming with
Associated Press answering questions as the
BERLIN (AP) — The United agency hoped.
Nations’ atomic watch- “I also stressed the need for
dog confirmed Monday Iran to respond promptly to
that Iran is preparing to use agency questions related
more advanced centrifug- to the completeness of
es, another breach of limits Iran’s safeguards declara-
set in the country’s slowly tions,” Feruta said.
unraveling nuclear deal Feruta told reporters the
with major powers. meetings had gone well,
Iran had already an- “covering a full range of
nounced the step, its latest issues in our cooperation,
violation of the 2015 agree- and I was pleased with the
ment as it tries to pressure tone and the input we re-
European signatories to ceived in those conversa-
find a way to maintain oil tions.”
shipments and ease the toll After the report, China
of U.S. sanctions on the Ira- blamed the United States
nian economy. for the situation, and called
The International Atomic for world powers to stick to
Energy Agency reported the 2015 deal with Tehran.
its inspectors verified the “The U.S. should abandon
installation of new centri- Acting Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Cornel Feruta, wrong practices such as
fuges. The agency said all addresses the media during a news conference after a meeting of the IAEA board of governors at unilateral sanctions and
had been “prepared for the International Center in Vienna, Austria, Monday, Sept. 9, 2019. maximum pressure on Iran,”
testing” but none yet test- Associated Press Foreign Ministry spokes-
ed at the time of the Sept. past limits in the deal, Director General Cornel tivities will remain verifiable woman Hua Chunying said
7-8 inspection. called the Joint Compre- Feruta said “output is not by IAEA and reversible,” he in Beijing.
The nuclear deal was hensive Plan of Action, or a simple matter” but also it said in a tweet. “No prolif- French President Emmanu-
meant to keep Tehran from JCPOA, on nuclear enrich- was “not for the agency to eration threat, just a strong el Macron has been talking
building atomic weapons ment purity and stockpiles judge what these actions signal that balance within both to Washington and
— something Iran denies it of enriched uranium. will bring.” the JCPOA must be re- Tehran about a proposal to
wants to do — in exchange A centrifuge is a device “We have made it very stored.” create a $15 billion line of
for economic incentives. Its that enriches uranium by clear that the role of the Feruta, who returned from credit for Iran to entice it to
collapse started with the rapidly spinning uranium agency is to report the facts Tehran Sunday night, told remain in the nuclear deal.
United States unilaterally hexafluoride gas. The IAEA to members of the JCPOA the agency’s board in Vi- German Foreign Ministry
withdrawing from the deal said the ones its inspectors and also the board,” Feru- enna on Monday that in- spokesman Rainer Breul
last year and imposing in- saw included 30 advanced ta told reporters in Vienna. spectors on the ground told reporters that Berlin
creased sanctions. IR-6 and three IR-6s models, Russia’s permanent repre- continue “to verify and supports the French presi-
The other signatories — as well as multiple IR-4 and sentative to international monitor Iran’s nuclear-re- dent’s efforts to resume
Britain, France, Germany, IR-5 models. organizations in Vienna, lated commitments under talks and de-escalate the
China and Russia, as well Under the atomic accord, Mikhail Ulyanov, down- the JCPOA.” situation.
as the European Union — Iran has been limited to op- played the development, He said he emphasized to “There are confidential
have been struggling to erating 5,060 older-model saying after Iran revealed Iranian authorities “the im- conversations among the
salvage the agreement IR-1 centrifuges. its step about centrifuges portance of full and timely partners about the specific
and find a way to meet Asked what the new cen- that the move “shouldn’t cooperation by Iran.” details,” Breul said. “Various
Tehran’s demands. trifuges could mean to en- be overdramatized.” That mirrored a line in a news reports are circulating
To put pressure on them, hance Iran’s ability to en- “Yes, it’s another deviation recent IAEA report on Iran that we won’t comment on
Iran has already pushed rich uranium, IAEA Acting from JCPOA, but new ac- that suggested Tehran further.”q
Hezbollah says it shot down Israeli drone over south Lebanon
By BASSEM MROUE “simple” and that there was no risk of a
Associated Press breach of information if it fell into enemy
BEIRUT (AP) — The Lebanese militant He- hands. The military said the drone fell Sun-
zbollah group said it shot down an Israeli day, not Monday, and the reason for the
drone over southern Lebanon early Mon- discrepancy was not clear.
day, shortly after it crossed from Israel Last month, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nas-
amid rising tensions along the border be- rallah said his group would confront and
tween the two countries in recent weeks. shoot down any Israeli drones that enter
A Hezbollah statement said the drone Lebanese airspace, raising the potential
was downed with “suitable weapons” for conflict amid heightened tensions.
over the village of Ramieh and that the Nasrallah spoke after authorities said one
militants now have it. The statement did alleged Israeli drone crashed in a Hezbol-
not elaborate further. lah stronghold in southern Beirut, landing
The Israeli military said a “drone on a rou- on the roof of a building that houses He- Irish UN peacekeepers use an armored patrol vehicle patrol
near the fields struck by Israeli army shells in the southern
tine mission in northern Israel fell,” with- zbollah’s media office, and another ex- Lebanese-Israeli border village of Maroun el-Ras, Lebanon,
out elaborating on what it was doing nor ploded and crashed in a plot behind the Monday, Sept. 2, 2019.
how it was downed. It said the drone was building, causing material damage.q Associated Press