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WORLD NEWS Tuesday 10 sepTember 2019
End of an era: UK House Speaker John Bercow to step down
By GREGORY KATZ voted on and who will be
Associated Press called upon to speak, and
LONDON (AP) — A colorful uses his position to silence
era in British parliamentary rabble rousers and rule on
history is coming to a close questions of parliamentary
with Speaker of the House procedure.
John Bercow’s abrupt an- He has a long tradition to
nouncement Monday that protect — the speaker’s
he will leave his influential role can be traced back to
post by the end of Octo- at least 1377.
ber. There is no question that
That means he won’t be many of Johnson’s allies
sporting his festive design- see Bercow as a foe in the
er ties beneath his solemn Brexit battle, a perception
robes or clamping down enhanced perhaps by the
on rude lawmakers with his fact that his wife’s car has
patented pleas for “orrr- an anti-Brexit bumper stick-
duhhh” from his elevated er.
podium for much longer. He has been called
His decision to step down “Speaker of the Devil” in
is in keeping with the Brit- a front-page headline for
ish tradition that a speaker challenging the govern-
shouldn’t serve too many ment’s position.
terms. Bercow has been In this Friday, Sept. 6, 2019 file photo, Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow gestures Despite the frequent grum-
in the powerful post since during a meeting at the G7 parliaments summit, in Brest, western France. bling about his outspoken
2009, and had earned the Associated Press nature, Bercow has been
enmity of many Conserva- with the prime minister. ment to your principles and ment, but many longtime re-elected to the position
tive Party kingpins who, in “We degrade this parlia- to your constituents is un- Bercow watchers believed twice.
a break with normal prac- ment at our peril,” he said. wavering and an example it was simply an assertion of During general elections,
tice, were planning to “I have served as a mem- to others.” his view that Parliament is speakers generally run un-
challenge him at the next ber of Parliament for 22 Bercow, 56, began his ca- sovereign and must be re- opposed by the major po-
election, which is expected years, and for the last 10 reer as a right-of-center spected, not silenced. litical parties and refrain
shortly. as speaker. This has been, conservative, but gradu- Bercow’s decision to speak from taking political stands.
Bercow’s emotional an- let me put it explicitly, the ally morphed into someone out is consistent with the They are designated only
nouncement drew sus- greatest privilege and hon- perceived as an enemy way he sees his role — pro- as “speaker seeking re-
tained applause from the or of my professional life by the Conservative Party tecting the primacy of Par- election” rather than as
House and heartfelt thanks for which I will be eternally power structure, largely liament from encroach- representatives of a spe-
from friends and foes alike. grateful. because he was seen as ment, either by an over- cific party.
He shed a few tears and It was a rare instance in a stout defender of Parlia- zealous prime minister, an But annoyed Conservative
choked up several times as which opposition Labour ment’s rights. intrusive British judge, or by Party leaders had indicat-
he explained it was time for Party leader Jeremy Cor- The speaker is supposed to the European Union. ed over the weekend they
him to step down, in part byn and Conservative be strictly impartial in the His last possible day in of- planned to sunder this tra-
because of family obliga- Cabinet minister Michael British system, and Bercow fice is the day when Britain dition and challenge Ber-
tions. Gove agreed, both prais- resigned from the Conser- is scheduled to leave the cow in his home district in
“Throughout my time as ing Bercow for his commit- vative Party as expected 28-nation EU bloc. an effort to force him out of
speaker I have sought to ment to the democratic when he was elected to Bercow hasn’t taken a Parliament.
increase the relative au- process. the post by secret ballot, public stance on Brexit, but Bercow has clashed with
thority of this legislature for “Our democracy is the but he has been outspoken lawmakers looking to leave prior governments as well.
which I will make absolutely stronger for your being the in his criticism of Prime Min- the EU as quickly as pos- He infuriated former Prime
no apology to anyone, speaker. And whatever ister Boris Johnson’s deci- sible tend to view him as an Minister Theresa May by
anywhere, at any time,” he you do when you finally sion to suspend Parliament, obstacle. making her efforts to bring
said. step down from Parliament, which is due to take effect Bercow has played a piv- her defeated Brexit bill
He also seemed to warn you do so with the thanks later Monday. otal role in the seeming- back to Parliament more
about weakening Parlia- of a very large number of He called it a “constitu- ly endless debates over difficult when he ruled she
ment’s role at a time when people,” Corbyn said. tional outrage.” Some said Brexit. Bercow determines couldn’t bring the same bill
the institution is in conflict Gove said: “Your commit- that was a partisan state- which amendments will be back for a repeat vote.q