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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 10 sepTember 2019

            Man accused of plotting mass killing wants gun charges nixed

            By MICHAEL KUNZELMAN         charge, a misdemeanor.
            Associated Press             Prosecutors  have  called
            GREENBELT,  Md.  (AP)  —  A  Hasson  a  domestic  terror-
            federal judge said Monday  ist  intent  on  carrying  out
            that  he  will  decide  by  the  a  mass  killing,  but  they
            end  of  this  week  whether  haven’t filed any terrorism-
            to  dismiss  gun  charges  related  charges  against
            against a Coast Guard lieu-  him  since  his  February  ar-
            tenant accused of stockpil-  rest.
            ing combat gear and com-     During a hearing earlier this
            piling a hit list of prominent  year, Windom said the gov-
            Democrats and TV journal-    ernment had no doubt that
            ists.                        Hasson’s  arrest  prevented
            Christopher  Hasson,  50,  is  bloodshed.
            asking  U.S.  District  Judge  Hasson  is  a  self-described
            George  Hazel  in  Maryland  white  nationalist  who  has
            to dismiss three of the four  espoused  extremist  views
            counts in his indictment. The  for  years  and  “intends  to
            judge  didn’t  immediately  murder  innocent  civilians
            rule  Monday  after  hearing  on a scale rarely seen in this
            testimony  from  expert  wit-  country,”  Windom  wrote.
            nesses and arguments from  Hasson  also  drafted  an
            attorneys.                   email  in  which  he  said  he
            Hasson’s lawyers argue that  was “dreaming of a way to
            two of the four counts in his  kill almost every last person
            indictment,  both  charg-    on earth,” Windom said.       This Feb. 21, 2019, file photo shows U.S. Attorney Robert Hur, center, of the District of Maryland,
            ing  him  with  unlawful  pos-  Public  defender  Liz  Oyer   speaks as Art Walker, left, special agent from the Coast Guard investigative service, and Gordon
            session  of  firearm  silencers,  has   said   prosecutors   Johnson, special agent in charge of the FBI’s Baltimore office, listen during a news conference
            violate his Second Amend-    haven’t  filed  terrorism-re-  about Coast Guard Lt. Christopher Hasson, outside the federal courthouse in Greenbelt.
            ment right to bear arms.     lated charges against Has-                                                                        Associated Press
            Assistant   federal   public  son  because  they  haven’t  more than  1,000  rounds of   Macbeth said.              Silencers  are  regulated  by
            defender  Cullen  Macbeth  found  any  evidence  to  ammunition  at  Hasson’s          Windom  noted  that  eas-    the  National  Firearms  Act.
            said  the  Second  Amend-    back up those allegations.  basement  apartment  in       ily acquired items, such as  Nearly  1.5  million  silencers
            ment    protects   silencers  She  accused  prosecutors  Silver   Spring,   Maryland.   oil filters and flashlights, are  were registered with the Bu-
            along  with  firearms  and  of seeking to punish Hasson  He  researched  how  to       used  to  make  homemade  reau  of  Alcohol,  Tobacco,
            ammunition.                  for  “private  thoughts”  that  make  homemade  bombs     silencers.                   Firearms  and  Explosives  as
            “Courts  have  given  the  he never shared.               and  mortars,  studied  snip-  The prosecutor questioned  of  February  2018,  up  from
            word  ‘arms’  an  expansive  Prosecutors   have     said  er  training  and  used  his   whether defense attorneys  approximately  285,000  in
            interpretation,”   Macbeth  Hasson  created  what  ap-    government       computer    were  arguing  that  those  2010,  according  to  Has-
            said.                        peared  to  be  a  comput-   to  search  for  information   items  also  merit  Second  son’s lawyers.
            A  prosecutor,  however,  er-spreadsheet  hit  list  that  about Nazis and Adolf Hit-  Amendment       protection,  Hasson,  a  former  Marine,
            said  other  courts  already  included      Democratic  ler, prosecutors said.         but  Macbeth  said  they  worked  at  Coast  Guard
            have held that the Second  presidential  hopefuls  Sens.  The  judge  didn’t  hear  any   weren’t.                  headquarters  in  Washing-
            Amendment doesn’t cover  Kirsten  Gillibrand,  Elizabeth  testimony  or  arguments     “These  are  all  arguments  ton  on  a  program  to  ac-
            silencers.                   Warren,  Cory  Booker  and  about  the  government’s      to present to Congress and  quire  advanced  new  cut-
            “You can use guns just fine  Kamala  Harris.  Also  men-  terrorism-related   allega-  not  the  court,”  Windom  ters for the agency.
            without  silencers,”  said  As-  tioned were MSNBC’s Chris  tions   during   Monday’s   said. “The court should not  He  has  remained  held  in
            sistant U.S. Attorney Thomas  Hayes  and  Joe  Scarbor-   hearing.                     have  to  be  splitting  these  federal  custody  since  his
            Windom.                      ough and CNN’s Chris Cuo-    A defense expert said gun    hairs.”                      arrest.q
            Hasson also is charged with  mo and Van Jones. Hasson  owners  primarily  want  to
            possession  of  firearms  by  also targeted two Supreme  use  silencers  for  hearing
            unlawful user or addict of a  Court  justices  and  two  so-  protection and to increase
            controlled  substance,  and  cial media company exec-     the accuracy of some fire-
            illegal possession of trama-  utives and searched online  arms.
            dol, an opioid painkiller.   for their home addresses in  Macbeth,  the  public  de-
            Defense attorneys are ask-   March 2018, within minutes  fender,  said  there  is  no     Weekly special on Cars $169.00
            ing Hazel to dismiss the oth-  of  searching  firearm  sales  evidence that silencers are   We Deliver & Pick Up the car for FREE
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            er gun charge on different  websites,    according   to  widely used to commit vio-     
            grounds.                     prosecutors.                 lent crimes.
            They  haven’t  sought  the  Investigators found 15 guns,  “Silencers  are  part  of  us-
            pretrial dismissal of the drug  including  seven  rifles,  and  ing  weapons  effectively,”
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