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A4   U.S. NEWS
               Tuesday 10 sepTember 2019

            Judiciary panel to set rules for impeachment investigation

            By MARY CLARE JALONICK                                                                                              emptive  pardons  for  law-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    breaking. More subpoenas
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                            are likely.
            House  Judiciary  Commit-                                                                                           Meanwhile,  several  other
            tee will vote Thursday to es-                                                                                       committees  are  also  in-
            tablish rules for hearings on                                                                                       vestigating  the  president
            impeachment,  escalating                                                                                            —  though  not  under  the
            the  panel’s  investigations                                                                                        auspices of impeachment,
            of  President  Donald  Trump                                                                                        which  is  the  jurisdiction  of
            even  as  many  Democrats                                                                                           the Judiciary panel.
            remain wary of the effort.                                                                                          In  one  of  those  probes,
            The  resolution  is  a  techni-                                                                                     House  Intelligence  Com-
            cal  step,  and  the  panel                                                                                         mittee  Chairman  Adam
            would  still  have  to  intro-                                                                                      Schiff wrote former Nation-
            duce  impeachment  arti-                                                                                            al Security Adviser Michael
            cles against Trump and win                                                                                          Flynn and demanded that
            approval  from  the  House                                                                                          he appear for testimony on
            to  bring  charges  against                                                                                         Sept.  25.  In  the  letter,  dat-
            Trump.  It’s  unclear  if  that                                                                                     ed  Friday,  Schiff  said  that
            will ever happen, as House                                                                                          Flynn had failed to comply
            Speaker  Nancy  Pelosi  has                                                                                         with  the  panel’s  June  sub-
            urged caution on the issue                                                                                          poena or “cooperate with
            , saying the public still isn’t                                                                                     the  committee’s  efforts  to
            yet  supportive  of  taking   In  this  July  26,  2019,  file  photo,  House  Judiciary  Committee  Chairman  Jerrold  Nadler,  D-N.Y.,   secure your compliance.”
            those steps.                 prepares for a television news interview at the Capitol in Washington.                 Flynn admitted lying to the
            Even  if  the  House  did  rec-                                                                    Associated Press  FBI about his conversations
            ommend       impeachment  informative  to  Congress  to  deliver  a  message  to  ignated  by  Nadler  as  part  with  the  Russian  ambas-
            charges  against  the  presi-  and  the  public,  while  pro-  then- Attorney General Jeff  of  the  committee’s  probe  sador  to  the  United  States
            dent,  the  Republican-led  viding  the  president  with  Sessions  asking  him  to  limit  into  whether  to  recom-  and awaits sentencing.
            Senate is unlikely to convict  the ability to respond to ev-  Mueller’s probe.         mend articles of impeach-    The intelligence panel said
            him  and  remove  him  from  idence  presented  against  The committee has also in-    ment.                        also Monday that it will in-
            office.                      him,” Nadler said in a state-  vited  two  other  witnesses  The   procedural   vote  vestigate  possible  efforts
            Still,  House  Judiciary  Com-  ment.  “We  will  not  allow  mentioned  in  the  report,  comes as the panel broad-  by Trump and his personal
            mittee  Chairman  Jerrold  Trump’s continued obstruc-     former  White  House  aides  ens its impeachment probe  lawyer,  former  New  York
            Nadler  has  said  that  the  tion to stop us from deliver-  Rick  Dearborn  and  Rob  beyond  Mueller’s  report,  City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, to
            committee  will  move  for-  ing  the  truth  to  the  Ameri-  Porter. The White House has  which has consumed most  pressure  the  government
            ward  with  impeachment  can people.”                     previously  blocked  former  of  the  committee’s  en-    of Ukraine to assist Trump’s
            hearings  this  fall,  bolstered  The  committee  has  also  employees  from  testifying,  ergy  since  it  was  released  2020   presidential   cam-
            by lawmakers on the panel  filed  two  lawsuits  against  but Lewandowski never of-    in April. The Judiciary pan-  paign.
            who  roundly  support  mov-  the administration after the  ficially worked for the White  el,  along  with  the  House  The   intelligence   panel,
            ing  forward.  The  vote  on  White  House  repeatedly  House.                         Oversight   and   Govern-    along  with  the  House  For-
            Thursday  will  set  rules  for  blocked the panel from ob-  The  resolution  that  the  ment  Reform  Committee,  eign  Relations  Committee
            those  hearings,  empower-   taining documents and tes-   committee  will  consider  announced       Friday   that  and  the  Oversight  com-
            ing  staff  to  question  wit-  timony. Pelosi has said she  Thursday would set param-  they  are  demanding  infor-  mittee, are demanding re-
            nesses,  allowing  some  evi-  wants to see what happens  eters  for  the  panel’s  im-  mation  about  the  spend-  cords  related  to  those  ef-
            dence  to  remain  private  in court before making any  peachment hearings in an  ing  of  taxpayer  money  at  forts.  The  committees  said
            and  permitting  the  presi-  decisions   on   impeach-   attempt to give lawmakers  the  president’s  hotels  and  in  a  joint  release  that  the
            dent’s  counsel  to  respond  ment.                       more powers to investigate  properties,  partly  to  inform  record  request  is  a  “first
            to testimony.                The  first  hearing  under  the  the president. It would allow  the  impeachment  investi-  step  in  a  broad  investiga-
            The  committee  says  that  new  impeachment  rules  committee lawyers to ques-        gation.                      tion into this matter.”
            the  resolution  is  similar  to  would  be  with  Corey  Le-  tion  witnesses  for  an  ad-  Aside  from  reviewing  his  Giuliani said earlier this year
            procedural  votes  taken  at  wandowski  on  Sept.  17,  ditional hour — 30 minutes  use  of  Trump’s  properties,  that he would travel to Kiev
            the  beginning  of  the  im-  the panel also announced  for  each  side  —  beyond  the  Judiciary  panel  is  also  to urge the government to
            peachment  investigations  Monday.         Lewandowski  the five minutes allowed for  expected  to  investigate  investigate  the  origins  of
            into Presidents Richard Nix-  was  frequently  mentioned  committee lawmakers. Evi-    hush   money     payments  Mueller’s probe and the in-
            on and Bill Clinton.         in  former  special  counsel  dence  would  be  allowed  Trump  made  to  kill  poten-  volvement  of  former  Vice
            “The adoption of these ad-   Robert  Mueller’s  report  ,  in private session to protect  tially  embarrassing  stories,  President  Joe  Biden’s  son
            ditional  procedures  is  the  which  the  committee  has  the confidentiality of sensi-  and  has  subpoenaed  the  in  a  gas  company  owned
            next  step  in  that  process  been  investigating.  Ac-  tive materials, and any full  Department  of  Homeland  by  a  Ukrainian  oligarch.
            and will help ensure our im-  cording to Mueller’s report,  committee  or  subcommit-  Security to explore whether  Giuliani later scrapped that
            peachment  hearings  are  Trump asked  Lewandowski  tee hearing could be des-          the  president  offered  pre-  trip.q
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