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               Tuesday 10 sepTember 2019
            Italy’s Conte wins first confidence vote in Parliament

            By FRANCES D’EMILIO                                                                                                 “That  every  year  a  leader
            Associated Press                                                                                                    can think he can bring the
            ROME  (AP)  —  Italian  Pre-                                                                                        country  to  elections  is  irre-
            mier  Giuseppe  Conte  on                                                                                           sponsible,” Conte said.
            Monday won the first of two                                                                                         The  premier  forged  a  new
            mandatory      confidence                                                                                           coalition  last  week  out
            votes  on  his  four-day-old                                                                                        of  rival  parties  that  have
            coalition of rival parties, af-                                                                                     sparred  nastily  for  years  —
            ter a day of fielding insults                                                                                       the  populist  5-Star  Move-
            during  a  boisterous  Parlia-                                                                                      ment  that  he  led  in  a  first
            ment  session  from  an  op-                                                                                        coalition  and  the  center-
            position outraged that Italy                                                                                        left Democratic Party to re-
            got a new government in-                                                                                            place the League.
            stead of a new election.                                                                                            Each of the two major part-
            The  343-263  vote  in  the                                                                                         ners has been plagued by
            lower  Chamber  of  Depu-                                                                                           squabbling,  including  over
            ties,  with  three  lawmakers                                                                                       whether  this  marriage  of
            abstaining,  was  the  pre-                                                                                         convenience  is  a  good
            amble to Tuesday’s vote in                                                                                          idea.
            the Senate. The vote in the                                                                                         More than any policy con-
            upper  chamber  promises                                                                                            vergence,   the   alliance
            to be tighter, since the co-                                                                                        of  5-Stars  and  Democrats
            alition holds only a handful                                                                                        mainly  hinges  on  mutual
            votes  more  than  needed                                                                                           determination to keep out
            for  a  simple  majority,  and   Italian Premier Giuseppe Conte shakes hands with Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio after addressing   of power Salvini and his an-
            any  defections  in  Conte’s   parliament ahead of confidence vote later at the Lower Chamber in Rome, Monday, Sept. 9, 2019.  ti-migrant  League,  soaring
            unnatural  coalition  could                                                                        Associated Press  in opinion polls for months.
            cost him dearly.             eclipsed in the raucous at-  Shouts  against  “robbers  of  Inside  the  legislature,  the  The League was Italy’s big-
            Should Conte lose, he must  mosphere was any debate  sovereignty”  and  “elec-         opposition called out “buf-  gest party in European Par-
            resign.  That  would  make  over  Conte’s  main  policy  tions  now”  rang  out  in  the  foon,”  ‘’elections,  elec-  liament elections last May,
            elections this fall all but cer-  thrust  —  a  government  crowd.  A  few  wrapped  tions”  and  “sold”  to  indi-  practically  doubling  in  a
            tain.  “I’m  satisfied,”  Conte  focused   on   economic  Italy’s red-white-and-green  cate  Conte  had  betrayed  year its percentage of sup-
            said of Monday’s vote.       growth and determined to  flag  around  them  like  a  voters in a quest for a new  port from voters.
            Much of Monday’s 11-hour-    keep Europe united.          shawl.                       mandate.                     Conte outsmarted Salvini in
            long  session  in  the  Cham-  In  the  square  outside  the  “Inside,  there’s  the  regime  Conte  lobbed  his  own  forming the alternative co-
            ber  of  Deputies  seemed  Chamber,  Matteo  Salvini,  that knows it’s about to fall  barbs    at   Salvini,   who  alition, also with the aid of
            more like a soccer stadium  leader of the “Italians first,”  and is acting like Marie An-  abruptly   withdrew   the  a tiny left-wing party which
            with  frenzied  fans  than  a  right-wing  League  party  toinette,”  Salvini  told  the  League  as  a  partner  in  has  one  Cabinet  minister.
            hall  of  lawmakers  weigh-  who  brought  down  Con-     rally,  sarcastically  likening  the  previous  government  Salvini and his allies, includ-
            ing  whether  to  confirm  te’s first government, rallied  Conte’s  cobbled-together  in  a  bid  for  an  early  elec-  ing  a  far-right  party  with
            Italy’s  second  government  a few thousand supporters  coalition  to  the  tone-deaf  tion  that  would  make  him  neo-fascist  roots,  contend
            of  mismatched  partners  who clamored for their say  attitude  of  the  French  premier and bring him “full  Italians  deserved  to  have
            in  15  months.  Practically  at the ballot box.          queen.                       powers.”                     early elections.q

            Moroccan journalist denies charges of illegal abortion

            By AMIRA EL MASAITI                                                                    Raissouni claims she was ar-  motivated  and  that  she
            Associated Press                                                                       rested  outside  a  clinic  she  was   targeted   because
            RABAT, Morocco (AP) — A                                                                visited for an “urgent inter-  she is a journalist who cov-
            judge  ruled  that  a  Moroc-                                                          vention,” not an abortion.   ers  a  grassroots  opposition
            can journalist remain in cus-                                                          “She was not arrested in fla-  movement.
            tody  after  she  appeared                                                             grante  delicto.  She  didn’t  Amnesty  International  has
            Monday  in  a  packed                                                                  confess  to  any  crime.  But  called for Morocco to drop
            courtroom on charges that                                                              this is the state of our coun-  charges and release her.
            she had an illegal abortion                                                            try  ...  We’ve  reached  the  “Hajar is a victim in all this,”
            after  becoming  pregnant                                                              level where women’s bod-     her uncle Soulaimane Rais-
            while single.                                                                          ies become the subject of  souni,  a  columnist  at  the
            The case has gained atten-                                                             public debate,” said one of  paper  where  she  works,
            tion  among  journalists  and                                                          Raissouni’s  lawyers,  Fatiha  said in an interview.
            rights groups.                                                                         Chtatou.                     Police  reportedly  forced
            The  28-year-old  Hajar  Rais-                                                         Raissouni  didn’t  speak  in  Raissouni  into  a  medical
            souni has been jailed since   A  man  carries  a  banner  at  a  demonstration  outside  a  court   court  Monday,  but  was  exam at the time of her ar-
            Aug.  31.  She  denies  hav-  in  solidarity  with  detained  journalist  Hajar  Raissouni,  in  Rabat,   expected  to  when  it  con-  rest.
            ing  had  an  abortion  and   Morocco, Monday, Sept. 9, 2019.                          venes again over the case  “It is a rape of her body. It
            claims  she  was  married  to                                         Associated Press  on Sept. 16.                shows  that  the  state  con-
            her Sudanese fiancé under  ered  outside  the  court-     release request.             She  works  for  the  Arabic-  trols  the  bodies  and  free-
            Islamic  law.  The  fiancé,  a  house  in  the  Moroccan  Abortions are illegal in Mo-  language  paper  Akhbar  dom  of  a  woman,”  said
            gynecologist and two oth-    capital,  Rabat,  chanting  rocco  as  is  premarital  sex.  Al  Yaoum,  a  major  daily  Ibtissam  Lachgar,  spokes-
            ers also were jailed.        “freedoms are in danger.”    Raissouni  faces  up  to  two  critical  of  the  state.  Fam-  woman for the rights group
            They appeared in court as  The judge on Monday de-        years in prison if convicted  ily  members  maintain  that  Alternative  Movement  for
            dozens  of  protesters  gath-  nied  Raissouni’s  temporary  on all counts.            her  arrest  was  politically  Individual Freedoms.q
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