P. 16
Tuesday 12 March 2019
Bohemian Restaurant: Check In Please
PALM BEACH — Avant-garde from France, nonconformist in style and ethnic in cuisine.
That is what the new kid in town is about and WEDNESDAY NIGHT they even top the
eclectic vibe with live Flamenco singer Angela Baidez. Bohemian Restaurant is a dif-
ferent swing, European flair and outside dining, a place from the same owner as the for
years already successful Casa Tua restaurants. They know their dance well, but this time
they lift it to a different level.
From 8 PM tomorrow night Span- and live music in an intimate, hip tickle your taste buds to the max. ing lot in front of Barcelo Resort.
ish Paella and much more is on the and offbeat ambiance. Catchy Bohemian Restaurant is located on Make your reservations through
menu, of course with pairing wines. Rumba Gitana and dramatic the corner of Barceló Resort in the their website: https://bohemiana-
The beautiful garden of Bohemian Spanish ballads combine with the center of the hi-rise frenzy. Call them at 00 297 280
will be filled with lights, good food passionately prepared dishes to Free Parking available at the park- 8448. Facebook: Bohemian. q
Caribbean top-artists will exhibit at
‘ARToMoNDo’ and all over the Netherlands
Minister Mr. Michael Somer-
sall, as Minister Plenipoten-
tiary of Sint Maarten.
After March 16th, this spe-
cial collection will be exhib-
ited first in The Hague and
finally in the Grote Kerk of
Apeldoorn, where also the
conclusion and culmina-
tion of this initiative will take
THE HAGUE — Minister of St ‘ Orange paintings ‘ from A possible phase 2 with trav-
Maarten, Mr. Michael Som- GN, at Center ‘De Ontmo- eling exhibitions throughout
ersall opened this exhibi- eting’, located opposite the Netherlands, will not
tion of famous Caribbean to’ARToMoNDo’, Nieuw- focus on ‘ help after a hur-
artists at ARToMoNDo. After straat 19-21, in Deventer. ricane ‘, but on cultural ‘
a presentation of some of The aim is that after this co- cooperation ‘ of the Carib-
the Artworks at the Cabinet operation between well- bean Parts of the Kingdom
of the Minister Plenipoten- known artists of the Over- in the Netherlands. The
ciary of Sint Maarten in The seas National parts, this smallest Part of the King-
Hague and the first vernis- initiative is extended with dom, Sint Maarten, could
sage and exhibition in Delft, more artists and art disci- become an example on
of some of the most famous plines. A touring exhibition how a very negative local
artists from Aruba, Curaçao throughout the Nether- event can be channelled
and Sint Maarten, the Art- lands will try to open doors into positive events for all
works of this travelling exhi- for this. National parts, if the policy
bition can be admired until After a welcome by Mrs. permits.
March 16, in ARToMoNDo, Marianne de Bakker of ‘AR-
Nieuwstraat 20, in the heart ToMoNDo’ and Mr. Albert- End 2017 Sint Maarten was
of Deventer. Jan van Cloo of ‘De Ont- hit by Hurricane Irma, the
moeting’ and a speech most disastrous hurricane in
The exhibitors Sir Roland by President of Foundation its history. In Apeldoorn, on
Richardson, Tess Verheij, Orange events Apeldoorn/ Koningsdag 2018, began artists. This beautiful action materials to Saint Martin.
Melvin Anderson, Bikkel Dutch Orange Company the ‘ Arts & Culture Relay’ could count on support The smallest part of our
and Gustave Nouel are BV, Mr. Simon Boon, Depu- for part of the Kingdom Sint from various authorities, of Kingdom, Sint Maarten,
among the most famous ty Mayor and alderman of Maarten, a co-operation the Royal Federation of Or- could probably become
and/or internationally rec- culture, Mr. Carlo Verhaar of Sichting Oranjefeesten ange associations (KBOV) an example on how very
ognized artists from the Ca- welcomed the delegation Apeldoorn/Dutch Orange and from various spon- negative local events can
ribbean parts of our King- of Sint Maarten in Deventer. Company BV with the Gov- sors, including Royal Talent be channelled to posi-
dom. Annex is there occa- Afterwards the exhibition ernment of St. Maarten and Foundation that donated tive events, for the whole
sion to visit an exhibition of was officially opened by some famous Caribbean a hefty amount of painting Kingdom.q