P. 11

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 12 March 2019

            Indonesian woman freed 2 years after killing of Kim Jong Nam

            By EILEEN NG                                                                           after Aisyah left.           government  officials  and
            SHAH ALAM, Malaysia (AP)                                                               The two women had been  a  mob  of  reporters  at  Ja-
            — One of two women ac-                                                                 the  only  suspects  in  custo-  karta's arport, struggled for
            cused  of  killing  North  Ko-                                                         dy after four North Korean  words as journalists shouted
            rean  leader  Kim  Jong  Un's                                                          suspects  fled  the  country  questions.  After  a  prompt
            half  brother  by  smearing                                                            the  morning  of  Feb.  13,  from  Indonesia's  law  and
            VX nerve agent on his face                                                             2017, when Kim Jong Nam  human  rights  minister,  she
            was  freed  after  two  years                                                          was killed.                  thanked the president and
            of detention Monday when                                                               The trial is to resume Thurs-  Cabinet ministers.
            Malaysian  prosecutors  un-                                                            day,  and  prosecutors  are  Indonesia's   government
            expectedly  dropped  the                                                               expected to reply to a re-   said its continued high-lev-
            murder charge against her.                                                             quest  by  Huong's  lawyers  el lobbying had resulted in
            Indonesian  Siti  Aisyah  and                                                          for the government to with-  Aisyah's  release.  Its  foreign
            her  Vietnamese  co-de-                                                                draw  the  murder  charge  ministry said in a statement
            fendant,  Doan  Thi  Huong,                                                            against her as well.         that  she  was  "deceived
            have  said  they  thought                                                              The  High  Court  judge  dis-  and  did  not  realize  at  all
            they  were  taking  part  in  a                                                        charged  Aisyah  without  that  she  was  being  ma-
            prank for a TV show.         Indonesian Siti Aisyah, left, smiles with lawyer Gooi Soon Seng   an  acquittal  on  Monday  nipulated by North Korean
                                         after a press conference at Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lum-
            Prosecutors  did  not  give   pur, Malaysia, Monday, March 11, 2019.                   after  prosecutors  applied  intelligence."
            any reason for the remark-                                            Associated Press  to drop the murder charge  It  said  Aisyah,  a  migrant
            able  retreat  in  their  case                                                         against her.                 worker,  never  had  any  in-
            against Aisyah in the killing  ald Trump.                 president  and  other  offi-  Prosecutor Iskandar Ahmad  tention of killing Kim.
            of Kim Jong Nam at a busy  Aisyah  cried  and  hugged  cials for their help.           said that means Aisyah can  The  ministry  said  that  over
            Kuala Lumpur airport termi-  Huong  before  leaving  the  "I  feel  happy,  very  happy  be  charged  again  if  there  the past two years, Aisyah's
            nal.                         courtroom  and  being  ush-  that  I  cannot  express  in  is fresh evidence, but there  plight  was  raised  in  "every
            Indonesia's    government  ered  away  in  an  Indone-    words," she told reporters at  are no such plans now.     bilateral  Indonesia-Malay-
            had lobbied repeatedly for  sian Embassy car. She told  Jakarta's airport. "After this I  Aisyah's release comes just  sia  meeting,"  including  at
            her  release.  Vietnam  has  reporters that she had only  just want to gather with my  a  month  before  Indone-    the  presidential  level,  the
            pushed  less  hard  on  be-  learned  Monday  morning  family."                        sia's  general  election  and  vice  presidential  level  and
            half of Huong, and recently  that she would be freed.     Huong, who remains on tri-   is seen as a boost to Presi-  in  regular  meetings  of  the
            hosted leader Kim Jong Un  She  flew  back  to  Jakarta,  al, was distraught.          dent  Joko  Widodo,  who  is  foreign  minister  and  other
            for  an  official  visit  and  a  Indonesia's  capital,  later  "I  am  in  shock.  My  mind  is  seeking re-election.  ministers  with  their  Malay-
            summit with President Don-   Monday  and  thanked  the  blank,"  she  told  reporters  Aisyah,   surrounded    by  sian counterparts.q

             Mother detained after neglected child found in Moscow

            Associated Press             had  been  cut  off  due  to  happened to the child if no
            MOSCOW (AP) — A 5-year-      unpaid debts.                one had reacted and if the
            old girl who was left alone  Emergency     workers   on  mother  did  not  show  up,"
            in  a  Moscow  apartment  Sunday removed the child  Anna  Kuznetsova  said  in
            cluttered with junk for sev-  from the apartment, which  comments to Russian news
            eral days is being treated in  was  cluttered  with  what  agencies.
            intensive care, Russian offi-  appeared to be trash bags  The mother said in question-
            cials said on Monday.        and  plastic  bottles,  ac-  ing  that  she  had  to  leave
            The  Investigative  Commit-  cording  to  the  investiga-  the  child  alone  for  "short
            tee,  Russia's  main  investi-  tors'  footage.  The  furniture  periods" to go to work, the
            gative body, has detained  in  the  apartment  looked  Investigative     Committee
            the  girl's  mother  and  has  smashed and the walls and  said.
            launched a criminal inquiry  the  ceiling  splattered  with  Neighbors  had  reportedly
            into  conspiracy  to  murder.  dirt or paint.             complained     about   the
            They  gave  no  information  The   ombudswoman       for  child crying and the stench
            about the girl's condition.  children's  rights  in  Russia  coming  from  the  apart-  This photo taken from video made available by The Investiga-
            Investigators, who are also  said  the  girl,  identified  as  ment.                   tive Committee of the Russian Federation on Sunday, March 10,
                                                                                                   2019 shows a Moscow apartment where a neglected five-year-
            probing the actions of po-   Lyuba, does not appear to  But  police  officers  had  ini-  old girl was living.
            lice and social workers, said  be able to speak.          tially  refused  to  force  their                                     Associated Press
            the 47-year-old woman left  "Water  and  electricity  had  way  in.  Another  police
            her  daughter  for  several  been  cut  off  in  the  apart-  squad  called  emergency  Neighbors  interviewed  by  to herself and that her be-
            days  and  that  water  and  ment,  and  it's  horrifying  to  services a few days later to  Russian   state   television  havior  did  not  arouse  any
            electricity in the apartment  imagine  what  would  have  get the door down.           said  the  girl's  mother  kept  suspicion.q
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