P. 12

                    Tuesday 12 March 2019
            At hearing, Amazon tribe accuses Brazil army of atrocities

            By MAURICIO SAVARESE                                                                                                tion  workers,  government
            Associated Press                                                                                                    liaisons   with   indigenous
            WAIMIRI-ATROARI  RESERVE,                                                                                           groups and members of re-
            Brazil  (AP)  —  First  the  heli-                                                                                  ligious  missions,  were  killed
            copters  arrived,  dropping                                                                                         during  the  construction  of
            chemical    bombs.    Then                                                                                          the road.
            came armed men in green                                                                                             Compared to South Ameri-
            uniforms  who  proceeded                                                                                            can countries like Chile and
            to slaughter members of an                                                                                          Argentina,  Brazil  has  done
            Amazon tribe to make way                                                                                            little  to  uncover  atrocities
            for a major road.                                                                                                   at the hands of the military,
            Bare  Bornaldo  Waimiri,  at                                                                                        particularly  against  indig-
            the time a teenage mem-                                                                                             enous peoples.
            ber  of  the  Waimiri-Atroari                                                                                       The allegations of the Wai-
            tribe  deep  in  Brazil's  Ama-                                                                                     miri-Atroari  pose  a  chal-
            zon, said the day of that at-                                                                                       lenge to Brazil's armed forc-
            tack, many years ago, was                                                                                           es,  who  say  their  regime
            the  last  he  saw  his  family                                                                                     only cracked down on ad-
            alive.                                                                                                              versaries that pushed for a
            Now  elderly,  Bornaldo  de-                                                                                        socialist revolution.
            scribed  the  horrific  scene                                                                                       Slender  and  low-voiced
            last  week  during  a  historic   Waimiri-Atroari elders attend a hearing about alleged crimes committed by the Brazilian dicta-  Dawuna  Elzo  Atroari  said
            hearing that put a spotlight   torship in the 1970s inside a traditional "maloca" indigenous hut on the Waimiri-Atroari reserve in   he  witnessed  a  blitzkrieg
            on Brazil's military, which de-  Brazil's Amazon state.                                                             style  attack  against  the
            nies attacking the tribe. His                                                                      Associated Press  tribe in a different incident
            testimony underscored the                                                                                           than the one Bornaldo de-
            constant  tension  between  lands to hear witnesses tell  such  person  he  declined  and  Boa  Vista,  according  scribed.
            development  and  conser-    of  several  alleged  attacks  to.                        to  prosecutors  and  tribes-  "Before  this  road  we  lived
            vation  in  Latin  America's  over  the  years.  Leaders  Before ruling, federal judge  men testifying.             well  and  in  peace,  we
            largest  nation  and  comes  said  their  aim  was  to  deal  Raffaela  Cassia  de  Sousa  All  six  tribe  members  testi-  were  healthy,"  he  said,  his
            as  far-right  President  Jair  with the past and avoid fu-  was  expected  to  wait  for  fying  said  the  aggressions  hands  shaking.  "After  the
            Bolsonaro  gives  a  promi-  ture incursions.             forensics,  which  could  in-  came  from  the  Brazilian  road, people died and we
            nent  role  to  the  military  in  "To  turn  this  page,  we  all  clude  a  determination  of  army  while  it  oversaw  the  were threatened."
            his  government  and  ends  have  to  read  the  book,"  what  chemical  may  have  construction  of  75  miles  "I had a gun pointed to my
            new  indigenous  land  de-   tribal  leader  Mario  Parwe  been used in the bombings  (120  kilometers)  across  the  ear," he recounted.
            marcations in the Amazon.    Atroari said.                witnesses  described,  and  Waimiri-Atroari reserve.      Wildlife  is  abundant  in  the
            "I lost my father, my mother,  Most indigenous tribes that  possibly  more  testimony  At the time, military leaders  region, with sloths, monkeys
            my  sister  and  my  brother,"  allege   atrocities   during  and pieces of evidence.  said  the  tribe  was  imped-  and jaguars frequently ap-
            Bornaldo said in a very low  the  dictatorship  are  reluc-  There is no final date for a  ing  government  employ-  pearing.  Bayous  filled  with
            voice,  wearing  shorts  and  tant to give a full account-  decision.                  ees from building the road.  fly-attracting  pink  flowers
            tapping his flip-flops on the  ing  of  incidents  in  urban  Federal  prosecutors,  who  However,  the  military  has  can be seen from the road.
            ground  as  two  translators  courthouses  because  they  accuse  the  Brazilian  state  never  acknowledged  a  Not far from it, the trees be-
            put  his  words  into  Portu-  don't  trust  non-indigenous  of genocide in their civil suit,  role in attacking the tribe.  come leafier and taller.
            guese.                       peoples.  Some  also  fear  said  hundreds,  if  not  thou-  "Documents  of  that  time  The  Waimiri-Atroari  close
            The  hearing  took  place  in  being  prosecuted  for  their  sands,  of  tribe  members  show  the  military  dicta-  off the road with a massive
            a  thatched,  cone-shaped  own  attacks  against  state  died  between  1968  and  torship  considered  the  in-    chain  each  day  at  6  p.m.
            hut  where  the  Waimiri-    agents and missionaries.     1977, when highway BR-174  digenous  a  hurdle  to  de-   so as to protect wildlife and
            Atroari  normally  hold  col-  While  tribesmen  nodded  was  built.  The  deaths  ei-  velopment  and  that  their  the  tribe  itself.  It  only  re-
            orful  festivities  and  long  during  Bornaldo's  testimo-  ther  happened  by  military  presence  in  areas  of  gov-  opens at 6 a.m.
            storytelling   sessions.   For  ny,  a  half-dozen  military  strikes  or  because  of  dis-  ernment interest could not  The testimony of the elders,
            one day last week, it trans-  personnel  in  uniform  stood  eases that came after the  stop  construction  works,"  all  youngsters  during  the
            formed  into  a  gloomy  in  silence.  Retired  Col.  Hi-  forceful construction of the  said  journalist  Rubens  Va-  construction  of  the  road,
            courthouse  where  six  el-  ram Reis e Silva, dressed in  road  through  the  reserve,  lente,  who  attended  the  are key in the suit demand-
            ders told a judge how over  a  white-collared  shirt  and  prosecutors said.           hearing and is the author of  ing the state pay the tribe
            many  years  the  1964-1985  jeans,  shook  his  head  as  The  witnesses  said  they  a book on the relationship  $13  million  in  damages,  is-
            military dictatorship tried to  the witnesses spoke. Reis e  don't know the dates of the  between Brazil's authoritar-  sue  an  official  apology  in
            eradicate  them with  arms,  Silva,  who  said  he  worked  alleged  attacks.  The  Wai-  ian regime and indigenous  a  ceremony  on  Waimiri-
            bombs and chemicals.         near the reserve after 1982,  miri-Atroari do not measure  tribes.                     Atroari land, build a muse-
            The  Associated  Press  and  was at the hearing to rep-   time  in  months  and  years,  During last week's hearing,  um to remember the atroc-
            one local newspaper were  resent the military.            and  instead  talk  of  events  the  government's  lawyers  ities  and  mention  human
            the only media allowed to  "My  version  of  the  story  is  in relation to their phase in  suggested in their questions  rights   violations   against
            attend  the  hearing.  Non-  very  different,"  Reis  e  Silva  life.                  that  miners  or  local  crimi-  them  in  public  school
            tribal  members  in  general  told the AP. "There are some  Prosecutors  said  they  be-  nals  were  behind  the  at-  books.
            are  usually  forbidden  to  exaggerations.  We  hope  lieve  that  the  attack  Bor-  tacks,  assertions  that  tribal  In  2014,  a  Brazilian  truth
            enter the sprawling reserve  truth is re-established."    naldo witnessed took place  members rejected.             commission said more than
            that is the size of Israel and  "I also have several witness-  after 1974, the year the ag-  In explaining their own use  8,000  members  of  indig-
            straddles the states of Am-  es who are the pioneers of  gressions  intensified.  The  of violence, Waimiri-Atroari  enous  tribes  could  have
            azonas and Roraima.          the  highway  and  counter  massacre he saw was one  said they were just defend-       been killed at the hands of
            Tribe  members  and  pros-   everything (the tribe mem-   of numerous attacks during  ing their territory. According  authoritarian  regimes  be-
            ecutors  said  it  marked  the  bers say)," Reis e Silva add-  the  construction  of  a  por-  to  Valente's  book,  which  tween  1946  and  1988,  the
            first  time  a  judge  was  al-  ed, though when asked to  tion  of  the  road  that  con-  prosecutors cite, at least 26  vast  majority  during  the
            lowed  on  Waimiri-Atroari  share  contacts  with  any  nects the cities of Manaus  people, including construc-     1964-1985 dictatorship.q
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