P. 7
U.S. NEWS Tuesday 12 March 2019
Feds accuse vice officer of
forcing women into sex
By ANDREW WELSH-HUG- "We rely on the police to
GINS serve and protect us, and
Associated Press when you have a police of-
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — ficer who commits a crime,
A longtime police officer that is a very serious breach
forced women to have sex of trust," he said.
with him under threat of an Police officers take an oath
arrest, pressured others to to the constitution and
help cover up crimes, and promise to obey federal,
Anne Arundel County State's Attorney Anne Colt Leitess talks to lied to federal investigators state and local laws, said
reporters after a court hearing on Monday, March 11, 2019, in when he said he'd never Thomas Quinlan, interim
Annapolis, Md.
Associated Press had sex with prostitutes, Columbus police chief.
according to charges un- "The community has every
Judge denies defense veiled Monday. right to be disgusted by the This undated photo provided
news, as well as everyone
Columbus vice squad Of-
request in newspaper ficer Andrew Mitchell, 55, who wears this badge," he by the Department of Justice
was arrested Monday and said.
shows Columbus vice squad
faces a detention hearing Mitchell plans to fight the
shooting case this week. He is charged charges and enter a not Officer Andrew Mitchell.
Associated Press
guilty plea, his attorney
with witness tampering, ob-
struction of justice, making said Monday. still do not have Donna with
By BRIAN WITTE ficient evidence for the de- a false statement to feder- "These allegations are un- us, so it's hard to really view
Associated Press fense to prepare for court," al investigators, and depri- founded, and my client is it as a successful day."
ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — said Anne Arundel County vation of rights under color going to exercise his right Franklin County prosecutor
The judge in a case against State's Attorney Anne Colt of law, the language used to a jury trial in the federal Ron O'Brien said Monday
a man accused of killing Leitess, speaking with re- to describe crimes commit- system," Collins said. His un- he expects to take that
five people at a Maryland porters outside the court- ted by police officers while derstanding, he said, is that case to a grand jury soon.
newspaper office ruled house in Annapolis. on duty. the alleged victims named Mitchell plans to appear
Monday that prosecutors William Davis, an attor- A federal indictment ac- in the indictment were before the grand jury,
have provided "significant- ney for Ramos, declined cused Mitchell, a 30-year prostitutes. Mitchell said, "and testify
ly more" information about to comment after a brief veteran, of arresting two Mitchell has also been in- truthfully and indicate as
the charges to defense court hearing. Ramos, with different women and forc- vestigated by state au- to why it was a good use
attorneys than the law re- long hair and a beard, at- ing them to have sex before thorities after police said of force." The charges were
quires. tended the hearing. he would release them. he fatally shot a woman the latest black eye for the
Lawyers for Jarrod Ramos A trial is currently sched- Later, during the federal who stabbed him in the vice squad, which has also
asked Anne Arundel Coun- uled for June. A scheduling investigation, Mitchell lied hand while sitting in his un- been under scrutiny since
ty Circuit Judge Laura Rip- conference has been set when he told the FBI he'd marked police car. Donna last year's arrest of porn ac-
ken last month to require for March 28 "to determine never had sex with a pros- Castleberry, 23, had strug- tress Stormy Daniels. Charg-
prosecutors to give them whether it's appropriate to titute, since Mitchell knew gled with drugs and was es were dropped hours
more details about the proceed in June," Leitess "he has had sex with nu- likely working the streets as later. Earlier this year, Dan-
charges, as they weigh said. merous prostitutes, includ- a prostitute, her family has iels sued several Columbus
changing their client's plea Prosecutors are seeking life ing having paid women said. She left behind two police officers for $2 million
to not criminally responsible in prison without possibil- money for sex," according young daughters. over that arrest. Daniels'
by reason of insanity. His at- ity of parole. Letters that to the indictment. "Our family has been asking federal defamation lawsuit
torneys currently have a threatened the newsroom Committing the alleged questions for a long time," alleges that officers con-
Friday deadline to change and were signed with Ra- crimes while on duty is said Mary Laile, a cousin to spired to retaliate against
the plea from not guilty. mos' name were received "a nightmarish breach of Castleberry. "We miss her her because of her claims
"The judge's ruling was that by area judges and an at- trust," said Ben Glassman, everyday and days like to- she had sex with Donald
the state complied with torney in the days following the U.S. attorney for the day feel like a success, but Trump before he became
the law and provided suf- the June 28 attack.q southern half of Ohio. then we remember that we president.q