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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 12 March 2019

            PELOSI                       and  do  what's  politically  she  first  held  the  speaker's
            Continued from Front         convenient."                 gavel,  in  2007,  to  start
            That    thinking    among  Neil  Sroka  of  the  liberal  impeachment proceedings
            Democrats     has   shifted,  advocacy            group  against  George  W.  Bush.
            slightly,  in  part  because  Democracy  for  America  Having  been  a  member
            of   the   possibility   that  said Pelosi's comments were  of   Congress     during
            Mueller's  report  will  not  "a  little  like  an  oncologist  President   Bill   Clinton's
            be  decisive  and  because  taking  chemotherapy  off  impeachment, she saw the
            his  investigation  is  more  the table before she's even  way  the  public  turned  on
            narrowly  focused.  Instead,  got your test results back."  Republicans  and  helped
            House    Democrats     are  Other lawmakers who have  Clinton win a second term.
            pursuing  their  own  broad,  called  for  impeachment  Heading  into  the  midterm
            high-profile   investigations  looked at Pelosi's comments  elections, she discouraged
            that will keep the focus on  more practically. Rep. Brad  candidates from talking up
            Trump's  business  dealings  Sherman, D-Calif., who filed  impeachment,    preferring   In this Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2019 file photo, House Oversight and
            and relationship with Russia,  articles  of  impeachment  to stick to the kitchen table   Reform Committee Chair Elijah Cummings, D-Md., right, speaks
            exerting     congressional  against  Trump  on  the  first  issues  that  she  believes   as he gives closing remarks with Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, the
            oversight without having to  day  of  the  new  Congress  most resonate with voters.   ranking member, at left, as the hearing for Michael Cohen, Pres-
            broach the I-word.           in January, acknowledged  Pelosi  has  often  said  the   ident Donald Trump's former lawyer, at the House Oversight and
                                                                                                   Reform Committee concludes, on Capitol Hill, in Washington.
            Oversight    and    Reform  that there is not yet public  House  should  not  pursue                                            Associated Press
            Committee        Chairman  support  for  impeachment,  impeachment  for  political
            Elijah  Cummings,  one  of  but noted that Pelosi "didn't  reasons,  but  it  shouldn't  are  from  more  moderate  we  have  something  that
            the   lawmakers    leading  say  'I  am  against  it  if  the  hold  back  for  political  districts  and  will  have  to  is  compelling  enough  to
            those  investigations,  said  public is clamoring for it.'"  reasons,   either.   Rather,  win  re-election  again  in  get  a  strong  majority  of
            he  agrees  with  Pelosi  and  Sherman  said  that  the  she says, the investigations  two  years  have  been  Americans, then we'll do it,"
            Congress  needs  "to  do  multiple          Democratic  need  to  take  their  course  fully  supportive  of  Pelosi's  said Rep. Katie Hill, D-Calif.
            our  homework."  He  said  investigations    of   Trump  and     impeachment,      if  caution.                     "But  if  it's  going  to  be  a
            impeachment "has to be a  might  be  a  substitute  for  warranted, will be clear.     "When we have something  political disaster for us, then
            bipartisan  effort,  and  right  impeachment,   "it's   also  Freshman  Democrats  who  that's  very  concrete,  and  we're not going to do it."q
            now it's not there."         possible it will be a prelude."
            "I  get  the  impression  this  Republicans   alternately
            matter will only be resolved  praised  Pelosi  and  were
            at  the  polls,"  Cummings  skeptical. White House press
            said.                        secretary  Sarah  Sanders
            Still,  Pelosi's  comments  are  said "I agree" in response to
            certain to stoke a stubborn  Pelosi's words.
            tension  with  those  who  Sanders        added       of
            believe      impeachment  impeachment, "I don't think
            proceedings  should  have  it  should  have  ever  been
            begun  on  day  one  of  the  on the table."
            new  Congress.  Some  new  House  Republican  Leader
            freshman  Democrats  who  Kevin  McCarthy  said  it
            hail  from  solidly  liberal  was  a  "smart  thing  for
            districts   haven't   shied  her  to  say,"  but  Georgia
            away  from  the  subject  —  Rep.  Doug  Collins,  the
            Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib  top  Republican  on  the
            used  a  vulgarity  in  calling  Judiciary  Committee,  said
            for  Trump's  impeachment  he  doesn't  think  it's  "going
            the day she was sworn in.    to fly" with some of Pelosi's
            Billionaire   activist   Tom  members.
            Steyer,  who  is  bankrolling  "I do believe what Speaker
            a  campaign  pushing  for  Pelosi  understands  is  that
            Trump's     impeachment,  what they're wanting to do
            shot  back  at  Pelosi  on  is going to require far more
            Monday:  "Speaker  Pelosi  than what they have now,
            thinks  'he's  just  not  worth  so I think they are hedging
            it?'  Well,  is  defending  our  their bet on it," Collins said.
            legal  system  'worth  it?'  Pelosi has long resisted calls
            Is  holding  the  president  to  impeach  the  president,
            accountable for his crimes  saying    it's   a   "divisive"
            and cover-ups 'worth it?' Is  issue  that  should  only  be
            doing what's right 'worth it?'  broached   with   "great
            Or  shall  America  just  stop  care."
            fighting  for  our  principles  She  refused  calls  when
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