P. 5
U.S. NEWS Tuesday 12 March 2019
CEO leaves Texas organization that detains migrant children
HOUSTON (AP) — The na-
tion's largest provider of fa-
cilities for detaining migrant
children on behalf of the
Trump administration said
Monday that its founder
and CEO is stepping down
after months of criticism.
Southwest Key Programs
said in a statement that
Juan Sanchez will retire.
The Austin, Texas-based
nonprofit collects hundreds
of millions of dollars through
the U.S. Department of
Health and Human Servic-
es to run facilities along the
southern border.
It came under fire as the
Trump administration de-
tained more immigrants
and conducted large-
scale separations of fami-
lies last year, pushing chil-
dren into the organiza-
tion's facilities without their
parents' consent. At least
one facility in South Texas
served as a "tender-age"
shelter for toddlers with In this June 21, 2018, photo, Dr. Juan Sanchez, Founder and CEO of Southwest Key, talks about the work his institution on their Im-
cribs and other supplies. migrant Children's Shelters in Texas, in Austin, Texas.
According to government Associated Press
data obtained exclusively
last year by The Associ- salaries Southwest Key paid tion closed two facilities cilities where migrants are to begin a new chapter."
ated Press, the number of him and his family. Sanchez and paid a fine in Arizona usually first detained, South- Chief Operating Officer
children held by Southwest earned $1.5 million, ac- after an investigation over west Key's facilities typically Joella Brooks will serve as
Key grew to around 5,000 cording to the organiza- whether it conducted staff have dormitory-style sleep- interim CEO.
at a time last year, includ- tion's 2017 tax filings. background checks. ing areas, classrooms, and Sanchez said in the state-
ing around 1,400 at an old The New York Times re- Sanchez has pushed back playgrounds. Children re- ment that the organization
Walmart in Brownsville, Tex- ported in December that against public criticism by main at the facilities until "would benefit from a fresh
as. Southwest Key received federal prosecutors were saying that Southwest Key the government can place perspective and new lead-
$523 million in government examining Southwest Key's performs a necessary task them in foster care or with ership."
funding from January to finances. And the Arizona in taking in children de- an adult sponsor, typically "Widespread misunder-
September. Republic published vid- tained by the government. a relative. The Department standing of our business
Critics have accused San- eos from mid-September "Somebody has to take of Health and Human Ser- and unfair criticism of our
chez of facilitating the de- in which staffers pushed care of them," he told AP in vices said the average stay people has become a
tention of thousands of chil- and shoved children in June. for children in government distraction our employ-
dren and questioned the their care. The organiza- Unlike the Border Patrol's fa- facilities was 60 days. ees do not deserve," San-
Southwest Key thanked chez said. "It's time for new
Sanchez and said "it's time beginnings."q