P. 4

A4   U.S. NEWS
                    Tuesday 12 March 2019

            Democrats: Milwaukee convention choice shows party values

            By  BILL  BARROW,  SCOTT                                                                                            benefit.  "I  think  you'd  be
            BAUER and IVAN MORENO                                                                                               hard-pressed  to  find  any-
             Associated Press                                                                                                   one  who  leans  Democrat
            MILWAUKEE  (AP)  —  Mil-                                                                                            who  wasn't  already  mo-
            waukee  will  host  the  2020                                                                                       tivated  in  the  city  or  the
            Democratic  National  Con-                                                                                          state  against  the  presi-
            vention,  party  leaders  an-                                                                                       dent," Walker said.
            nounced  Monday,  high-                                                                                             Democratic    officials   in
            lighting  the  battleground                                                                                         Washington  said  picking  a
            state  of  Wisconsin  that                                                                                          host city is as much about
            helped    elect   President                                                                                         logistics  as  anything  else,
            Donald Trump and now will                                                                                           even as they acknowledge
            launch  an  opponent  who                                                                                           political optics.
            could oust him.                                                                                                     On  logistics,  Milwaukee
            Democratic National Com-                                                                                            may  have  pulled  some-
            mittee  Chairman  Tom  Per-                                                                                         what of an upset, given its
            ez  chose  Milwaukee  over                                                                                          small  footprint  compared
            Houston  and  Miami  after                                                                                          to Houston and Miami, cit-
            deliberations  lingered  lon-                                                                                       ies  long  accustomed  to
            ger  than  party  leaders  or   This Dec. 13, 2017 photo shows The Milwaukee Art Museum, on water front, and the downtown   hosting major events. Hous-
            officials from the three final-  skyline in Milwaukee.                                                              ton hosted the Super Bowl
            ist cities had expected.                                                                           Associated Press  as  recently  as  February
            "Where  you  hold  our  con-                                                                                        2017.
            vention  is  a  very  strong  the  city  is  the  birthplace  presidential election. After-  In  a  political  twist,  Milwau-  Milwaukee   organizers
            statement  of  your  values  of  Harley-Davidson  motor-  ward,  Clinton  took  wither-  kee officials have credited  pitched  their  city  —  the
            and  who  and  what  we  cycles  and  is  known  for  its  ing  criticism  for  not  once  Walker  for  supporting  the  Democratic  stronghold  of
            are fighting for," Perez said  enduring  love  affair  with  visiting Wisconsin as a gen-  convention bid. Democrat-  Wisconsin  —  as  resurgent.
            Monday  surrounded  by  beer  —  a  trait  displayed  eral election candidate.         ic  Party  proceedings  will  Known  for  some  of  the
            state and local officials.   Monday  as  Perez  and  sur-  Since  then,  Wisconsinites  play out in the new 17,500-  country's  biggest  brewers,
            Perez    praised   Milwau-   rounding dignitaries closed  re-elected     Democratic  seat  arena  that  Walker  including      Pabst,   Schlitz,
            kee's diversity and its labor  their celebratory news con-  Sen.  Tammy  Baldwin  and  helped  build  for  the  NBA's  Miller  and  Blatz,  the  metro
            unions, along with Wiscon-   ference with a toast.        ousted  Republican  Gov.  Milwaukee Bucks by secur-       area  has  a  redeveloped
            sin's  working-class  iden-  Republicans  are  set  to  Scott  Walker  in  favor  of  ing  public  financing  from  downtown, a hotel capac-
            tity.  He  called  it  an  ideal  gather  in  Charlotte,  the  Democrat  Tony  Evers  and  state  lawmakers.  Walker  ity exceeding 17,000 rooms
            backdrop  for  Democrats  largest city in battleground  the  state's  first  black  lieu-  later  lobbied  GOP-leaning  and  a  new  downtown
            to launch a fall campaign  North Carolina, on Aug. 24-    tenant  governor,  Mandela  business  leaders  and  do-   streetcar  line  that  opened
            to reclaim the White House  27, 2020.                     Barnes.                      nors to support Milwaukee's  in November.
            four years after Trump stun-  Perez  noted  that  the  con-  Evers  and  Barnes  beamed  effort to land the event.  Still,  the  city  had  to  prove
            ningly   outpaced    Hillary  vention  site  doesn't  deter-  Monday as they welcomed  Perez was not among those  it  has  the  overall  capac-
            Clinton  across  the  old  in-  mine  the  November  out-  Perez.                      praising  Walker,  repeat-   ity for tens of thousands of
            dustrial  belt  of  the  upper  come,  but  Democrats  see  Wisconsin     Democrats  edly referring to the "former  delegates,  party  activists,
            Midwest and Great Lakes.     plenty  of  symbolism  in  Mil-  pointed  to  those  midterm  governor"  without  naming  donors and media.
            "The Democratic Party has  waukee after a bitter 2016  election results as they lob-   him  and  blasting  his  poli-  DNC  officials  have  said
            again  become  an  every  election  defined  by  Clin-    bied  Perez  and  DNC  offi-  cies,  particularly  his  fights  that  the  question  wasn't
            ZIP code party," Perez said.  ton  being  nearly  swept  in  cials. "We plan to carry that  with  public  unions  and  his  about  hotel  rooms  but
            "We're listening to people in  what  her  campaign  aides  momentum  into  2020  and  spending priorities on edu-   about  whether  Milwaukee
            every  corner  of  the  coun-  had  confidently  called  a  beyond," Barnes said Mon-  cation, for setting up Dem-  has  requisite  venues  for
            try."                        Midwestern    "Blue   Wall."  day.                        ocrats' midterm success.     other  convention  staples,
            The  convention  is  sched-  That  band  of  states  twice  "The path to the presidency  For his part, Walker avoided  from  daily  sit-down  break-
            uled for July 13-16, 2020.   sided with President Barack  goes right through Wiscon-   the rancor.                  fast  meetings  for  57  state
            It  will  be  the  first  time  in  Obama,  but  Clinton  held  sin as we learned in 2016,"  "When  it  comes  to  a  big  and  territorial  delegations
            over  a  century  that  Dem-  only  Minnesota,  ceding  Baldwin, who won re-elec-      convention like this, it's not  to  evening  events  put  on
            ocrats  will  nominate  their  Wisconsin,  Michigan,  Ohio  tion in 2018, told The Asso-  red, it's not blue, it's green,"  by  state  parties,  corpora-
            presidential candidate in a  and  Pennsylvania  —  a  ciated  Press.  "In  2016,  the  Walker told the AP after the  tions, lobbyists and donors.
            Midwestern city other than  combined 64 of the neces-     industrial heartland was re-  announcement,    referring  Even as Milwaukee officials
            Chicago. Instead, the spot-  sary  270  electoral  votes  —  ally the key and having this  to the economic impact.  insisted they have the ven-
            light will shine for a week on  as white working-class vot-  convention  in  Milwaukee,  Walker did warn Democrats  ues, some deep-pocketed
            a metro area of about 1.6  ers flocked to Trump.          Wisconsin, I think is a pow-  that for all their enthusiasm,  Democrats  in  nearby  Chi-
            million people.              It  was  the  first  time  since  erful  statement  that  no-  the convention could ener-  cago — a 90-minute drive
            Once dubbed as "The Ma-      1984    that   Republicans  body  should  be  taken  for  gize  complacent  Wiscon-    — stepped in to note their
            chine  Shop  of  the  World,"  claimed  Wisconsin  in  a  granted."                    sin  Republicans  to  Trump's  proximity.q
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