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A6   U.S. NEWS
                    Tuesday 12 March 2019
            North Carolina sued again over transgender rights

            Lambda Legal lawyer Taylor Brown addresses reporters to announce a lawsuit on Monday, March 11, 2019, in Durham, North Carolina, arguing that North Carolina's
            state health plan for state employees discriminates by not covering hormone treatment and surgery for transgender people.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press

            DURHAM, N.C. (AP) — North  Legal  lawyer  leading  the  pending litigation.            quired transgender people  ment  from  his  own  body
            Carolina  is  being  sued  case, who is a transgender  The plaintiffs say the exclu-   to use restrooms matching  settled in.
            again  over  its  treatment  woman.  "To  have  to  live  sion  of  coverage  for  tran-  their birth certificates. While  "I  used  to  not  be  able  to
            of  transgender  people,  as  in  a  world  that  perceives  sition-related   treatments  that requirement was later  take  showers  very  often
            state  employees  argue  you,  and  that  assigns  you,  violates  the  federal  Title  IX  rescinded,  a  replacement  because I couldn't stand to
            that  their  health  plan  vio-  as  something  that  you're  education  law,  the  consti-  law halts new local antidis-  look at this body," he said.
            lated federal law by drop-   not ... It can make life unliv-  tution's   equal-protection  crimination ordinances un-  He  started  seeing  a  thera-
            ping coverage of medical-    able for many people. And  clause and the federal Af-     til 2020. Last year, a federal  pist as a high school fresh-
            ly necessary procedures.     that's why we see such high  fordable Care Act.           judge allowed a lawsuit to  man  and  soon  was  diag-
            The  new  lawsuit  comes  suicide  rates  in  the  trans-  "Transgender  people  are  move  forward  challeng-      nosed with gender dyspho-
            amid  unresolved  litigation  gender community."          treated  differently,"  Brown  ing  the  replacement  law's  ria.  Under  medical  super-
            over  North  Carolina's  so-  The state employee health  said in an interview. "They're  moratorium  on  new  local  vision,  he  began  socially
            called  bathroom  bill  and  plan,  which  provides  ben-  not  getting  equal  pay,  in  measures  to  protect  LGBT  transitioning  to  life  as  a
            the law that replaced it.    efits   for   approximately  effect, for equal work."     residents. Monday's lawsuit  male  before  starting  hor-
            The  lawsuit  filed  Monday  720,000  people,  had  cov-  The  Associated  Press  re-  is  another  sign  of  the  dif-  mone treatments. Because
            argues  the  health  plan  for  ered  the  transition  pro-  viewed  the  lawsuit  and  ficulties still faced by trans-  the health plan denies cov-
            state  employees  violates  cedures  for  transgender  was  granted  exclusive  in-    gender  residents.  Among  erage  for  a  testosterone
            federal health and educa-    people  for  the  year  2017.  terviews  with  the  plaintiffs  them is 16-year-old Connor  prescription,  his  parents
            tion laws, as well as consti-  But  the  lawsuit  said  cover-  before  the  litigation  was  Thonen-Fleck, whose family  must  pay  out  of  pocket.
            tutional  rights,  by  refusing  age was excluded from the  announced at a news con-   is saving for chest surgery to  Surgery to give him a more
            to  pay  for  hormone  treat-  plan for the years after that  ference in Durham.       affirm his masculine identity  typical  male  chest  would
            ments and surgeries that it  under  Republican  State  In  similar  cases,  Lambda  that could cost more than  be the next step.
            once  covered.  The  treat-  Treasurer Dale Folwell, who  Legal  sued  Alaska  on  be-  $10,000  because  it's  not  Still,  his  mother  says,  the
            ments  prescribed  by  doc-  took office in 2017.         half of a legislative librarian  covered  by  insurance  for  treatment  is  "not  optional
            tors  to  treat  gender  dys-  A  spokesman  for  Folwell,  and separately won a legal  his parents, both state uni-  for us," and every expense
            phoria  are  described  as  Frank Lester, said in an email  settlement  for  a  New  York  versity employees.       has been worth it. Remem-
            life-saving  by  five  current  that  a  previous  treasurer  county  employee,  both  of  "I  think  we're  mostly  saved  bering his Jan. 2, 2018, ap-
            or former state employees,  had voted with the health  whom were denied cover-         up now," Connor said in an  pointment with an endocri-
            along  with  two  transgen-  plan's  board  to  cover  the  age  for  hormone  therapy  interview.  "Obviously  if  we  nologist to set the stage for
            der  dependents,  who  are  procedures for a year, but  or surgery.                    weren't  saving  up,  I  would  his testosterone treatments,
            suing.                       that no action was taken to  The  North  Carolina  law-   have had it way sooner."     she  said:  "That  may  have
            "We have to think of it like  extend  the  coverage  un-  suit  comes  amid  a  sepa-  From an early age, Connor  been  more  of  a  special
            any    medical    condition  der Folwell. Lester declined  rate  three-year  legal  fight  said he felt uncomfortable  day  than  the  day  he  was
            that  is  treated  by  a  doc-  to comment further on the  over  North  Carolina's  2016  in  the  female  gender  as-  born.  It  was  so  wonder-
            tor and is diagnosed," said  lawsuit,  saying  the  office  "bathroom  bill,"  which  in  signed at birth, and by pu-  ful to see him get what he
            Taylor  Brown,  the  Lambda  generally  doesn't  discuss  many  public  buildings  re-  berty  a  feeling  of  detach-  needed."q
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