P. 9

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 12 March 2019

            Algeria's president abandons bid for 5th term amid protests

            By AOMAR OUALI                                                                                                      The  unprecedented  citi-
            ALGIERS, Algeria (AP) — Al-                                                                                         zens'  revolt  drew  millions
            gerian  President  Abdelaziz                                                                                        into  the  streets  of  cities
            Bouteflika  bowed  to  un-                                                                                          across  the  country  to  de-
            precedented  public  pro-                                                                                           mand that Bouteflika aban-
            tests  Monday  and  prom-                                                                                           don his candidacy.
            ised not to seek a fifth term                                                                                       On Monday, Algerian teen-
            after 20 years in power.                                                                                            agers  and  lawyers  held
            In a letter to the nation re-                                                                                       protests,  and  workers  held
            leased by state news agen-                                                                                          scattered  walkouts,  as  the
            cy  APS,  the  ailing  leader                                                                                       tense nation waited to see
            also  said  the  presidential                                                                                       what  concessions  Boutef-
            election scheduled for April                                                                                        lika would give, if any.
            18  would  be  postponed.                                                                                           His  capitulation  on  a  re-
            He promised to establish a                                                                                          election  bid  likely  will  as-
            panel  to  plan  a  resched-                                                                                        suage some concerns.
            uled vote.                                                                                                          Security  was  high  Monday
            Bouteflika,  who  is  82,  has                                                                                      in  the  capital  of  Algiers,
            barely  been  seen  in  pub-                                                                                        where   some    businesses
            lic  since  a  2013  stroke.  His                                                                                   were  shuttered  by  a  sec-
            decision  to  run  again  set                                                                                       ond  day  of  strikes.  Other
            off protests in February and                                                                                        stores  and  administrative
            have expanded to include                                                                                            offices remained open.
            broader  complaints  about                                                                                          Middle  school  and  high
            corruption   and    heavy-                                                                                          school  students  held  pro-
            handed security policies.    Algerian people display the national flag as tthey celebrate in the streets of Algiers, after President   tests  in  several  towns,  ac-
                                         Abdelaziz Bouteflika announced that he is delaying the April 18 election and won't seek another
            The president returned Sun-  term, Monday, March 11, 2019.                                                          cording  to  local  media.
            day  from  two  weeks  in  a                                                                       Associated Press  Education  Minister  Nouria
            Geneva  hospital,  but  his                                                                                         Bengahbrit  appealed  on
            health problems and over-    "national  conference"  he  news agency APS.              tions swirl over whether he  her  Facebook  page  for
            all  condition  remain  un-  would  task  with  planning  Critics  fear  the  moves  is really running the country  protesters to "leave schools
            clear.                       the vote also would be re-   could pave the way for the  today.                        out of political turbulence"
            Celebrations  popped  up  sponsible for drafting a new  president to install a hand-   The  recent  protests  sur-  shaking the country.
            instead  of  protests  on  the  constitution for Algeria.  picked successor.           prised  Algeria's  opaque  Meanwhile,      lawyers   in
            streets  of  the  capital,  Al-  He said he would name an  A  wily  political  survivor,  leadership  and  freed  the  black  robes  gathered  in
            giers,  at  the  news  the  interim government as well.  Bouteflika  fought  in  Alge-  country's people, long fear-  front of courthouses to join
            president had dropped his  The  changes  were  put  in  ria's  independence  war  ful  of  a  watchful  security  calls for Bouteflika to aban-
            re-election  bid.  Car  horns  motion within hours.       against  French  forces  and  apparatus,  to  openly  criti-  don  his  bid  for re-election.
            rang  out  while  people  Noureddine        Bedoui,   a  has  played  a  role  in  Alge-  cize the president.       Some judges joined a law-
            waved  Algerian  flags  and  Bouteflika  loyalist  and  the  ria's  major  developments  Algerians  also  expressed  yers'  protest  in  the  city  of
            sang the national anthem.    current   interior   minister,  for the past half-century.  anger over corruption that  Bedjaia.
            Bouteflika  did  not  give  a  was  made  prime  minister  He  became  president  in  put  their  country's  oil  and  Judges   are   normally
            date or timeline for the de-  and  charged  with  forming  1999 and reconciled a na-   gas riches in the hands of a  banned from publicly dem-
            layed  election.  He  said  in  the new administration, ac-  tion  riven  by  a  deadly  Is-  few while millions of young  onstrating, as are police of-
            his  Monday  letter  that  the  cording  to  Algerian  state  lamic insurgency, but ques-  people struggle to find jobs.  ficers and soldiers.q
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