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Friday 27 September 2019
BUCUTI & TARA honor the United Nations Climate Week
The Caribbean’s first and only certified carbon neutral resort invites
guests and staff to participate
EAGLE BEACH, Aruba – mate Strike: Bucuti & Tara
Sept. 25, 2019 – Observing Beach Resort staff have
and honoring the United been given time off to par-
Nations Climate Week, ticipate in the climate strike
Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort, planned at Club Kibraha-
long time stewards and cha as part of and in sup-
green leaders for associ- port of the Global Climate
ates, guests and the local Strike planned alongside
community, is engaging in the UN Climate Week at-
a host of hands-on activi- tended by teenage Swed-
ties at the Caribbean’s first ish activist Greta Thunberg.
and only certified carbon- “Path to Carbon Neutral-
neutral hotel. ity”: Presented by Sustain-
ability Manager Nathaly
Last Tuesday they held the detailing the program. stewardship and educa- the Beach – Climate Week Stanley, she will conduct
EPI Student Tour: Sustain- tion to broaden our impact Edition: In addition to the a 30-minute overview pre-
ability Manager Nathaly “The passion driving the through motivating others traditional Wednesday sentation on-screen in the
Stanley gave a tour and program at Bucuti & Tara is to action”, and Saturday Movie under Tara lounge on Friday at 4
presentation to 22 EPI stu- impressive,” shared an EPI the stars at Bucuti & Tara, p.m. about how the resort
dents from the tourism sec- student. Others were impressed the resort added a special became the first and only
tor. Students learned about by Stanley’s passion who showing to drive aware- carbon-neutral resort in the
Bucuti & Tara’s mission and “Many were surprised to urged the group to do ness for Climate Week. The Caribbean. She’ll cover
company culture of oper- learn how extensive the something, no matter how acclaimed Emmy winning the more than seven years
ating sustainably in order to Bucuti & Tara sustainabil- small, every day that could “Our Planet” narrated by of investment, passion and
maintain Aruba’s beauty, ity program was and how help reduce their own foot- Sir David Attenborough will company culture of sus-
flora and fauna for future celebrated it is in the Carib- print. play at 8 p.m. tainability leading up to the
generations. Students re- bean and worldwide” said effort that made this rare
ceived a tour of the facility Nathaly Stanley. “As an On Thursday, September Today, Friday, September and important certification
followed by a presentation organization we prioritize 26, they held a Movie on 27, Kibrahacha Aruba Cli- possible.q