P. 14
Wednesday 21 august 2019
Movie night in the open air of Arikok Park
ST. CRUZ — National Park of the Foundation Nation- Because of the pressure of
Arikok is organizing anoth- al Park Aruba is to create the climate change and
er one of their successful more awareness about our the loss of biodiversity our
open-air movie nights this environment and give in- environment is globally un-
Saturday. This free movie spiration how to preserve der attack. The foundation
night will show two epi- it. The movie night starts at finds it important to edu-
sodes of the documentary 7.30 PM at the visitor’s cen- cate and inform the com-
series ‘Our Planet’. The goal ter of the park. munity how all can help
conserve nature for now second movie highlights
and for our future genera- the importance of marine
tions. The documentaries life, more specifically the
will show how to preserve shark, whale and sea turtle.
the environment and you This is a wonderful night to
can see different animals enjoy with the family and
all over the world in their learn something at the
natural habitat. same time. There is also the
The first episode concerns opportunity to buy drinks
the big animals like the ti- and snacks. For more infor-
ger and elephant and the mation please call: 00 297
fact that their natural habi- 585 1234 or visit the Face-
tat is being threatened by book page: arikoknational-
agricultural interests. The park. q
Tickle your Taste Buds with Tierra del Sol
Divine Dining or Pumpkin Risotto among others and to
Tune in for an experience that will give top it off with a sweet surrender a Duo
dining another perspective. We are not of Quesillo & Brownie, Melon Martini or
talking about the standard 3-course Cheesecake are one of the choices. This
menu, but about a journey through taste- all for a special price and including a
land. The Restaurant at Tierra del Sol glass of sangria. Indulge into this culinary
invites you to taste as many tapa-sized discovery at the most romantic scenery
items as you wish from their extensive fine of our One Happy Island. q
dining menu.
NOORD — There is a place on the Northern part of the Fresh Oysters, Tuna Crab Duo, Bruchetta
island that makes up for your perfect dream meal. Caprese, Portobello Mushroom, Smoked Phone: (+297) 586-7800 Ext. 231
The location: the island’s rugged north coast and blue Beef Tataki or Chicken Curry Waldorf Monday 11:00am — 3:00pm
ocean forming your panoramic from Tierra del Sol’s Salad are only some of the welcoming Tuesday – Saturday 11:00am – 10:00pm
restaurant, either from the poolside outdoor terrace or dishes. For the main courses you can Sunday Brunch 11:00am – 3:00pm
from the elegant indoor restaurant. The offering: From decide for Skirt Steak, Duck Venison Duo
lunch to dinner excellent cuisine, friendly service, and
a gorgeous setting, but now even more special with the
NEW ‘All You Can Taste’ concept – on from Tuesdays to
Saturdays from 6PM – 10PM.
Lush Lunch
Guests praise Tierra del Sol restaurant for the magnificent
views making it a popular lunch spot as well as a great
after-golf lunch experience. Locals and visitors have
been coming for years to Tierra del Sol to unwind and
let go in this elegant yet laid-back setting.