P. 11

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Wednesday 21 august 2019

            Hong Kong’s leader vows to narrow rifts, but no specifics

             By KELVIN CHAN                                                                        “Our  goal  is  to  work  hard  the  protest  movement’s
             Associated Press                                                                      to  resolve  differences  and  demands.
             HONG  KONG  (AP)  —  Fac-                                                             conflicts,  to  understand  “We  do  not  trust  Carrie
             ing pressure to end months                                                            each  other  through  com-   Lam,  we  do  not  trust  her
             of  antigovernment  pro-                                                              munication  and  to  walk  lies,”  he  said,  pointing  out
             tests,  Hong  Kong’s  leader                                                          out of this social deadlock  that  the  movement’s  de-
             pledged  Tuesday  to  open                                                            together,” Lam said.         centralized structure would
             up  dialogue  with  city  resi-                                                       Her  comments  fell  short  make  it  hard  to  conduct
             dents in an effort to narrow                                                          of  the  protesters’  five  de-  dialogue anyway.
             differences.                                                                          mands, which include gen-    “She  is  fully  aware  there  is
             However,    Chief   Execu-                                                            uine  democracy  and  an  no  leader,  this  is  a  leader-
             tive Carrie Lam offered no                                                            independent  inquiry  into  less movement. What does
             concessions  to  the  protest                                                         alleged police brutality.    she suggest?” he said.
             movement  and  a  key  or-                                                            The  protesters  complain  Jimmy      Sham,    another
             ganizer  of  the  mass  rallies   Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam listens to reporters ques-  that  police  have  contrib-  member,  suggested  that
             dismissed  her  plan  to  im-  tions  at  a  press  conference  in  Hong  Kong  Tuesday,  Aug.  20,   uted  to  the  violence  by  “if Lam wants dialogue, she
             mediately  set  up  a  “com-  2019.                                                   responding to their aggres-  should come to a protest.”
             munication  platform,”  un-                                          Associated Press  sive  tactics  with  tear  gas  The  Civil  Human  Rights
             derlining  the  challenge  in                                                         and rubber bullets.          Front  has  organized  sev-
             resolving  the  semiautono-  has  conditioned  dialogue  used for “open and direct”  Members  of  the  Civil  Hu-  eral mass anti-government
             mous  Chinese  city’s  politi-  on  the  leaderless  protest  dialogue with people from  man  Rights  Front  rejected  rallies  that  have  attracted
             cal crisis.                 movement         remaining  all  walks  of  life,  including  her  plan,  calling  it  a  trap  huge  crowds  in  recent
             The movement held a mas-    peaceful.                    people  who  have  attend-   that’s  aimed  at  wasting  months and it plans anoth-
             sive  but  peaceful  rally  on  Lam  didn’t  say  that  the  ed peaceful rallies, she told  time.                  er at the end of the month.
             Sunday  after  earlier  pro-  communication    platform  reporters,  while  giving  few  The group’s vice-convenor,  But  many  other  groups
             tests had been marked by  will  be  used  to  specifically  specifics  on  how  it  would  Wong  Yik-mo,  said  Lam  is  have  organized  their  own
             violence.  The  government  contact protesters. It will be  work.                     “not  responding  at  all”  to  events.q

             Nuclear watchdog: Russia has resumed sharing radiation data

             Associated Press            ties. That has led to specu-  went silent shortly after the
             MOSCOW  (AP)  —  Russia  lation  about  what  really  reported explosion.
             has resumed sharing data  happened  in  the  town  of  Lassina  Zebro,  the  organi-
             from  its  radiation  monitor-  and what type of weapon  zation’s  executive  secre-
             ing stations in Siberia after  was involved.             tary, said Tuesday on Twit-
             some  were  taken  offline  It has even raised compari-  ter  that  the  two  Russian
             following  a  deadly  explo-  sons  to  the  Soviet  Union’s  stations that were reported
             sion  at  a  missile  range,  a  1986  disaster  at  the  Cher-  to  be  offline  are  back  in
             nuclear  weapons  watch-    nobyl nuclear power plant  operation  and  they  are
             dog said Tuesday.           in Ukraine, the world’s worst  now  backfilling  the  data.
             The mysterious accident at  nuclear disaster, when So-   He also lauded Moscow for
             a  naval  weapons  testing  viet  officials  tried  to  cover  “excellent cooperation.”
             range on the White Sea in  up the news for days.         Russian   officials   earlier
             northwestern  Russia  earlier  The Comprehensive Nucle-  Tuesday  brushed  off  sug-
             this  month  has  been  ac-  ar  Test  Ban  Treaty  Organi-  gestions  that  they  were
             companied  by  changing  zation said earlier this week  concealing  details  of  the   This photo taken on Oct. 7, 2018, shows a village of Nyonoksa,
             or  contradictory  informa-  that  several  Russian  ra-  explosion   from   foreign   northwestern Russia.                    Associated Press
             tion  from  Russian  authori-  diation  monitoring  stations  nations.q
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