P. 6

A6   U.S. NEWS
                Wednesday 21 august 2019

            Lawmakers are told port authority lacked accounting records

            By SUSAN HAIGH                                                                                                      Lamont’s    administration,
            Associated Press                                                                                                    including  Department  of
            HARTFORD,  Conn.  (AP)  —                                                                                           Economic  and  Commu-
            Connecticut     lawmakers                                                                                           nity  Development  Deputy
            were told Tuesday that the                                                                                          Commissioner David Kooris,
            Connecticut  Port  Author-                                                                                          who  Lamont  has  appoint-
            ity, which has come under                                                                                           ed  to  temporarily  oversee
            scrutiny  for  paying  a  for-                                                                                      the  authority.  Kooris  said
            mer  board  chairwoman’s                                                                                            he is working to review the
            daughter  $3,000  for  office                                                                                       “authority’s finances with a
            art,  operated  for  a  period                                                                                      fine-toothed comb” and is
            of  time  without  account-                                                                                         bringing in an external au-
            ing  records  detailing  bank                                                                                       ditor for another review.
            transactions  or  formal  writ-                                                                                     Kooris  tried  to  assure  law-
            ten policies addressing per-                                                                                        makers  that  he  has  deter-
            sonnel practices to the use                                                                                         mined  port  authority  staff
            of surplus funds.                                                                                                   members  attempted  to
            John    Rasimas,    deputy                                                                                          pursue  “best  practices”
            state  auditor,  outlined  for                                                                                      from  other  quasi-public
            members  of  the  General                                                                                           agencies,  but  those  rec-
            Assembly’s  Transportation                                                                                          ommendations  were  not
            Committee a recent audit                                                                                            followed  through  by  the
            for  fiscal  years  2016  and                                                                                       authority’s top leadership.
            2017 that showed the qua-                                                                                           But  Republican  legislators
            si-public  agency  did  not    In this April 22, 2011 file photo, men fish from a pier in the Port of New Haven, Conn., as cargo   expressed  disappointment
            maintain  the  “basic  ele-  vessels are docked at rear.                                                            that  several  previous  port
            ments” of internal account-                                                                        Associated Press  authority  officials  didn’t
            ing procedures.              its  records  matched  the  2016,  charged  with  mar-    nizations  created  to  take  attend  Tuesday’s  forum,
            “We  found  that  the  Con-  amounts shown on the au-     keting  and  making  invest-  on  public  missions.  They’re  including  former  board
            necticut  Port  Authority  did  thority’s  bank  statements.  ments  in  the  state’s  three   considered  more  nimble  chairwoman and Old Lyme
            not  maintain  accounting  A second audit is currently  deep water ports and small     than  a  traditional  state  First  Selectman  Bonnie  Re-
            records detailing the trans-  underway.                   harbors  to  maximize  their   agency.                    emsnyder, suggesting they
            actions and balances of its  Lawmakers held a daylong  full  potential.  It’s  one  of   Most recently, the port au-  be subpoenaed to testify.
            bank accounts during that  hearing  on  the  finances  more  than  a  dozen  quasi-    thority  has  played  a  key  “It  is  essential  for  govern-
            audit period,” he said, add-  and  management  prac-      public  agencies,  which     role  in  Connecticut’s  push  ment  transparency  that
            ing how the authority could  tices  at  the  port  authority,  are  state-chartered  but   to  develop  an  offshore  they  attend  and  be  able
            not  show  auditors  that  which  began  operating  in  privately  managed  orga-      wind industry. The authority  to  answer  questions  from
                                                                                                   and  the  new  private  op-  the  committee,  otherwise
                                                                                                   erator  of  the  state  pier  in  this  hearing  will  be  unpro-
                                                                                                   New London recently part-    ductive,”  the  committee’s
                                                                                                   nered with Bay State Wind  two  GOP  leaders  wrote  in
                                                                                                   to  redevelop  the  pier  into  a letter to the Democratic
                                                                                                   a  state-of-the-art  facility  chairmen.  Sen.  Carlo  Le-
                                                                                                   that  can  accommodate  one, D-Stamford, the com-
                                                                                                   offshore wind components.    mittee’s     co-chairman,
                                                                                                   Besides  the  auditors,  law-  said  lawmakers  are  wait-
                                                                                                   makers    Tuesday    heard  ing  to  see  if  those  officials
                                                                                                   from   representatives   of  ultimately  submit  written
                                                                                                   Democratic     Gov.   Ned  statements.q

                                                                                                   2 drug companies settle with

                                                                                                   counties in opioid-crisis suit

                                                                                                   By  JULIE  CARR  SMYTH  and  $10  million  to  settle  their
                                                                                                   GEOFF MULVIHILL              suits,  which  are  still  sched-
                                                                                                   Associated Press             uled  to  go  to  trial  against
                                                                                                   Two pharmaceutical com-      other drugmakers  and  dis-
                                                                                                   panies    have    reached  tributors Oct. 21.
                                                                                                   settlements  totaling  $15  As  part  of  the  deal,  Endo
                                                                                                   million  to  avoid  being  de-  also  agreed  to  supply  $1
                                                                                                   fendants in the first federal  million worth of blood pres-
                                                                                                   trial  on  the  drug  industry’s  sure medicines it produces
                                                                                                   accountability for a nation-  for the counties.
                                                                                                   wide opioid crisis.          The counties will determine
                                                                                                   Dublin,      Ireland-based  how  the  settlement  is  di-
                                                                                                   Endo  Pharmaceuticals  an-   vided.
                                                                                                   nounced  Tuesday  that  it  And Allergan, also based in
                                                                                                   has agreed to pay the Ohio  Dublin, has agreed to pay
                                                                                                   counties of Cuyahoga and  $5  million  to  settle  claims
                                                                                                   Summit,  home  to  Cleve-    related  to  its  branded
                                                                                                   land and Akron, a total of  opioid.q
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