P. 8

                Wednesday 21 august 2019

            Italian premier resigns, blames deputy for political crisis

            By FRANCES D’EMILIO                                                                                                 might be loath to make.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Should  any  early  elections
            ROME (AP) — Italian Premier                                                                                         sweep  Salvini  into  power,
            Giuseppe  Conte  resigned                                                                                           financial markets could be
            Tuesday,  blaming  the  col-                                                                                        rattled  by  his  Euro-skepti-
            lapse  of  his  14-month-old                                                                                        cism.
            populist  government  on                                                                                            Depicting  himself  in  coun-
            his  rebellious,  anti-migrant                                                                                      terpoint  to  Salvini’s  often
            Interior Minister Matteo Sal-                                                                                       derogatory  depiction  of
            vini, who triggered a politi-                                                                                       European Union rules, Con-
            cal crisis to try to force early                                                                                    te said: “I tried in these 14
            elections.                                                                                                          months  to  guide  Italy’s
            Addressing    the   Senate,                                                                                         policy along the path of a
            Conte  blasted  Salvini  for                                                                                        critical pro-Europe line, but
            setting  in  motion  a  “dizzy-                                                                                     always  oriented  construc-
            ing  spiral  of  political  and                                                                                     tively.”
            financial  instability”  by  es-                                                                                    While   oft-bickering,   the
            sentially pulling the plug on                                                                                       government     made    up
            the  government.  Salvini’s                                                                                         of  the  anti-establishment
            right-wing  League  party                                                                                           5-Star   Movement     and
            sought  a  no-confidence                                                                                            the  rival  League  party  re-
            vote  against  Conte  ear-                                                                                          flected the results of Italy’s
            lier this month, a stunningly   Italian Premier Giuseppe Conte, left, is hugged by Deputy Premier Luigi Di Maio at the end of his   2018  election  and  aimed
            bold move for the govern-    address to the Senate, in Rome, Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2019.                                to  “interpret  the  desires  of
            ment’s junior coalition part-                                                                      Associated Press  citizens  who  in  their  vote
            ner.  Conte,  a  lawyer  with  whether  to  call  new  elec-  Parliament  election  three  years  ahead  of  schedule,  expressed  a  desire  for
            no   political   experience  tions. Mattarella will first see  months ago in Italy, as well  perhaps  as  soon  as  late  change,” Conte said.
            who was tapped to break  if  another  viable  coalition  as  in  current  opinion  polls,  October. That would mean  Despite   the   acrimony,
            a  post-election  stalemate  can be cobbled together.     Salvini’s  League  party  has  political  campaigning  in  Conte  defended  the  gov-
            last year, handed his resig-  Salvini,  who  sat  next  to  become  the  No.  1  politi-  the middle of delicate bud-  ernment’s  support  for  Sal-
            nation  to  President  Sergio  Conte  during  his  speech,  cal  force  among  Italians.  get maneuvers that will be  vini’s  migrant  crackdown,
            Mattarella at the presiden-  smirking at times, declared,  His  crackdown  on  mi-     closely  monitored  by  the  including  stiffening  fines  to
            tial palace Tuesday night.   “I’d do it all again.” He re-  grants,  whom  the  party’s  European  Union.  The  EU  is  as much as 1 million euros
            Mattarella, who is head of  peatedly kissed a rosary he  voter  base  largely  blames  concerned  about  Italy’s  ($1.1 million) for captains of
            state, requested that Conte  slipped  out  of  his  pocket  for  crime,  appears  to  be  shaky  finances  and  long  humanitarian rescue boats
            and the rest of the govern-  right  after  Conte  rebuked  a  huge  factor  in  Salvini’s  stagnant  economy,  and  it  who  dock  without  permis-
            ment stay on in a caretaker  him  for  associating  “po-  climbing popularity.         expects  billions  of  euros  in  sion  and  allow  migrants
            role,  while  he  works  in  the  litical  slogans  with  religious  Early  elections  would  pull  budget  slashing  that  law-  ashore,  as  well  as  the  sei-
            coming days to determine  symbols.”  In  the  European  the plug on Parliament 3½  makers  running  for  office  zure of such boats.q

                                                                      French couple could face jail time for

                                                                      taking Italian sand

                                                                      Associated Press
                                                                      ROME (AP) — A French couple faces up to six years in jail for taking around 40 kg (88.1lbs)
                                                                      of white sand from a beach on the Italian island of Sardinia.
                                                                      Italian finance police said Tuesday they discovered the sand from a Chia beach stashed
                                                                      in 14 plastic bottles in the couple’s SUV during a check as it boarded a ferry Aug. 15 from
                                                                      Sardinia to France.
                                                                      The couple told police they didn’t know it was against the law to take the island’s famed
                                                                      sand, which is protected as a public good. If found guilty, they face one to six years in
            This picture taken on Aug. 16, 2019 by the Finance Police of the   jail for aggravated theft.
            Sardinian port of Porto Torres, Italy, shows 14 plastic bottles of
            sand seized from a French couple in the trunk of the couple’s   It’s not clear when a trial may be held.
            car.                                                      Italian finance police say the sand theft was one of the bigger revealed during a recent
                                                     Associated Press  crackdown.q
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