P. 3

                                                                                                  up front Wednesday 21 august 2019

            Area 51 events in Nevada prompt emergency crowd planning

                                                                      how  far  our  resources  are  “We  don’t  want  them  go-  require  festival  and  event
                                                                      going  to  go,”  he  said.  “A  ing  down  to  government  organizers  to  submit  final
                                                                      lot  of  it  is  equipment  and  property; it will probably be  plans to the Lincoln County
                                                                      financing.  The  county  only  blocked off,” he said. “We  Commission by Sept. 3.
                                                                      has  so  much  money  to  don’t want civilian people  “They  have  to  have  their
                                                                      deal with.”                  in contact with the military  security,  medical,  parking
                                                                      Higbee  said  visitors  should  at all. That will get ugly.”  plans and few other things
                                                                      not to try to enter Area 51.  The  conditional  permits  (ready),” Higbee said.q

              In  this  July  22,  2019  file  photo,  Linda  Looney  wipes  her  face
            outside  of  the  Alien  Research  Center,  a  gift  shop  on  the
            Extraterrestrial Highway, in Crystal Springs, Nev.
                                                     Associated Press

            Continued from Front         ter  souvenir  shop  in  Hiko,
                                         a  town  of  about  120  a
            “Oh,  we’re  taking  this  se-  45-minute  drive  from  Ra-
            riously,”   Lincoln   County  chel,  plans  a  Sept.  20-21
            Commission Chairman Var-     exposition.
            lin Higbee told the Las Ve-  The  events  evolved  from
            gas Review-Journal . “With  an  internet  post  inviting
            the  possibility  of  35,000  to  people  to  run  into  the  re-
            40,000 people showing up,  mote  test  area  in  the  Ne-
            yeah, this is serious.”      vada  desert  that  has  long
            County  officials  are  con-  been the focus of UFO con-
            cerned that a surge of visi-  spiracy theories.
            tors  will  crowd  campsites,  County  Sheriff  Kerry  Lee
            gas  stations  and  public  said Tuesday he was meet-
            medical, internet and cell-  ing  with  state  emergency
            phone  services.  Officials  planning officials.
            count  just  184  hotel  rooms  County  officials  have  also
            in  the  county  nearly  twice  met  with  officials  from
            the size of the Connecticut.  the  Las  Vegas  Metropoli-
            “The  cellphone  system  is  tan  Police  Department  in
            going to go down,” Higbee  Clark County, the sheriffs of
            said.  “You  get  more  than  White Pine and Nye coun-
            a couple of hundred peo-     ties, and the Nevada High-
            ple there, and it’s going to  way Patrol.
            crash. Cell service won’t be  Eric Holt,  county emergen-
            available.”                  cy  manager,  asked  com-
            The  Little  A’Le’Inn  in  the  missioners to “pre-sign” the
            community of Rachel, pop-    emergency declaration.
            ulation about 50, is sched-  Higbee,  who  has  author-
            uling  a  three-day  music  ity to invoke a declaration,
            festival Sept. 20-22 dubbed  said  it  would  let  Lincoln
            Alienstock. Hotel co-owner  County seek financial help
            Connie West has said she’s  and emergency personnel
            expecting 10,000 people.     from the state.
            The  Alien  Research  Cen-   “We  don’t  know  where  or
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