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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 21 august 2019

            Philly police head resigns after mayor reads bias lawsuit

            By MARK SCOLFORO             The lawsuit alleges discrimi-
            Associated Press             nation,  a  hostile  work  en-
            Philadelphia’s  police  com-  vironment,  retaliation  and
            missioner  resigned  Tues-   other counts.
            day  amid  allegations  that  It  says  the  women  “have
            members of his department  suffered  continuous  and
            engaged  in  sexual  harass-  ongoing   sexual   harass-
            ment  and  racial  and  gen-  ment  and  discrimination
            der  discrimination  against  by both co-workers and su-
            two  women  serving  in  the  pervisors,”  including  grop-
            ranks.                       ing,  sexual  comments  and
            Mayor  Jim  Kenney  said  in  sexual advances, and that
            a news release he was dis-   they  faced  retaliation  for
            appointed to lose Commis-    complaining about it.
            sioner Richard Ross Jr., but  The  lawsuit,  in  which  Ross
            in  light  of  the  new  allega-  and the city are among the
            tions,  he  said  Ross’  “resig-  defendants, was filed by a
            nation is in the best interest  corporal  and  an  officer,
            of the department.”          one black, the other black
            Kenney       spokeswoman  Hispanic.
            Deana  Gamble  said  Ross  It claimed Ross had had a
            offered  his  resignation  af-  two-year  relationship  with
            ter  Kenney  learned  details  one  of  the  women,  an  af-
            of  the  allegations  by  the  fair that ended in 2011.
            women, including one who  The  women’s  civil  lawyer,    In this Thursday, Aug. 15, 2019 photo, Philadelphia Police Commissioner Richard Ross, right, speaks
            says she once had an affair  Ian  Bryson,  said  they  had   during a news conference as Mayor Jim Kenney looks on at City Hall in Philadelphia.
            with Ross.                   not  expected  Ross  to  re-                                                                      Associated Press
            The corporal and patrol of-  sign.                        mented a year ago. “While  nal investigation is currently  Ross  “a  shining  example
            ficer  made  the  allegations  “If  that’s  what  it  takes  to  rolling out a new policy un-  underway.  The  city  police  that  hard  work  and  dedi-
            against  several  depart-    shed light on this issue, then  derstandably  takes  time,  I  have had a checkered re-  cation can lead you to the
            ment employees.              we see it as a win for work-  do  not  believe  the  Police  lationship  with  the  people  top of your profession” and
            Gamble  said  Ross  knew  ing people,” Bryson said.       Department has taken the  they serve, and this summer  said  he  served  with  honor
            about  the  alleged  harass-  The lawsuit  said  when one  necessary  actions  to  ad-  about  100  people  protest-  and respect.
            ment and failed to respond  of the women told Ross she  dress the underlying cultural  ed  outside  police  head-   Just  last  week,  Kenney
            adequately.                  had been subjected to sex-   issues that too often nega-  quarters,  demanding  ac-    called  Ross  the  best  po-
            An amended version of the  ual harassment and a hos-      tively impact women — es-    tion  in  response  to  reports  lice commissioner in Amer-
            women’s  federal  lawsuit  tile  work  environment,  he  pecially  women  of  color,”  some  officers  had  made  ica  after  a  gunman’s  long
            was filed Monday.            responded brusquely.         Kenney said in a statement.  racist  and  violent  social-  standoff with police.
            “The mayor wanted to fig-    “Commissioner  Ross  de-     The mayor said an unspeci-   media posts.                 But  during  that  standoff,
            ure  out  what  occurred,”  clined to act on her report,  fied independent entity will  Ross  said  the  day  he  took  hostility  between  residents
            Gamble  said.  “After  he  and instead suggested, ‘So  investigate  the  recent  al-   the job that it was a “chal-  and police was evident, as
            read  the  complaint,  the  why don’t you just order his  legations and recommend  lenging  time  for  law  en-     residents  harassed  officers
            mayor decided to accept  dumb  ass  to  go  sit  down  how to address discrimina-      forcement”  and  acknowl-    trying to keep peace at the
            his resignation.”            and get out of your face of-  tion and harassment within  edged  the  department  scene.
            Ross,  who  is  black,  joined  ficer,’” the lawsuit alleged.  the police agency.      had “some issues.”           Kenney  named  Deputy
            the  department  in  1989  Kenney noted a sexual ha-      Asked if the city has taken  “We have to confront them  Commissioner        Christine
            and had served as commis-    rassment prevention policy  any  personnel  action  re-   and  we  have  to  be  bold  Coulter  to  serve  as  act-
            sioner since January 2016.   and efforts to prevent work-  lated  to  the  lawsuit  and  about it,” Ross said in 2016.  ing   commissioner   dur-
            He did not respond to mes-   place  discrimination  and  Ross’  departure,  Gamble  John  McNesby,  president  ing  a  search  for  Ross’
            sages  seeking  comment.  harassment  were  imple-        responded  that  an  inter-  of the police union, called  replacement.q
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