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A2   us news
                Wednesday 21 august 2019

            Trump: Any Jew voting Democratic is uninformed or disloyal

            By  JONATHAN  LEMIRE  and  they gone where they are       At  Trump’s  urging,  Israel  ingenuous  attacks  on  pro-  American Jews don’t nec-
            DARLENE SUPERVILLE           defending  these  two  peo-  last  week  blocked  Omar  gressive women of color in  essarily  support  everything
            Associated Press             ple  over  the  state  of  Isra-  and Tlaib from entering the  Congress have now transi-  that  Israel  does,  nor  are
            WASHINGTON       (AP)    —                                                                                          most single-issue voters.
            Showing a fresh willingness                                                                                         Recent polling shows that a
            to  play  politics  along  reli-                                                                                    majority of Jews identify as
            gious and racial lines, Presi-                                                                                      Democrats.
            dent  Donald  Trump  said                                                                                           According to AP VoteCast,
            Tuesday  that  American                                                                                             a  survey  of  the  2018  elec-
            Jewish  people  who  vote                                                                                           torate,  72%  of  Jewish  vot-
            for Democrats show “either                                                                                          ers  supported  Democratic
            a  total  lack  of  knowledge                                                                                       House  candidates  in  2018.
            or great disloyalty.”                                                                                               Similarly, 74% said they dis-
            Trump’s  claim  triggered  a                                                                                        approve  of  how  Trump  is
            quick  uproar  from  critics                                                                                        handling his job.
            who said the president was                                                                                          A  Pew  Research  Center
            trading  in  anti-Semitic  ste-                                                                                     poll  conducted  in  April
            reotypes.                                                                                                           found  that  among  Jewish
            It  came  amid  his  ongoing                                                                                        Americans, 42% said Trump
            feud with Democratic con-                                                                                           is  favoring  the  Israelis  too
            gresswomen  Ilhan  Omar                                                                                             much,  6%  said  he’s  favor-
            of  Minnesota  and  Rashida                                                                                         ing  the  Palestinians  too
            Tlaib  of  Michigan,  both                                                                                          much  and  47%  said  he’s
            Muslim.                                                                                                             striking  the  right  balance.
            Trump  has  closely  aligned                                                                                        Jews were more likely than
            himself with Israel, including                                                                                      Christians  to  say  Trump  fa-
            its conservative prime min-                                                                                         vors  the  Israelis  too  much,
            ister  Benjamin  Netanyahu,   President Donald Trump speaks during a meeting with Romanian President Klaus Iohannis in the   42% to 26%.
            while  the  Muslim  lawmak-  Oval Office of the White House, Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2019, in Washington.                 Omar  was  roundly  criti-
            ers  have  been  outspoken                                                                         Associated Press  cized by members of both
            critics  of  Israel’s  treatment                                                                                    parties  for  saying  during  a
            of the Palestinians. Tlaib is a  el?” Trump told reporters in   country. Israel later agreed  tioned  into  smears  against  town  hall  earlier  this  year
            U.S.-born Palestinian Ameri-  the Oval Office. “I think any   to  a  humanitarian  visit  for  Jews.”               that she wanted to discuss
            can, while Omar was born  Jewish people that vote for     Tlaib to visit her grandmoth-  “It is dangerous and shame-  “the  political  influence  in
            in Somalia.                  a Democrat, I think it shows   er,  who  lives  in  the  West  ful  for  President  Trump  to  this country that says it is OK
            “Where has the Democrat-     either a total lack of knowl-  Bank.  Tlaib  declined,  say-  attack the large majority of  for people to push for alle-
            ic Party gone? Where have  edge or great disloyalty.”     ing  her  grandmother  had  the American Jewish com-      giance  to  a  foreign  coun-
                                                                      ultimately  urged  her  not  munity as unintelligent and  try.”
                                                                      to  come  under  what  they  ‘disloyal,’”  Bayroff  said.  A  This  is  not  the  first  time
                                                                      considered to be humiliat-   number  of  groups  noted  Trump  has  been  criticized
                                                                      ing circumstances.           that  accusations  of  disloy-  for  remarks  seen  by  some
                                                                      Trump  called  Omar  a  “di-  alty have long been made  as  anti-Semitic.  In  2015,
                                                                      saster”  for  Jews  and  said  against  Jews,  including  in  Trump,  then  a  candidate,
                                                                      he  didn’t  “buy”  the  tears  Europe during the 1930s.   spoke  to  the  Republican
                                                                      that Tlaib shed Monday as  Ann  Lewis  and  Mark  Mell-   Jewish Coalition and made
                                                                      she discussed the situation.  man of Democratic Major-    a similar comment.
                                                                      Both  congresswomen  sup-    ity  for  Israel  called  it  “one  “You’re  not  going  to  sup-
                                                                      port  the  Boycott,  Divest-  of  the  most  dangerous,  port  me  because  I  don’t
                                                                      ment and Sanctions move-     deadly  accusations  Jews  want your money,” he said
                                                                      ment,  a  global  protest  of  have faced over the years.  then. “You want to control
                                                                      Israel.                      False  charges  of  disloyalty  your politicians, that’s fine.”
                                                                      Trump’s  comments  were  over the centuries have led  Later in the campaign, he
                                                                      denounced swiftly by Jew-    to  Jews  being  murdered,  tweeted  a  graphic  criti-
                                                                      ish American organizations.  jailed and tortured.”        cal  of  his  opponent  Hillary
                                                                      “This  is  yet  another  exam-  The Republican Jewish Co-  Clinton that featured a six-
                                                                      ple  of  Donald  Trump  con-  alition  defended  Trump,  pointed star, a pile of cash
                                                                      tinuing  to  weaponize  and  arguing  that  the  president  and  the  words  “most  cor-
                                                                      politicize   anti-Semitism,”  was  speaking  about  peo-  rupt  candidate  ever.”  The
                                                                      said  Halie  Soifer,  execu-  ple being disloyal to them-  star was believed by many
                                                                      tive  director  of  the  Jew-  selves rather than to Israel.  to  be  the  Star  of  David,
                                                                      ish  Democratic  Council  of  “President  Trump  is  right,  it  which  is  featured  on  the
                                                                      America. “At a time when  shows  a  great  deal  of  dis-  Israeli  flag.  The  campaign
                                                                      anti-Semitic incidents have  loyalty to oneself to defend  denied that the star carried
                                                                      increased  —  due  to  the  a  party  that  protects/em-  any special meaning.
                                                                      president’s emboldening of  boldens  people  that  hate  The president first attacked
                                                                      white nationalism — Trump  you  for  your  religion,”  the  Omar  and  Tlaib,  and  two
                                                                      is repeating an anti-Semitic  group said in a tweet. “The  other   Democratic   con-
                                                                      trope.”                      @GOP,  when  rarely  con-    gresswomen  of  color,  last
                                                                      Logan Bayroff of the liberal  fronted  w/anti-Semitism  of  month  by  telling  them  to
                                                                      J  Street  pro-Israel  group  elected  members  always  “go  back”  to  their  home
                                                                      said it was “no surprise that  acts  swiftly  and  decisively  countries.  All  four  are  Unit-
                                                                      the  president’s  racist,  dis-  to punish and remove.”   ed States citizens.q
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