P. 10

                Wednesday 21 august 2019
            Yemeni separatists, government forces clash in the south

            By AHMED AL-HAJ                                                                                                     separatists.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    U.N. envoy to Yemen Mar-
            SANAA,  Yemen  (AP)  —                                                                                              tin Griffiths said Tuesday he
            Clashes between a Yemeni                                                                                            was  alarmed  by  the  vio-
            separatist  militia,  backed                                                                                        lence in Aden and Abyan.
            by  the  United  Arab  Emir-                                                                                        “I condemn the unaccept-
            ates,  and  forces  loyal  to                                                                                       able efforts by the Southern
            the  internationally  recog-                                                                                        Transitional Council to take
            nized  government  killed                                                                                           control of state institutions,”
            at  least  three  civilians  and                                                                                    he  said.  Though  a  key
            wounded  nine  in  southern                                                                                         member  of  the  coalition,
            Abyan  province  on  Tues-                                                                                          the UAE never threw its full
            day,  security  officials  and                                                                                      support  behind  Hadi  be-
            local residents said.                                                                                               cause of his ties to Yemen’s
            The  fighting  between  the                                                                                         Muslim Brotherhood group,
            two  sides  —  ostensible  al-                                                                                      a  pan-Arab  movement
            lies  in  the  Saudi-led  co-                                                                                       that  many  Arab  countries,
            alition  that  for  years  has                                                                                      including the UAE, consider
            been    fighting   Yemen’s                                                                                          a terrorist organization.
            Iran-backed  Houthi  rebels,                                                                                        After  the  separatists  took
            based  in  the  north  —  has                                                                                       control of Aden, the Saudi-
            added  another  layer  to    In this Friday Aug. 9, 2019 frame grab from video, Southern Transitional Council separatist fighters   led  coalition  ordered  an
                                         line up to storm the presidential palace in the southern port city of Aden, Yemen.
            the complex civil war in the                                                                       Associated Press  immediate  cease-fire  and
            Arab world’s most impover-                                                                                          threatened to bomb them
            ished country.               on  condition  of  anonym-   Hadi’s  government  since  Yemen’s  information  min-     if they didn’t return to posi-
            After  a  10-hour  battle,  the  ity  because  they  weren’t  the  Houthis  captured  Sa-  ister,  Moammer  al-Iryani,  tions  they  held  before  the
            Security  Belt  militia,  which  authorized  to  talk  to  the  naa, Yemen’s capital, and  earlier urged the Saudi-led  fighting.
            is trained and financed by  media,  while  the  residents  much of the country’s north  coalition  to  pressure  the  The coalition also called for
            the UAE, overran a military  spoke  anonymously,  fear-   in 2014.                     militia  to  withdraw  their  both  the  separatists  and
            camp  belonging  to  the  ing reprisal.                   Hadi’s  government  said  in  forces from Zinjibar. Deputy  Hadi’s  government  to  at-
            government’s special forc-   The  separatists  last  week  a  statement  Tuesday  that  Foreign  Minister  Moham-   tend  reconciliation  talks  in
            es  in  the  provincial  capi-  took  over  the  port  city  of  it  blamed  the  UAE  for  the  med  Abdullah  al-Hadrami  Saudi  Arabia,  without  set-
            tal,  Zinjibar,  and  deployed  Aden,  to  the  west  of  Zinji-  “armed  rebellion”  of  the  called  for  an  “immediate  ting  a  date.  The  separatist
            across  much  of  the  city,  bar.  Aden  has  functioned  separatists,  according  to  and  complete  halt  of  mili-  militia said it would attend
            said  the  officials  and  resi-  as  the  seat  of  President  the  state-run  SABA  news  tary and financial support”  but  did  not  withdraw  from
            dents.  The  officials  spoke  Abed   Rabbo     Manour  agency.                        by  the  UAE  to  the  Yemeni  Aden.q

              Bosnia’s bid to form a new govt fails over divisions on NATO

              By ELDAR EMRIC                                                                                                   flict  between  the  West
              Associated Press                                                                                                 and Russia over the future
              SARAJEVO,  Bosnia-Herze-                                                                                         of  the  Balkans.  While  the
              govina  (AP)  —  The  three                                                                                      West wishes to see the still-
              members of Bosnia’s multi-                                                                                       volatile  region  that  went
              ethnic  presidency  failed                                                                                       through  a  bloody  war
              on  Tuesday  to  break  a                                                                                        in  the  1990s  reform  and
              10-month  deadlock  on                                                                                           eventually join the EU and
              forming  a  new  govern-                                                                                         NATO,  Russia  has  used  its
              ment  amid  deep  divisions                                                                                      historic  ties  with  Serbs  to
              over  the  Balkan  country’s                                                                                     undermine this idea.
              bid to join NATO.                                                                                                After  another  Balkan  his-
              A  meeting  between  Bos-                                                                                        torical  ally,  Montenegro,
              nia’s Muslim, Serb and Cro-                                                                                      turned its back on Moscow
              at  leaders  ended  without                                                                                      and  joined  NATO  in  2017,
              an  agreement  because                                                                                           Serbia  and  the  Serb-run
              the  Bosnian  Serb  member                                                                                       Republika Srpska in Bosnia
              of  the  presidency,  Milo-                                                                                      are  the  only  allies  of  the
              rad  Dodik,  was  against  a   Members of Bosnia’s tripartite presidency, Muslim member Sefik Dzaferovic, left, Croat member   Kremlin in the region.
              package  that  would  also   Zeljko Komsic and Bosnian Serb member Milorad Dodik, right, speak during a meeting in Sarajevo,   Disagreements   between
              include  adopting  a  plan  Bosnia, Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2019.                                                      Bosnia’s Serbs and the oth-
              that  would  move  Bosnia                                                                        Associated Press  er two ethnic groups over
              closer  to  NATO  member-   to make to eventually be-   porting the Kremlin’s bid to  halt  Bosnia’s  road  toward  Bosnia’s  future  relations
              ship.                       come a member.              prevent  NATO  expansion  NATO.”                         with  NATO  could  plunge
              “As long as I’m a member  “We were loud and clear,  in the Balkans.                  “No one has the right to do  the  country  even  deeper
              (of  the  presidency)  there  we  will  not  vote  for  ANP  The  Muslim  member  of  that,” Dzaferovic said, call-  into crisis and further exac-
              will  be  no  vote  on  ANP,”  and  the  next  time  they  the   presidency,   Sefik  ing Dodik’s actions “illegiti-  erbate ethnic divisions.
              Dodik  said,  referring  to  put  it  on  the  agenda  we  Dzaferovic,  said  that  the  mate” and contrary to the  Another  meeting  of  the
              NATO’s  proposed  Annual  will  again  not  vote  for  it,”  “cause of all problems that  rule of law.           presidency  to  discuss  a
              National Plan that lists a set  said Dodik,  a staunch pro-  we face today are unilat-  The  divisions  within  Bosnia  new  government  has  not
              of  reforms  a  country  has  Russian who has been sup-  eral attempts (by Dodik) to  reflect  a  mounting  con-  been set.q
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